英语人>词典>汉英 : 熔合 的英文翻译,例句
熔合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fusion  ·  merging  ·  fusions

mix together
更多网络例句与熔合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is still needed to do some work to determine the deformation parameter β2 for light odd-odd nucleus, like 6Li and to calculate all reaction channels by means of CDCC code simultaneously. It is important to measure the exclusive angular distributions of breakup fragments.In theory, the coupling channel equations have been deduced from one-dimensional to multi-dimensional barrier tunneling. The couplings between the entrance channel and the other channels have appreciable effects on sub-barrier fusion cross section. Instead of single fusion barrier,these couplings lead to a distribution of fusion barrier Dfus.


The quasi-elastic barrier distribution D〓 extends to low energy region and enhances the fusion cross section at the sub-barrier energies. It is still needed to do some work to determine the deformation parameter β〓 for light odd-odd nucleus, like 〓Li and to calculate all reaction channels by means of CDCC code simultaneously. It is important to measure the exclusive angular distributions of breakup fragments.


Another approach in enhancing the light extraction efficiency of AlGaInP LED was accomplished using a surface roughening process. In this process, the Au(170 nm)/AuBe(260 nm)/Au(170 nm) ohmic contact layers were first deposited on the GaP window layer. After the alloy annealing process (480°C for 10 min), the Be atoms will diffuse into the GaP top layer and form non-uniform clusters. The LED samples were then immersed into a mixture 3H3PO4:1H2O2:1H2O solution for 6 min, resulting in a rough GaP surface. The luminous intensity of the AlGaInP LED can increase from 42 to 50 mcd, that is, an 18% enhancement can be achieved via the present non-photolithography surface roughening process.Keywords: LED, AlGaInP, Cu substrate, Reflector, Surface roughening

在实验的第二部份是开发磷化镓窗口层之粗化制程,我们是藉由正面金/铍欧姆接触电极之熔合制程,使铍扩散至磷化镓层,同时利用铍渗入磷化镓造成之特殊组成,可形成不均匀之蚀刻阻挡,而在磷化镓表面形成粗化,我们发现480℃、10分钟的熔合制程,加上浸泡磷化镓蚀刻溶液6分钟,可将四元发光二极体之发光亮度由42 mcd 提升到50 mcd,经由此无光罩粗化制程可将亮度提升18%,明显提升磷化铝铟镓发光二极体之外部量子效率。

In this paper,the concepts of π characteristic functor and fusion were introduced.

引进π-特征函子和熔合的概念,研究了一类特殊的有限群的π- Hall子群在熔合理论中的应用,并得到了一些有用的结果。

The results showed that the fracture toughness of the weld of HFW pipe was lowest.The value of absorbed energy of HFW weld was closely related to the heat treatment process.But the fracture toughness of fusion zone of submerged-arc welded jointer,its microstructure was coarse granular bainite,and was lower than the other locations of heat affected zone;and with the increasing of steel strength,the effect of welding heat cycles on the pipeline steel became stronger,and form coarse microstructure in fusion zone leading to decrease fracture toughness.


This dissertation includes two aspects of work: the first is about the potential barrier and the dynamical mechanism of heavy-ion fusion reactions, and the second is about the strongly damped reactions of very heavy nuclei.


The samples of single building up are made of the same we lding procedure in DT3, 20, 45, T8 style steel. The result shows, the bond of lo w carbon base-material consists of smooth white light zone and needle-like l ayer of Martensite, the bond of medium and high base-material consists of sawt ooth structure and unmixed zone, and in medium c...


Torque rheometer with an internal mixer is commenly applied to study the property of PVC in polymer laboratory. Compounding temperature、rotor speed、and totalized torque are three main influence factors to affect the fusion of PVC in a torque rheometer.

力矩流变仪(To-rque Rheometer)配备内部混合器是一般高分子加工实验室常用的PVC混练仪器,而此仪器影响PVC熔合最主要的混练因素为混练温度、转轴转速及力矩总和(Totalized Torque;简称TTQ),本文应用一个2的3次方因次实验设计法来判定上述三个混练因素对PVC熔合之影响程度。

Cold lap is a condition where the weld filler metal does not properly fuse with the base metal or the previous weld pass material.


Can be treated comprehensively and self-consistently in this model, which offers a new way to study fusion reaction and to explore the mechanism of synthesis of superheavy elements hopefully.


更多网络解释与熔合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"熔合"(fuse)它会将选中的点完全整合在一起,熔合只是将它们的位置重合并不是焊接在一起. "循环"(cycle),主要用于点的选择,它会循环选择所有的点,直到选择需要的为止. "相交"(crossInsert),当两条曲线相交时,点击相交,

fusion bomb:熔合彈

可熔性 fusibility | 熔合彈 fusion bomb | 熔合能 fusion energy

bomb, fusion:熔合弹

分裂熔合分裂弹 bomb, fission-fusion-fission | 熔合弹 bomb, fusion | 氢弹 bomb, H

controlled fusion reactor:受制熔合反应器

受制熔合 controlled fusion | 受制熔合反应器 controlled fusion reactor | 受制伤害地区 controlled injury zone

nuclear fusion:核子熔合

1.氢变到氦的核子熔合(nuclear fusion)原子能有二种. 第一种是核子分裂,如铀分裂之后就发生大量的能源. 另一种就是核子熔合,就是较轻的元素在高能量之下熔合成为较重的元素,在这个过程中释放大量的能量. 星球之所以有光有热,如太阳,

nuclear fusion energy:核熔合能

核子熔合 nuclear fusion | 核熔合能 nuclear fusion energy | 核子磁共振 nuclear magnetic resonance


25. NORMAL DISTRIBUTION : 常態分配(左右對稱) | 27. ULTRASONICS WELDING : 超音波熔合(用於上下CASE熔合) | 28. LOTS : 生產批


fusion /熔解/使熔合/熔解物/融合/合并/联合/核子融合/ | fusional /融合的/熔合的/熔化的/ | fusionist /[政党的] 合并论者/


晶(球)温(度) stellar temperature | 星温磁缩熔合器 stellarator | 星温磁缩熔合器 stellarator geometry

stellarator geometry:星温磁缩熔合器

星温磁缩熔合器 stellarator | 星温磁缩熔合器 stellarator geometry | 钴铬钨不锈钢 stellite stainless steel