英语人>词典>汉英 : 熏鲑鱼 的英文翻译,例句
熏鲑鱼 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与熏鲑鱼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This all natural gourmet treat requires All of our Wild Alaskan Smoked Salmon is Alder Smoked in the Native tradition.


King Crab Leg, Smoked Salmon, Sushi, Salmon, and Caviar


Try our Fresh Alderwood Smoked Salmon, Fresh Teriyaki Smoked Salmon or Fresh Smoked Alaskan King Salmon to name a few.


Daily Triplicate - With fall salmon season in full swing on the Klamath and the first big Chinook about to return to the Smith, it's that time of year again when anglers begin enjoying freshly smoked salmon.

每日三份-同属于鲑鱼季节全面展开对克拉马斯和第一大的c hinook约归还给史密斯,这是当时的今年再次钓鱼时,开始享受新鲜的烟熏鲑鱼

Superior's Choice Fish Company, smoked fish, smoked salmon, smoked trout.


Seabolts smokehouse prepares smoked salmon, salmon fillets, salmon jerky, canned salmon and pate.


MetroMix - Galway Bay oak-smoked salmon with Irish soda bread and Annie's seafood cocktail (salmon and shrimp with a homemade sauce) honor the Irish tradition of serving good seafood, as does the beer-battered fish and chips.

metromix -戈尔韦湾橡树烟熏鲑鱼与爱尔兰苏打面包和安妮的海鲜鸡尾酒(鲑鱼和虾同一个土制酱油)荣誉爱尔兰传统服务好海鲜那样啤酒受虐鱼和芯片。

Salmon university online lessons - smoking smoked salmon, indian squaw candy, lox, kippered.

鲑鱼大学的线上课程-吸烟熏鲑鱼,印度s quaw糖果,液氧

Fish especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids include tinned or fresh mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, kippers, pilchards, anchovies, fresh tuna and sardines.


Henry County Daily Herald - As the aroma of smoked salmon, Gouda cheese, basil and capers filled the inside of her kitchen, she prepared one of her favorite dishes, Salmon Baguettes and Baby Spinach Strawberry Salad.

亨利县每日先驱报-作为香气的熏鲑鱼,高达干酪,罗勒和狙击手,填补了内她的厨房,她准备她的一个最喜欢的菜,鲑鱼b aguettes及婴儿草莓菠菜沙拉。

更多网络解释与熏鲑鱼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

black-eyed:呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆

You said you were starving. Wh... | l like oysters, blackened redfish, gumbo, crab legs, black-eyed...|呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆...... | Are you nuts? What do you think l'm running? A ...

blackened redfish:呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆

You said you were starving. Wh... | l like oysters, blackened redfish, gumbo, crab legs, black-eyed...|呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆...... | Are you nuts? What do you think l'm running? A ...

Crunchy curry puffs:(烟熏鲑鱼) 香脆咖哩泡芙

奶油及烟熏三文鱼 cheese and smoked salmon | (烟熏鲑鱼) 香脆咖哩泡芙 Crunchy curry puffs | 草莓乐明登 Strawberry Lamington

Everything tastes like dog food after that smoked salmon I just had:吃完烟熏鲑鱼卷后我吃什么都觉得是狗粮

Those are dog treats.|那是狗吃的 | Everything tastes like dog food after that smoked salmon I just had.|吃完烟熏鲑鱼卷后我吃什么都觉得是狗粮 | You ate the salmon?|你吃了那些鲑鱼

Kipling:基普林 熏制 腌制鲑鱼的人 中古英语

Kintan 头戴皇冠 男性 印度 | Kipling 基普林 熏制 腌制鲑鱼的人 中古英语 | Kipp 基普 头戴皇冠 尖顶的山 古英语


这里总是人满为患,尤其是在周日早午餐的时候,熬夜的人们无法抗拒这里顶级的血玛丽酒、熏鲑鱼(lox)和牡蛎(oysters)的诱惑. Delicia(电话:212-242-2002;格林尼治街和华盛顿街之间西11街322号;主菜$12一15;时间:周二至周日晚餐)走下几节台阶,

l like oysters, blackened redfish, gumbo, crab legs, black-eyed:呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆

You said you were starving. Wh... | l like oysters, blackened redfish, gumbo, crab legs, black-eyed...|呃...我想吃牡蛎、熏鲑鱼、 秋葵汤、蟹脚、黑豇豆...... | Are you nuts? What do you think l'm running? A ...

Smoked Salmon:熏鲑鱼

芝士(起司)拼盘,以及烟熏鲑鱼(Smoked Salmon), 义大利香肠, 巴玛火腿(Parma ham) 等Cold cut当然也不可少!这里的甜品有自己的专柜,有些味道满奇怪的,照片中的栗子蓉和焦糖炖蛋(Creme Brulee)则非常对我的口味,我还一口气吃了好多个炖蛋!

Saumon fume d'ecosse:苏格兰烟熏鲑鱼

Celeri remoulade 蛋黄酱沙司芹菜 | Saumon fume d'ecosse 苏格兰烟熏鲑鱼 | Poireaux vinaigrette 酸醋沙司韭葱

Kippered Herrings:熏鲑鱼

Shrimp Cocktail 鲜虾杯 | Kippered Herrings 熏鲑鱼 | SALAD沙拉