英语人>词典>汉英 : 熊抱 的英文翻译,例句
熊抱 的英文翻译、例句


bear hug
更多网络例句与熊抱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We had purchased a Teddy Bear on the way down and Sammy deemed it the most special bear she had ever had.


There is the basic friend hug, probably the most popular, and the bear hug, of course.


Gadz probably started crying and gave him a bear hug saying:"I've been so lonely without you!"


There he stood before me, all five-foot-nine of him, with that silly grin and outstretched arms, ready for a bear hug.


"Mahogany," Italian Prime Minister wishes to bear holds Austrian wife, was Obama glower


Wearing his trilby and with a raincoat over his tracksuit, he charged across Wembley to give a bear-hug to the hero of the day, Jim Montgomery, the goalkeeper.


Improved Grab:To use this ability,a bearhound must hit with a claw attack.It can then


Improved Grab:To use this ability,a bearhound must hit with a claw attack.It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity.


Nervous, but eager, I arrived for the Landmark program in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire, only to find Kory's outstretched arms ready for a bear hug.

怀着紧张又期望的心情,我为了Landmark计划来到了New Hampshire的Gilmanton Iron Works,迎接我的是Kory给我一个熊抱

Griz was lying down with the bucket between his forepaws,eating,when I noticed a little spot of orange coming out of the blackberry brambles inside the grizzly's pen.


更多网络解释与熊抱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Annette Bening:安娜特班寧

郑竹雅(法新社柏林20日电) 德国柏林影展(Berlin FilmFestival)今天颁发泰迪熊奖,好莱坞女星茱莉安摩尔(Julianne Moore)与安娜特班宁(Annette Bening)共同主演的美国喜剧片「孩子们都很好」(The KidsAre All Right,暂译)抱走最佳同志影片.

Bear hug:熊抱

收购方向目标公司的管理层和董事 会提出收购建议,包括定价,对价支付方式,收购后的处理等.在敌意收购(hostile takeover)中,收购方可以采取"熊抱" (bear hug)策略,即事先向目标公司董事 会提出收购报价,

Bear hug:(熊抱式固定)

Brainbuster(脑部炸弹摔) | bear hug(熊抱式固定) | bicycle kick(脚踏车式踢击)

Not the bear hug:别熊抱我

He's very up and down.他和很随性. | Not the bear hug.别熊抱我. | I'll let you in on a little secret.我告诉你一个小秘密.


招行2008[和]世界一家最新珍藏版MINI信用卡震撼上市,限时发行,小(MINI)卡终生免年费,且为全国第一张竖形卡. 新户申请免费赠送1000积分,可兑换小熊手机座/天使维尼窗帘挂钩或累积积分兑换米奇米妮抱枕. 且您每成功申办一张信用卡,

purple teddy bear:抱一下 你这个大个肥嘟嘟的紫泰迪熊

Call me Marilyn and get over here...|叫我Marilyn就好 过来... | and give me a hug, you big, fat, purple teddy bear.|抱一下 你这个大个肥嘟嘟的紫泰迪熊 | Bring it!|快来!

Horses that gallop and dollies that walk:蕾丝、丝带和绸缎

With stockpiles of satin and ribbon and lace, 泰迪熊,一摇一摇抱满怀. | Horses that gallop and dollies that walk, 蕾丝、丝带和绸缎, | And teddy-bears ready to cuddle and rock. 魔幻工坊真魔幻!

the cubs:芝加哥小熊队(MLB 职业棒球)

came close :几乎 | Richard Hatch :唯一生存者(Google 可以找到他的故事),意为只有作者还抱着希望 | the Cubs :芝加哥小熊队(MLB 职业棒球)

Amber Valletta:安贝.瓦莱塔

女星安贝-瓦莱塔(Amber Valletta)现场惨遭成龙熊抱,而成龙却一脸幸福不撒手. 女星安贝-瓦莱塔(左)现场惨遭成龙熊抱 ......导语:张柏芝希望生女之愿望暂仍未能实现!据悉张柏芝早前照超声波证实腹中宝宝是儿子,公公谢贤也已亲证此事,