英语人>词典>汉英 : 煤块 的英文翻译,例句
煤块 的英文翻译、例句


coal cinder
更多网络例句与煤块相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Debbie sat among them in her usual posture: upright, intent, gazing absorbedly into the glowing coals


It is a kind of feasible research means for optimization of blasting parameters for increasing lump coal rate.


Drinking-cups of gold and ivory, chiseled by Benvenuto Cellini; cabinets of buhl and porcelain, bearing the cipher of Austrain Marie Antoinette, amid devices of rose-buds and true-lovers' knots, birds and butterflies, cupidons and shepherdesses, goddesses, courtiers, cottagers and milkmaids; statuettes of Parian marble and biscuit china; gilded baskets of hot-house flowers; fantastical caskets of Indian filigree work; fragile tea-cups of turquoise china, adorned by medallion miniatures of Louis the Great and Louis the Well-beloved, Louise de la Vallière, and Jeannne Marie du Barry; cabinet pictures and gilded mirrors, shimmering satin and diaphanous lace; all that gold can buy or art devise had been gathered together for the beautification of this quiet chamber in which my lady sat listening to the moaning of the shrill March wind and the flapping of the ivy leaves against the casements, and looking into the red chasms in the burning coals.


I think my wife packed a cinder block in there.


They are picking over the cinders in the rubbish heap for unburned pieces of coal.


Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul,With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.


At present in our country large waste rock are usually selected by hand.


The last time it was the greengrocer's boy, who, not seeing it was me, for Sarah had not lighted the gas, pushed into my hands two cabbages and half-a-dozen coal-blocks.


At Shimohoseki our ship was coaled. From on deck we watched the many little women tossing baskets of coal from one to another up to the ship. A sight we would never see again .


It can pick coal,wood,stone which size is bigger than the size of screen from raw coal and the rest will enter next equipment,protecting system in safety and stably condition.


更多网络解释与煤块相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boghead coal:沼块煤;藻煤

沼积的 palustrine | 沼块煤;藻煤 boghead coal | 沼矿 bog ore

coal briquette:煤块

coal 煤 | coal briquette 煤块 | coal car 装煤车


赶走猴子就可以拣起它身后的煤块(coal),然后向前走到火山前,将身边的铁硫酸盐(iron sulfate)和碳酸钾(potash)拿到,现在我们就可以前往海滩了. 来到花冈岩房子里面 ,面前就是尼摩船长的尸体,这个纵横海底两万里的人物的最终归宿居然是这样.


durablysoundly 坚牢地 | durain 暗煤块 | durainmatcoal 暗煤

durain:暗煤 暗煤块

duraforceps 脑膜镊 | durain 暗煤 暗煤块 | dural 硬铝

nub kn:小块,小煤块,瘤,结节,要点,残端,残根

★ knob kn 球形把手, 旋钮 | nub kn 小块,小煤块,瘤,结节,要点,残端,残根 | knub kn 肿瘤, 肿块

block coal:块煤

block check character 字块检验字符 | block coal 块煤 | block code 信息组代码


bridging 桥连,桥接效应 | briquets 团块,压块,煤饼 | brittle materials 脆性材料

lump coal:块煤

成的油品 1.40 商品煤(salable coal) 作为商品在市场上销售的煤 1.41 中煤(middlings) 煤经洗选后得到的灰分在精煤和矸石之间的那部分煤 1.42 筛选煤(sized coal) 经过筛分选出的各种粒级的煤 1.43 块煤(lump coal) 粒度大于13 m

lump coal yield:块煤产量

lump coal 块煤 | lump coal yield 块煤产量 | lump formation 块形成