英语人>词典>汉英 : 煞费苦心的 的英文翻译,例句
煞费苦心的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
elaborative  ·  aborative

更多网络例句与煞费苦心的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was elaborately courteous to her as if they were both actors in a play.


Daisy was not a Catholic, and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.


Sometime I contriv'd to dig a Hole under the Place where they made their Fire, and put in five or six Pound of Gun-powder, which when they kindled their Fire, would consequently take Fire, and blow up all that was near it; but as in the first Place I should be very loth to wast so much Powder upon them, my Store being now within the Quantity of one Barrel; so neither could I be sure of its going off' at any certain Time, when it might surprise them, and at best, that it would do little more than just blow the Fire about their Ears and fright them, but not sufficient to make them forsake the Place; so I laid it aside, and then propos'd, that I would place my self in Ambush, in some convenient Place, with my three Guns, all double loaded; and in the middle of their bloody Ceremony, let fly at them, when I should be sure to kill or wound perhaps two or three at every shoot; and then falling in upon them with my three Pistols, and my Sword, I made no doubt, but that if there was twenty I should kill them all: This Fancy pleas'd my Thoughts for some Weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream'd of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my Sleep.


It is this kind of painstaking care that ensures the quality of ISIS TO pearls.

而就是这种煞费苦心的经营得以保证 ISIS珍珠的品质。

The Obama Administration has been at pains to sell today's kickoff meeting of the U.S.


A few weeks later, through the elaborate investigations of the Metropolitan police, the perambulator was discovered at midnight standing by itself in a remote corner of Bayswater.


To ponder is to weigh in the mind with painstaking thoroughness and care

Ponder 是指用煞费苦心的详尽和仔细在头脑中权衡

Qiu's made-up term of "fissuring" is at the core of his art production, and can best be described as an artistic style that he has laboriously cultivated over the past 15 years, which is comprised of the painstaking process of tearing and ripping and repainting and relayering traditional Chinese Xuan paper into a final collage-like painting of multi-layered texture and expression.


As in my present Condition there were not really many Things which I wanted; so indeed I thought that the Frights I had been in about these Savage Wretches, and the Concern I had been in for my own Preservation, had taken off the Edge of my Invention for my own Conveniences; and I had dropp'd a good Design, which I had once bent my Thoughts too much upon; and that was, to try if I could not make some of my Barley into Malt, and then try to brew my self some Beer: This was really a whimsical Thought, and I reprov'd my self often for the Simplicity of it; for I presently saw there would be the want of several Things necessary to the making my Beer, that it would be impossible for me to supply; as First, Casks to preserve it in, which was a Thing, that as I have observ'd already, I cou'd never compass; no, though I spent not many Days, but Weeks, nay, Months in attempting it, but to no purpose.


This has spawned an elaborate form of coded communication,with car owners outdoing each other to see who's the cleverest.


更多网络解释与煞费苦心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

churlish soil:难翻耕的土地

厉害得要命的咳嗽 a churchyard cough | 难翻耕的土地 churlish soil | 煞费苦心的考虑 one's head churns ideas for

coterminous: a.1:有共同边界的,邻接的 2.(在时空,范围方面)同样广大的,同始

painstaking: a.勤恳的,煞费苦心的,精心的 | coterminous: a.1.有共同边界的,邻接的 2.(在时空,范围方面)同样广大的,同始 | volatile: a.1.易挥(散)发的 2.(人)变化无常的,暴躁的 3.短暂的


opulent 豪华的 | lovingly 煞费苦心地 | restore 修复

take pains:尽力,煞费苦心

pain "n.痛,痛苦;[pl.]努力,劳苦; " | take pains 尽力,煞费苦心 | painful "a.疼痛的,使痛苦的; "

take great pains:煞费苦心,花大气力

relation n.家属,亲属;关系 | take great pains 煞费苦心,花大气力 | awkward a.不熟练的,笨拙的

with painful care:煞费苦心地

6854with one accord一致地,一致同意的 | 6855with painful care煞费苦心地 | 6856with patience耐心地


elaborative 煞费苦心的 | elaborative 仔细的 | elaborative 精心的


elaboration 精心制作 | elaborative 煞费苦心的 | elaborative 仔细的


elaboration /精心制作/详尽阐述/ | elaborative /仔细的/精心的/煞费苦心的/ | elaborator /精心制作者/详尽阐述者/

one's head churns ideas for:煞费苦心的考虑

难翻耕的土地 churlish soil | 煞费苦心的考虑 one's head churns ideas for | 粗制滥造出 churn out