英语人>词典>汉英 : 焦躁不安的 的英文翻译,例句
焦躁不安的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I'd be on edge, too, If my marriage were having problems.


Hot on its heels is a seriously perturbed tortoise racing for the horizon in this Costa Rican forest.


Her husband, Bill, stood nervously nearby as she was transferred from the gurney to the hospital bed.


Oh's book,"The Hidden People of North Korea: Everyday Life in the Hermit Kingdom," is based on more than 200 interviews with defectors, and it paints a picture of a restless populace, increasingly dubious about the official propaganda.


As I worked, I heard my mother chatting with the perturbed owner.


Emotional stability: spinach rich in vitamin A, B, C can help you from a state of restless out to drive away tension, improve the melancholy mood.


AIG's wayward eggheads are not the only ones squirming.


Oh's book,"The Hidden People of North Korea: Everyday Life in the Hermit Kingdom," is based on more than 200 interviews with defectors, and it paints a picture of a restless populace, increasingly dubious about the official propaganda.


"Their restless activity," Anderson writes, like unto the beating of the wings of an imprisoned bird, had given him his name.

& &他们焦躁不安的活动,&安德森补充道:&像你们殴打的翅膀的监禁鸟,给他自己的名字。

But the restless say,"We have heard her shouting among the mountains.And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions."


更多网络解释与焦躁不安的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


老年人的精神科急症张景瑞 国泰综合医院精神科 老年人求诊於急诊的问题中,约有5%为各类精神及行为问题(1),有些如焦躁不安,激动(agitation),游走或走失,自我忽视(self-neglect)等,不至於立即危及生命.本文将集中讨论可能危及生命的三大急症:谵妄(delirium),

be carried away by:心情受(不利情势)的影响

9. pound the pavements 为找工作在马路上奔波 | 10. be carried away by... 心情受(不利情势)的影响 | 11. feel on edge 焦躁不安


敏感的responsive | 有不安全感insecure | 焦躁不安的restless

never mind:无所谓

他们灌录首张唱片>( Bleach )时仅有可怜的 600 美元 录音费,第二张专辑 >( Never Mind )给他们带来了巨大的商业上的成功. Cobain 其独有的缓慢低沉的如梦般的诗吟、快速的齐奏、焦躁不安的和声使无 数歌迷为之倾倒、疯狂.


焦躁不安的restless | 悶悶不樂的moody | 缺乏適應力或不成熟的inadequate

obituary column:报上的讣闻栏

decaf 低咖啡因的咖啡 | obituary column 报上的讣闻栏 | uptight 心情焦躁不安的

Restless Heart:焦躁不安的心

7.Not Here / 無心於此 | 8.Restless Heart / 焦躁不安的心 | 9.Underneath a Texaco Star / 加油站軼事

cunning tormentor:既狡猾而又折磨人的家伙

1. make the hair stand on end -- 使头发都站起来了,表示焦躁不安的心态. | 2. cunning tormentor -- 既狡猾而又折磨人的家伙 | 3. wicked smile -- 阴险的笑容



She gives me the willies:她让我觉得焦躁不安

You can do better.|你还能做得更好的 | She gives me the willies.|她让我觉得焦躁不安 | We can't arrest her for that.|可惜这不能成为 我们逮捕她的证据