英语人>词典>汉英 : 热中枢 的英文翻译,例句
热中枢 的英文翻译、例句


heat center
更多网络例句与热中枢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because canine distemper viruses in different parts of the central nervous system, symptoms vary.


Joint pains, new heart murmurs, heart enlargement, or the development of nervous system symptoms can all indicate rheumatic fever.


The C response of semimembranous and semitendinous myoelectricity evoked by stimulation to rat intraplanta with high intensive currents was used to illustrate the peripheral analgesic effect of BmK when given in local cutaneous sensory fields.


The mechanism may be it can interference the thermotaxic center, descend the level of plasma cellular factor TNF - one of the endogenous pyrogens, inhibit the synthesis and release of central febril media PGE〓 and cAMP.


There are many complex factors, such as age, environmental, social, psychological, personal factor and human diseases, etc., affecting the development of insomnia symptoms. Insomnia is one kind of neurology/psychiatry diseases, due to brain overstrains and stresses in the nerve center system, in Western Medicine, while there are approximately two factors that can cause the insomnia symptoms, including the anti-pathogenic- qi deficiency and the pathogenic-factors invasion in Traditional Chinese Medicine.


更多网络解释与热中枢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

heat regulating center:热蝶中枢

heat injury 灼伤 | heat regulating center 热蝶中枢 | heat stroke 中暑

heat regulating center:体温第中枢

heat production 热产生 | heat regulating center 体温第中枢 | heat regulator 热第器

heat regulating center:热调节中枢

heat of vaporization 汽化热 | heat regulating center 热调节中枢 | heat-sensitive neuron 热敏神经元

heat product center:产热中枢

heat loss through radiation 辐射散热 | heat product center 产热中枢 | heat production 产热

heat producing center:产热中枢

heat process 热加工 | heat producing center 产热中枢 | heat production organ 产热器官


82.致热原(pyrogen)是指具有致热性或含致热成分,并能作用于体温调节中枢引起人 体和动物发热的物质. 87.高峰期或高热稽留期(fastigium)当体温上升到与新的调定点水平相适应的高度,就波动于较高的水平上,

thermoregulator centers:体温调节中枢

thermoregulator 热调节器,热量调节器 | thermoregulator centers 体温调节中枢 | thermorelay 热电继电器,热继电器

thermogenic centre:生热中枢

thermoesthesiometer 温度感觉测量器 | thermogenic centre 生热中枢 | thermohyperalgesia 热性痛觉过敏

thermogenic center:产热中枢

产前诊断 prenatal diagnosis | 产热中枢 thermogenic center | 长臂 longarm

thermo-inhibitory centers:产热抑制中枢

thermo-hygrostat ==> 恒温恒湿器 | thermo-inhibitory centers ==> 产热抑制中枢 | thermo-isopleths ==> 等温线