英语人>词典>汉英 : 烧香 的英文翻译,例句
烧香 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

burn joss sticks
更多网络例句与烧香相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And you shall make an altar on which to burn incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.

30:1 你要用皂荚木作一座烧香的坛。

You shall make an altar on which to burn incense; you shall make it of acacia wood.


When Asmodeus entered the room to kill the new husband, the odour of the burning incense drove him away.


The man who is burning joss sticks is not always bonze,may be a panda.


Then Uzziah became angry, and in his hand was a censer for burning incense.

26:19 乌西雅就发怒,他手里拿着香炉要烧香

19 Uzziah, who had a censer in his hand ready to burn incense, became angry.

26:19 乌西雅就发怒、手拿香炉要烧香

In the past 15 years, we had probed into the indoor air pollution(environmental tobacco smoke,incense,cooking fume) as the main risk factors and diet as a probable confounder for lung cancer in nonsmoking Chinese women.


The collapse of the reasons, it is said one of natural weathering; Second, farmers burning incense Jiangzhe earth brick tower, strange drive away evil spirits at home, long long time, natural Pagoda collapsed.


I closed the document Kaspersky protection tests, the paper Kaspersky Anti-Virus protection is equivalent to the real-time monitoring, if we are open at this time to protect the document, as long as the pandas do not open the folder to burn incense or burning incense Panda do not continue to move, not a comprehensive scan, Kaspersky and Panda burning incense peaceful coexistence can be a long time.


Yes, you've burned the incense, but the key is for what you do it, what's your motivation and aim of burning incenses?


更多网络解释与烧香相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make efforts at the last moment:平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚

活到老,学到老 never too old to learn | 平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 make efforts at the last moment | 每逢佳节倍思亲 When festivals arrive, we will miss family more that before.


京都岚山系郊外,o依个时候应该有小档卖姿烧香鱼,香鱼 (ayu)亦即(鱼占)鱼,日本人以一竹筷由尾插入插出至鱼头,鱼身成波浪状,洒盐再烧,日本人习惯不清除鱼之内脏,并且不将内脏烧至全熟,咬开鱼肚时会有血水流出致为之正斗.

High Mass:大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等)

[宗]安魂弥撒 requiem mass | 大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等) low mass

High Mass:大弥撒(有烧香,奏乐等)

[宗]安魂弥撒 requiem mass | 大弥撒(有烧香,奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香,奏乐等) low mass

burn incense:烧香

carry the lantern around 提灯笼 | burn incense 烧香 | fire dragon dances 火龙舞

low mass:小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等)

大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等) low mass | 教区;教区的全体居民 parish

low mass:小弥撒(无烧香,奏乐等)

大弥撒(有烧香,奏乐等) high mass | 小弥撒(无烧香,奏乐等) low mass | 教区;教区的全体居民 parish


incense 熏香 | incenseless 不烧香的 | incensory 香炉


sporangiosorus [生]孢囊群 | thurification 焚香,烧香 | rattlepated 头脑空虚的, 愚蠢多嘴的


has so many faces 俱有多面体 | incenses是指烧香拜祭的薰烟 | permate the sence and leave memories that linger on所滲透着的气味和挽留的回忆久久不散