英语人>词典>汉英 : 炼丹术的 的英文翻译,例句
炼丹术的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与炼丹术的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soon after 1750, however, as occult sciences were ascribed to the Templars, their system was readily adaptable to all kinds of Rosicrucian purposes and to such practices as alchemy, magic, cabbala, spiritism, and necromancy.

1750年后不久,然而,科学是隐匿归咎於圣殿,他们的系统是易於适应各种Rosicrucian宗旨和这种做法,作为炼丹术,魔术, cabbala ,招魂术和招魂。

During the process of refining pills ,some alchemists had understood chemical knowledge by various kinds of possible experiments and exploration on cinnabar and related materials.


Moreover,in his book on spagytism, baopuzi, ge hong also took down such methods as using realgar to cure snake bites, using litharge to prevent corrosion, using copper carbonate to cure dermatosis, using folium artemisiae argyi to sterilize and expel worms, and so on.


You first talk to Chinkashh in the library (20) and learn, that she discovered that black magic was used in the ritual murder of Falan Orbiplanax; also be sure to read the books here, especially the one about the races in Arx, which tells you about dragons; then you go to the research lab (19) and talk to Felnor, the king's alchemist, who gives you the key to Falan's room (27) and a note from him. You can also find some runes and some ingredients to make you own potions here.

你首先跟图书馆(20)内的蛇女Chinkashh交谈,顺便了解她所发现的用于谋杀Falan Orbiplanax祭典的黑暗魔法;你也可以在这里阅读一些书籍、特别是有关于Arx种族的书籍、书上有提及关于龙的事情;然后你再去实验室,并与国王的炼丹术士Felnor交谈;他给了你一把通往Falan's room(27)的钥匙和一张纸条;在这里你可以找到一些符石和提炼一些你自己需要的药剂。

Based on the historical reality of Chinese alchemy, this article has textually researched the original meaning and evolution of the term "Huang Ya".


The book of Zhouyi Cantongqi, or translated as Concordance of the Three, by the famous alchemist Wei Boyang of Later Han Dynasty, is commonly regarded as the earlies alchemic scripture accessible in the world.


To my ten- year-old eyes, they looked like a brotherhood of alchemists in furtive study.


Li introduced the Taoist doctrine and important life-preserving rules in Taoism and interpreted the use of health-promoting medication and alchemy, as well as daily life habits and the concept of coexistence between nature and man in modern vocabularies.


Brillat-Savarin has a recipe for a hot chocolate drink flavored with ambergris, and I imagined that the ambergris would just sink to the bottom and infuse the drink. But who wants eggs sprinkled with sandy, crunchy residue?


更多网络解释与炼丹术的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如数学、物理学、 化学、医学等方面都成就斐然. 当我们回顾中世纪的各门自然科学时,我们 几乎可以在每一门学科中都找到阿拉伯学者的智慧. 现代欧洲语言中的不少 科学名词,如英文的代数(algebra)、炼丹术(alchemy)等,都渊源于阿 拉伯语.

collected works:著作集

现行荣格著作集(Collected Works)中,明确与炼丹术主题相关的著作有第十二卷>,第十三卷>及第十四卷>(Mysticium coniunctionis),后期著作中,亦多有与炼丹术相关者.荣格三本论炼丹术的书长篇巨秩,


所有东西的本质--石头、木头、矿物以及人心,人之身体都是由单一的物质构成,这种东西就是"宝石"(lapis). 一旦这一理念被人揭示,例如,在古代印度、欧洲、中国、远东、中东,或其他地方,那里的炼丹术就会蓬勃发展. 公元前三、四世纪左右,


化学的起源更是不堪回首,原本是一些炼丹术士(alchemist)为了获得长生不老的灵药 (elixir)逐渐积累了化学学科的根基,当年他们连"萃取"这种试验都做过,当然,现代科学已经表明他们当年用以炼丹的物质(matter)是铅(lead)的某种化合物,有毒(poisonous),会引起 lead


1844年, "伪科学"(Pseudoscience)提法在英国出现,用以指代星相学、炼丹术、命相学和颅相说这样一些"知识". 在这里只是列举了 "伪科学"所指的一些对象,我们不能从中看出"伪科学"概念的明确内涵.


阅读"炼丹术:圆外接正方形"(Alchemy:Squaring the Circle) 链接及"毕达哥拉斯"(PYTHAGORAS) 链接,记住毕达哥拉斯绘制的图形. 回主菜单,继续分析地图. 使用形状正方形,调整在地图上的位置及大小,使其恰好外切于圆. 这样就解决了"白羊宫"这一段.


想起那四个Magdalen雕像,寻找(SEARCH) 有关"四位一体"(QUATERNITY) 的资料,阅读"炼丹术:倾斜正方形"(Alchemy:Titled Square) 链接,得知倾斜的正方形是太阳或阳光的象征.


这种象徵的转变(transmutation)过程与炼丹术转化基原物质,最后获得哲人之石,其意义是一样的9. 最有趣的,莫过於荣格强要阿拉伯王子看一本「我的书」,这是什麼书呢?意识(荣格)显然要转化无意识(阿拉伯王子),使后者可以被意识化,亦即被理解,

alchemical:炼金术的, 炼丹术的

alchemic | 炼金术的 | alchemical | 炼金术的, 炼丹术的 | alchemically | 炼金术地, 炼丹术地

alchemically:炼金术地, 炼丹术地

alchemical | 炼金术的, 炼丹术的 | alchemically | 炼金术地, 炼丹术地 | alchemist | 炼金术士