英语人>词典>汉英 : 灯蛾 的英文翻译,例句
灯蛾 的英文翻译、例句


tiger moth · moths attracted by lamplight
更多网络例句与灯蛾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Historically the arctiid Syntominae was often confused with Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Euchromiini and Ctenuchini due to the convergent wing shape and colour patterns. According to the phylogenetic hypothesis being more accepted in recent years, the subfamily comprises two tribes, the pan-Old World Syntominiand the Africa-restricted Thyretini.

鹿蛾亚科(Arctiidae: Syntominae)在研究历史上常与斑蛾科、透翅蛾、灯蛾亚科内的丰彩鹿蛾族与蜂蛾族的物种混淆,根据近年较被接受的亲缘关系假说,此亚科包含了分布於泛旧大陆的鹿蛾族以及仅分布在非洲之非洲鹿蛾族。

But there are vocal mimics too, like a palatable species of tiger moth that deters bats by parodying the ultrasonic clicks of a toxic moth the bats detest, or like the greater racket-tailed drongo of Sri Lanka, which mimics the calls of other birds to drum up a mixed-species flock in which the drongos can more safely and efficiently forage.


During the process of organic apple planting, we make use not only the entire implementation of organic apple planting, including thinning flowers and fruits, bagging, truits rotating refleeting membrane, and other practical technology, but also the special measares use of Chinese herbal insectifuge, black light lamp, grass target, etc.


Larvae – Woolly bear caterpillars curl up in thick layers of leaf litter for winter.


Other moths in the families Noctuidae and Arctiidae have developed membranes that sense bats' echolocation and enable them to take evasive action, flying in a loop or dropping quickly out of the bat's flight path when they detect its presence.


The development cycle in the silkworm accorded with the feature of Genus Nosema.


But there are vocal mimics too, like a palatable species of tiger moth that deters bats by parodying the ultrasonic clicks of a toxic moth the bats detest, or like the greater racket-tailed drongo of Sri Lanka, which mimics the calls of other birds to drum up a mixed-species flock in which the drongos can more safely and efficiently forage.


There was no impact on cotton aphid and ALB by Bt-cotton, but the ingesting sap behavior in pholem and the intrinsic rate of increase of the aphids fed on transgenic Bt CpTI cotton decreased significantly.


So we assess the narrow-sense heritability (h2) of FA and size in fore femur and cross vein of laboratory population CB using parent-offspring regressions after selected by Bt-cotton for 8 generations.


更多网络解释与灯蛾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tiger moth:灯蛾

tiger-bone 虎骨 | tiger-moth 灯蛾 | tigerbeetle 虎甲

Arctia caia:豹灯蛾

灯蛾 Pericallia matronwla | 豹灯蛾 Arctia caia | 夜蛾科 Noctuidae


1.2.2试虫简介美国白蛾的危害及生物防治 美国白蛾(英文名Fall webworm,American White Moth)属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)灯 蛾科(Arctiidae),也称秋幕毛虫、网幕毛虫,是世界性的检疫害虫.


鹅点足毒蛾 Recloa anser Collenette | (二十八)灯蛾科 Arctiidae | 白黑华苔蛾 Agylla ramelana Moore


176、葡萄修虎蛾 Seudyra subflava | (四十五)灯蛾科 Arctiidae | 177、红点浑黄灯蛾 rhyparioides subvaria

Arctiidae Leach:灯蛾科

[85DF]瘤蛾科 Nolidae Hampson, 1894 2 | [85DG]灯蛾科 Arctiidae Leach, 1815 6 | [85DH]鹿蛾科 Ctenuchidae Kirby, 1837 2

Phragmatobia flavia:砌石灯蛾

星白灯蛾 Spilosoma menthastri | 砌石灯蛾 Phragmatobia flavia | 白灯蛾 Spilosoma nivea

Alphaca phasma Leech:褐点粉灯蛾

白黑华苔蛾 Agylla ramelana Moore | 褐点粉灯蛾 Alphaca phasma Leech | 红缘灯蛾 Amsacta lactinea Cramer

Spilarctia caesarea:红腹灯蛾

红喙灯蛾 Amsacta lactinea | 红腹灯蛾 Spilarctia caesarea | 黑灯蛾 Spilosoma caesarea

Spilosoma caesarea:黑灯蛾

红腹灯蛾 Spilarctia caesarea | 黑灯蛾 Spilosoma caesarea | 星白灯蛾 Spilosoma menthastri