英语人>词典>汉英 : 火星的 的英文翻译,例句
火星的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Martian Body Count" opened this week!It's the prequel to "Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars.


However, to really assess Mars' habitability we need to consider the properties of its water.


An objective of the Phoenix Mars Lander mission is to search for ice in the shallow subsurface of Mars.


There are most likely fossils of Martian fish and perhaps even Martian animals.


Phobos -- This image of Mars' moon Phobos was taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on Mars Express.

火卫一 -这火卫一照片火星的卫星是由高分辨率立体相机对火星快车。

To show his agreement on going to Mars 6. Which of the following best states Donal Trollop's idea? A. There is a plan to send humans to Mars. B. There are many reasons for going to Mars. C. Scientists become famous by doing research on Mars. D. It is possible to build an Earth-like environment on Mars. 7、Paul Davies points out that . A. humans need only a one-way ticket to Mars. B. two-way trips to Mars will be made safe soon C. it is easy to reduce the danger and cost of flights to Mars D. it is cheap to build an everlasting human settlement on Mars 8、What does Paul Davies think of human existence on Mars?

A、有个载人上火星的计划 B、有很多理由支持去火星 C、那些研究火星的科学家变得有名起来 D、在火星上制造一个类似地球的环境是可能的 7、Paul Davies指出: A、人类只需要去火星的单程票 B、火星的往返旅程将会变得安全 C、降低去火星的危险系数和经费是件很容易的事 D、在火星上建立一个永久的人类基地花费很少 8、Paul Davies 对于人类在火星上的生存有什么想法?

March -- Mars' month Middle English March Anglo-French March Old English Martius Latin Martius "of Mars" Latin Marti "Mars"+-us adj.

三月--火星的一个月中英文三月英法日旧英文拉丁马休马休的&火星&马蒂拉丁湾&火星&+美 adj。

They found that the SNC meteorites possess chemical, isotopic , and petrologic features consistent with data available from Mars at the time, findings further confirmed by Treiman et al.


The night before Halloween in 1938, radio listeners were enjoying a broadcast of dance music when an announcer broke in to report that astronomers had seen blue flames shooting off Mars. The program was interrupted again and again, each announcement more alarming than the last. A spaceship had landed on Earth! Tentacled creature-Martians!-were coming out of the ship!


Martian Body Count" opened this week!It's the prequel to "Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars.


更多网络解释与火星的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


areocentric 火星为中心 | areographer 火星形状描述者 | areographic 描写火星的


areographic 描写火星的 | areography 火星的描写 | areola 空隙


areographic | 关于描写火星的 | areography | 火星的描写(说明) | areola | 网眼状空隙


Martha 马大 | Martian 火星的 | Martian 火星人


Mars:火星 | Martian:火星的;火星人 | Geologically:地质地


Martha /玛莎/马大/ | Martian /火星人/火星的/错误数据包/ | Martin /马丁/岩燕/

Martian Child:火星的孩子/火星来的孩子

霍乱时期的爱情/爱在瘟疫蔓延时 Love in the Time of Cholera 2007 | 火星的孩子/火星来的孩子 Martian Child 2007 | 引渡疑云 Rendition 2007


areographer 火星形状描述者 | areographic 描写火星的 | areography 火星的描写


areographic spectrum | 分布区谱 | areographic | 关于描写火星的 | areography | 火星的描写(说明)


manda:土星. | mangal:火星的别名. | mangaldosha:kujadosha的别名.