英语人>词典>汉英 : 火星人 的英文翻译,例句
火星人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Martian  ·  Martians

更多网络例句与火星人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The movie is about between the Martian and earthman's matter.


I have a feeling that more people would understand English than the weird Martian that is spreading in this thread.


VOICE: If they found that, it would mean we were all Martians - in the sense of some living


Benoit Saint Girons, he is the original writer of 1.2 Milliard De Martien.

Benoit Saint Girons,他就是《十二亿火星人——一个法国人眼里的中国》的法文原作者。

The Martians were inspired by the Venusian beauty and culture.


The night before Halloween in 1938, radio listeners were enjoying a broadcast of dance music when an announcer broke in to report that astronomers had seen blue flames shooting off Mars. The program was interrupted again and again, each announcement more alarming than the last. A spaceship had landed on Earth! Tentacled creature-Martians!-were coming out of the ship!


Discovered by the 19th century French explorer Henri Lhote, these figures were so unusual he dubbed them Martians, explaining their contour is simple, unartistic, and with rounded heads; their only detail is the double oval at the figure's center, which evokes the image we currently have of Martians.

这些轮廓是由十九世纪的法国探险家Henri Lhote发现,是如此不寻常,他称他们为火星人,解释他们的轮廓是简单,非艺术性和拥有圆形的头,他们仅有的细节就是轮廓中央的两个椭圆形,唤起了我们当前对火星人的想象。

When the Martians became depressed, everyone on the planet left the cities and went to their caves for a long time. They were stuck and couldn't come out, until one day when a Martian hap pened to glimpse the beautiful Venusians through his telescope. As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their Depression miraculously lifted.


As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their Depression miraculously lifted.


When the Martians became depressed, everyone on the planet left the cities and went to their caves for a long time. They were stuck and couldn't come out, until one day when a Martian happened to glimpse the beautiful Venusians through his telescope. As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their depression miraculously lifted.


更多网络解释与火星人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

LUNAR LUNACY:(你代表火星人侵略地球

Hangman 在游戏中学习 | LUNAR LUNACY(你代表火星人侵略地球- -) | Dodge 躲躲闪闪到对岸 灵活的手指才是打发时间的利器

Mars Attacks:火星人攻击地球

[电影名称] 火星人攻击地球 (Mars Attacks) [类 别] 动作/喜剧/科幻 [片 长] 121 Min [编辑本段]演职人员 [导 演] 蒂姆.伯顿 [主要演员] 杰克.尼克尔森 (Nicholson Jack) 皮尔斯.布鲁斯南(Brosnan Pierice) 安妮特.贝宁 Bening,

Mars Attacks:(火星人玩转地球,又名:星战毁灭者)

444) Map of the World, A (人间有情) | 445) Mars Attacks (火星人玩转地球,又名:星战毁灭者) | 446) Mask Of Zorro, The (佐罗的面具)


因此我将基本推荐不一样版本的 SUSE 上的一些 bug,并为处理这些 bug 提供权宜之计. "火星人"(Martian)是指路由来源不明的包. Linux 系统不欢迎这种包,尤其是思虑到它的来源时(比如议决外部接口进入内部主机的包).


Mars:火星 | Martian:火星的;火星人 | Geologically:地质地


Martha /玛莎/马大/ | Martian /火星人/火星的/错误数据包/ | Martin /马丁/岩燕/


由空军腐蚀控制专家和金属技术人员组成的团队是这个项目的组成部分,他们被称呼为材料应用修复组(M.A.R.S.),也以火星人(Martians)而著名. 死神(Grim Reapers)是第4451测试中队的代号,在20世纪80年代,该中队由驻扎在托诺帕测试场的第4450战术大队负责.

Butt Ugly Martians BKM Battles:神勇火星人-反冲大作战

0887 - Lode Runner 淘金人 | 0888 - Butt Ugly Martians BKM Battles 神勇火星人-反冲大作战 | 0889 - All Star Baseball 2004 全美明星棒球2004

Man Blames Reckless Driving on Martians:被火星人追赶

Han Fined for Selling Fresh Fish/新鲜有罪 | Man Blames Reckless Driving on Martians/被火星人追赶 | Rural Dream Can Disappoint/田园悲歌

Mars Attacks:火星人玩转地球

在影片<<异种>>(Species)、<<独立日>>(Independence Day)以及<<火星人玩转地球>>(Mars Attacks)中地球人确定有外星人存在的体系,其实就是模仿这一计划.