英语人>词典>汉英 : 激素的 的英文翻译,例句
激素的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hormonal  ·  hormonic  ·  incretionary

更多网络例句与激素的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the dissimilar melon breeds, it was different to hormones because of genotypes and endogenous hormones. In a same treatment, the different exhibitions of the induced process were resulted of self-conditions in different explants, including the level of hormones endogen, nutrition, and so on.


Total effective rate was 90.9%, with 17 CR, 3 PR and 2 deaths. The result showed that the orchiectomy can lower the serum level of androgen, and Flutamide can block the male hormone receptor in the target cell membrane of prostate tissue,...


Correlation analyses on the contents and ratios of endogenous hormones with selfing fertilities showed that selfing fertility was not determined only by one single hormone level, but partially affected by the joint action or balance of several hormones in Nongken58S original and untransformed regenerant controls under long-day. Our results did not support different already proposed hypotheses on one single hormone action in fertility expression of PSGMS rice.


To observe the change of behavior index and mensurate the contents of plasma CORT, CRH and ACTH by using radiation immunity methods, and observed the change of immunity function by testing IL-2 and lymphocyte multiplication produced by spleen cell. At the same time, the author examined the change of thalamencephalon CRH mRNA and pituitary ACTH mRNA.

观察行为学指标的变化,利用放免法测定血浆皮质酮、下丘脑促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素和血浆促肾上腺皮质激素的含量,并通过脾细胞产生白细胞介素2(IL-2)水平和淋巴细胞增殖试验观察大鼠免疫功能的变化,同时检测大鼠下丘脑CRH mRNA和垂体ACTHmRNA含量变化。

In normal pregnancy, trophocyte secrete varies hormones, besides hCG, it participate in synthesis of steroid hormones, hPL and so on. JAR cell posses the function of secretion such hormones.


DATA SELECTION: Literatures about the comparison of bone density and bone metabolic change between inhaled GC group and control group were consorted deleting randomized controlled trial so as to look up the whole content of healthy controls;While patients in the treatment group received GC inhalation.

研究对象为服用糖皮质激素的成年男性和绝经前女性哮喘患者。资料选择:选取试验包括吸入糖皮质激素治疗组和对照组的骨密度、骨代谢变化比较的相关文献,进行初审,删除明显不随机临床试验的研究,然后查找余下的文献全文,进一步判断是否为 RCT。纳入标准:① RCT,无论是否为单盲、双盲或非盲法;②平行对照组,即未使用激素的哮喘患者或健康对照;治疗组为吸入激素的哮喘患者。

Compared with their thinner counterparts, obese men had lower levels of testosterone in their blood, as well as lower levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone -- both essential to reproduction.


AR signalling can be activated in HR tumours through several mechanisms. First, activation of intracellular signal transduction pathways can sensitize the AR to castrate levels of androgens. Also, mutations in the AR can change AR ligand specificity, thereby allowing it to be activated by non-steroids or anti-androgens. Finally, overexpression of the wild-type AR sensitizes itself to low concentrations of androgens.

HRPC的AR信号通路活化机制包括:胞内信号传导途径可以增加 AR对于去势治疗后低水平雄激素的敏感性;AR的突变也可改变其对于配体的选择,使得非甾体类激素甚至抗雄激素药物也能够激活AR;此外,野生型AR的过表达也促进了自身对于低浓度雄激素的敏感性。

In the toped and untoped tobacco when applied with hormone, both content of IAA and GA3 increased but others decreased in tobacco that treated with IAA and GA3; The content of ABA increased significantly but the content of IAA and GA3 decreased when applied with ABA.


A hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland that constricts blood vessels, raises blood pressure, and reduces excretion of urine.


更多网络解释与激素的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


horizon 土层,层位 | hormonal 荷尔蒙的,激素的 | hormone 激素,荷尔蒙




hormone receptor 激素受体 | hormonic 激素的 | hormonopoiesis 激素生成


下丘脑激素分为释放激素(RH)和释放抑制激素(RIH)两大类,它们都对垂体发挥作用. 下丘脑的激素的化学本质均为多肽.

adrenocortical hormones:肾上腺皮质激素

肾上腺皮质激素(adrenocortical hormones)是肾上腺皮质分所有激素的总称. 糖皮质激素(glucocorticoids)盐皮质激素(mineralcorticoids)性激素(sex hormones)合成与分泌肾上腺皮质由外向内球状带:盐皮质激素(醛固酮 )束状带:糖皮质激素(氢化可的松、可的松) 网状带:性激素皮质激素调节机制下丘脑腺垂体促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)


androgenesis 雄核生殖 | androgenic 雄激素的 | androgone 精原细胞

estrogenic:雌激素的; 动情激素的 (形)

estrogen 雌激素 (名) | estrogenic 雌激素的; 动情激素的 (形) | estrone 雌激素酮 (名)


在囊状卵泡中类固醇激素(steroids)的合成功能相当活跃,因此某些激素的水平可比血浆高出40 000~100 000倍. 已知,卵泡液中的激素包括孕激素、雄激素和雌激素,其中雄激素/雌激素比值是检测卵泡活力和预示排卵的重要指标之一. 一般来说,

V. du. Vigneand:美国 生物化学中重要含硫化合物的研究,多肽激素的合成

1954 L. Pauling美国 化学键本质和复杂物质结构的研究 | 1955 V. du. Vigneand美国 生物化学中重要含硫化合物的研究,多肽激素的合成 | 1956 C. N. Hinchelwood英国 苏联 化学反应机理和链式反应的研究

Rick Collins, Esq., J.D:生长激素和激素的替换疗法医师,药剂师

美国综合医学抗癌中心副总裁Timothy C. Birdsall, N.D. | 生长激素和激素的替换疗法医师,药剂师 Rick Collins, Esq., J.D. | 生物化学系医学博士 Fernando Cortizo, B.Sc. (Hons), PhD.