英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮退 的英文翻译,例句
潮退 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ebb  ·  lakie  ·  ebbed  ·  ebbing  ·  ebbs

更多网络例句与潮退相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the main reason for the current check-out tide.


May be discordant with that, sales growth and housing prices are hidden behind the "check-out tide."


To return home at eventide with gratitude;And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.


To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;to rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy to return home at eventide with gratitude.


He's right next to me here in the Grizzly Sanctuary on the tide fly.


The deep water deposition means the deposition in the area where the water depth is larger than 30 meters, in which the major sediments are coarse sand and gravel. This kind of deposition is the relic deposition formed by the Pleistocene alluvial-lacustine deposition reworked under modern channel currents actions, and ususally the Holocene acummulation lack in the deep waters. The transitional zone deposition is the deposition between the low tidal level line and the 30 meters isobath, where the sediment types is changeable and the grain sizes are gradually coarsening from the low tidal line to the deep water area. This kind of deposition is developed by the deep water eroded sediments sorting under the transitional zone current action. The different types distributed along the isobath. The tidal flat deposition is the fine sediment deposition on the tidal flat which is flo sedimentation of the silty clay under the tidal flat dynamic action and ususally developed fluid mud on the lower tidal flat. The channel mouth deposition is the deposition in the channel mouth area. According to the sediment types, it includes sand deposition where there are coarse sediments supply and silt deposition where there are only fine sediments surpport.


Therefore, the current reality of low tide private highway, from all walks of life have different argument.


Study shows that environment evolution and eustatic change of Holocene in this area may be divided into 6 stages:① early stage of early Holocene, 9 100~10 900 aBP,when sea level was low and this area was an oxidizing environment or oxidizing-reducing transition environment;② late stage of early Holocene, 8 000~9 100 aBP, sea-level rising,...


Do you feel your life ebbing?


What looks like rock-covered clusters of dark weeds at low tide will become a colorful coral with sea anemones waving in the currents at high tide.


更多网络解释与潮退相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ebb tide duration:潮期

海口退潮河 Ebb channel | 潮期 Ebb tide duration | 偏心距 Eccentric distance

tidal scour:潮水冲刷,潮[流冲]刷

suction scour 波浪退吸冲刷 | tidal scour 潮水冲刷,潮[流冲]刷 | scouring 冲刷,冲蚀,淘刷,冲洗

La Tache:(拿特芝)

那时喝不到此葡萄酒的唯有退而求其次转向高伦堡家族尚未脱手的(拿特芝)(La Tache)葡萄园酒,一时成为法国最热门的布根地葡萄酒,但好景不常,康帝家族谨传园两代(32年后)即1793年,法国大革命潮席卷布根地,园主康帝公爵之子亡命海外,

Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow:妳無邊無際的波瀾,隨著潮漲潮退

是人类眼泪中的盐分所渍咸!Are brackish with the salt of human tea... | 妳无边无际的波澜,随著潮涨潮退,Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow | 紧紧抓住了人生的极限,Claspest the limits of mortali...

establishments port:候潮港

逸出;艉踢出;退水路 escape | 候潮港 establishments port | 河口港 estuary harbor