英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮的涨落 的英文翻译,例句
潮的涨落 的英文翻译、例句


ebb and flow
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In the present paper,we use a 3-D Eco-Dynamic model to study the turbulence effect induced by the tidal process on the vertical distribution of two main kinds of the phytoplankton,namely as diatom and dinoflagellate.


The basal geomorphology structure of the Tidal-Basin System of the Tiaozini Sandbanks is watershed and tidal creek system. We analyses its formation, evolvement, geomorphology characters and development and discusses the main influence factors which is water, sediment and space. We divide the evolution phases which is formation phase, autumn phase and contabescence phase. In the end we confirms its main functions, which is discharging the folium water on the tidal flat of the Tidal-Basin in the end of the ebb-tide, transporting sediment to Tidal-Basin through tidal creek systems, confining the swing range of the dynamical axis of flood tide or ebb tide, balancing the dynamical status of the South and North. At the same time, we compare coastal tidal-basin and sandbanks tidal-basin on geomorphology characters, formation causes, style and so on.


The study results estimated that an acre of eelgrass is worth $1065 per year, an acre of saltmarsh is worth $338 per year, and an acre of intertidal mudflat is worth $68 per year, in terms of increased productivity of crabs, scallops, clams, birds, and waterfowl.

研究结果估计,一亩鳗草的英亩是一年价值$1065 ,一亩盐沼的英亩是一年价值$338 ,而且一亩涨落潮之间泥滩的英亩每一年是值$68,根据螃蟹,扇贝,蛤,鸟和 waterfowl 的增加生产力。

On the basis of previous study on deep channel, the South Branch,Xinqiao Channel,Nanxiaohong and Main Channel of Nangarg are chosen as the typical flood and ebb channels. Field data sampled in the flood season of 2001 and the dry season of 2003 are used as the base of the analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics, such as current, sediment, dominant current and dominant sediment.


At East Chongming tidal flat,the accumulation of labile organic matter was controlled by hydrodynamic condition.


The action of the third factor becomes active in slack water when the current velocity is low, and more remarkable in the surfer layer than in the lower layer near the bed.


In the method, the factors, such as the tide bore variations, swift current at tide ebb and flow, severe changes of muddy riverbed, and details of design and fabrication of the steel cofferdams are considered.


The basal geomorphology structure of the Tidal-Basin System of the Tiaozini Sandbanks is watershed and tidal cr...


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New Brunswick:纽宾士域

芬地湾(Fundy Bay)位於加拿大东南沿海,在纽宾士域(New Brunswick)和诺瓦斯科细亚(Nova Scotia)两个省之间,临大西洋,拥有世界最大的潮差,一天内可高达17公尺(55英尺),以迅速涨落的潮汐闻名於世.

ebb and flow:潮的涨落

eavesdropping 偷听 | ebb and flow 潮的涨落 | ebb tide 退潮