英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮气 的英文翻译,例句
潮气 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

tidal air
更多网络例句与潮气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To evaluate the effect of nebulized bronchodilator on the change of tidal breathing in infants with asthma.


Damp-proof membranes are also provided to isolate the walls, joists and floors from dampness rising by capillarity


Condensate and excessive moisture can result in increased humidity and increases in levels of microorganisms on surfaces of equipment.


We can see that UV face, stabbed, accept the tidal variant little; but if the Cup back, the product immediately, self-crimping to the positive.


We can see that UV face, stabbed, accept the moisture almost no variant, but if the Cup back, the product immediately, self-crimping to the positive.


Both the heat transfer fluid reservoir and the air-filled motor stator housing. The use of single probe or


The moisture detection system shall be designed to detect the entrance of moisture in both the heat transfer fluid reservoir and the air-filled motor stator housing.


It's as ubiquitous as winter damp, a pernicious miasma that brings rot and ruin to society's delicate underpinnings.


METHODS: Pulmonary function tests were performed in 20 children with asthmatoid bronchitis (2 months-2.5 years of age) before and 30, 60, and 120 minutes after salbutamo and ipratropium bromide inhalation. The indexes of pulmonary function measured included tidal breathing flow volume loop, percent of tidal volume to peak tidal expiratory flow, terminal flows per peak expiratory flow (25/PF), peak tidal expiratory flow, rate of mid-expiratory to mid-inspiratory flow, respiratory rate and tidal volume per kilogram. RESULTS: Before drug inhalation, the descending branch of the TBFV loop was depressed.


The results of respiratory mechanics, homodynamic mechanics,aterial blood gaS, and inflaInInatory factors [TNF- Q, IL-l fl, IL-6,IL-l0, and adrenomedulin] which detected in animal serumand bronchial alveolar lavage fluid obtained from tiP lObe,heart lobe, and diaPhragIn lobe of right lung seParate1y in the mongreldogs were measured before and after lung injury (including receivinglung protective ventilation).

本实验证明了 loS肺内/肺外不同源性 ARDS动物模型的差异性,而且AnDS的肺部病变存在不均一性和多形性的特点,对有关ARDS进行性低氧血症的发生机制提出了肺动静脉可能存在类似于右一左分流的肺内分流现象,以及因肺内分流而导致严重通气/血流比例失调的解释。发现小潮气十PEEP通气对肺内源性 ARDS疗效不佳,而俯卧位+小潮气-I- PEEP通气对肺内/肺外不同源性ARDS均有较好的疗效。。

更多网络解释与潮气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"2005-08-31 Mixed HDPE"的标准: 杂色(包括绿色, 等其它颜色)的瓶料含量不低于90%, 其中白色或本色的瓶料含量不低于70%, "潮气"(Moisture)或"水份"的含量不得高于5%, "杂质"(Impurity) (主要指残余物, 泥沙,等)的含量不得高于5%.

moist air:潮气

moist air mass 湿气团 | moist air 潮气 | moist air 湿空气

tick fever pyaemia:壁虱热脓毒症

壁虱热麻痹 tick fever paralysis | 壁虱热脓毒症 tick fever pyaemia | 潮气容积 tidal volume


黄铁矿(Pyrite)是一种普通的矿物质,存在于车库和地下室混凝土底板以下的回填材料之中. 黄铁矿遇潮气会氧化成石膏状晶体,引起碎石等回填材料膨胀或将混凝土底板胀裂. 其后果是:在混凝土底板上和建在其上的室内构件上有隆起、裂缝.

tidal air:潮气

tick 蜱 | tidal air 潮气 | tidal volume 潮气

tidal volume:潮气容积

患者在清醒时可能通气正常,但睡时呼吸变浅 (hypopnea,潮气容积 (tidal volume) 减少),呼吸频数也许正常. 通气量的减少程度,依病情严重度而不同:轻者只在第三期 (Stage 3) 及第四期 (Stage 4) 睡眠时发生通气减少;

vital capacity:肺活量

o 高频率电刺激下,肌肉有发生持续强直 o 单一电刺激下,肌肉反应有和先前一样 * 临床反应; o 抬头超过5秒 o 可持续抓握 o 张大眼睛 o 可持续吐舌 o 有效的咳嗽 o 足够的呼吸潮气容积(tidal volumn) o 肺活量(vital capacity)达 15~20 ml/ kg如果无法使用神经电刺激器,

dehumidify device:去湿设备

?? 潮气 humidity | ??????去湿设备 dehumidify device | ???? 消湿措施 moisture-removal measurement

intertidal zone;tidal zone;littoral zone:潮间带;潮间带;滨海带;海岸带;潮汐带

潮虫 wood-louse | 潮间带;潮间带;滨海带;海岸带;潮汐带 intertidal zone;tidal zone;littoral zone | 潮气; 呼吸气 tidal air

tick fever:螨热;壁虱热

蜱;壁虱 tick | 螨热;壁虱热 tick fever | 潮气 tidal air