英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮下带 的英文翻译,例句
潮下带 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

sublittoral zone · subtidal zone
更多网络例句与潮下带相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seagrass are endogen plants living in intertidal and subtidal zones develope a series of ecophysiological changes adaptive to submersed sea water environments. This paper reviewed seagrass photosynthesis that is impacted by factors such as light, temperature, inorganic carbon and salinity, of which light and inorganic carbon are the common restriction factors.


The photosynthetic responses to light and temperature were examined in Ulva lactuca collected along the Shantou coast of China, to establish the photosynthetic characteristics in relation with tidal cycles for this common intertidal green macroalga.


Brey's (1990) empirical formula was used to calculate the secondary production and P/B ratio of macrobenthos according to macrobenthos biomass and abundance obtained in Shenhu Bay. The results showed that the mean annual secondary production and P/B ratio were 0.599g/(m^2a) and 1.561 respectively.

根据各个季节获得的大型底栖动物栖息丰度和生物量,采用Brey (1990)的经验公式进行了大型底栖动物次级生产力和P/B值的计算,得出深沪湾潮下带大型底栖动物年平均次级生产力和P/B值分别为0.599g/和1.561。

Study shows that environment evolution and eustatic change of Holocene in this area may be divided into 6 stages:① early stage of early Holocene, 9 100~10 900 aBP,when sea level was low and this area was an oxidizing environment or oxidizing-reducing transition environment;② late stage of early Holocene, 8 000~9 100 aBP, sea-level rising,...


The photosynthetic responses to light and temperature were examined in Ulva lactuca collected along the Shantou coast of China, to establish the photosynthetic characteristics in relation with tidal cycles for this common intertidal green macroalga.


Shoaly land is a very important land and space resource with vast uses. Among shoaly land, the legal character of supra tidal and tidal zone is land, and it's ownership belongs to the country or peasant collective, but the legal nature of sub littoral zone is sea, so it's ownership only belongs to the country. And the ownership of shoaly land which silt up naturally should be determined according to the attaching rule.


Shoaly land is a very important land and space resource with vast uses.Among shoaly land,the legal character of supra tidal and tidal zone is land,and it's ownership belongs to the country or peasant collective,but the legal nature of sub littoral zone is sea,so it's ownership only belongs to the country.


Researchers in china, japan and america have made a detailed research about its effects as the abalone feed. they found that among the tidal seaweeds, dul


The main target stratum has the following characteristics: dominated by barrier-free clastic tidal facies, tidal facies are divided into three subfacies: supratidal zone, intertidal zone and subtidal zone. The tidal facies in Tazhong Area are mainly dominated by intertidal sand flat, sand-mud-mixed flat, intertidal mud flat and supratidal mud flat subfacies.


There are two oyster species including the Kumamoto oyster which mainly inhabit at intertidal zones and Jinjiang oyster which is mainly found at subtidal zones.


更多网络解释与潮下带相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

submarine coal field:海底煤田

sublittoral zone 潮下带 | submarine coal field 海底煤田 | submarine coring drilling rig 海底取岩芯钻机


潮下带(subtidal):陆架(shelves),在高能陆架( ):陆架 ),在高能陆架 无障壁), ),发育灰 3,潮下带(subtidal):陆架(shelves),在高能陆架(窄,无障壁),发育灰 泥质沙沉积;在低能陆架( 有障壁)发育灰泥沉积.


15. infra 下,低,远 | infralittoral 潮下带,远岸的 | infrahuman 类人生物

infralittoral zone:潮下帶

这些植物开始繁茂出现在年平均低潮线附近,至其生育下限的水深20-60来附近,称为潮下带(infralittoral zone)或亚潮间伴生种是植物群落中存在度(presence)和优势度(dominance)大致相等的生长而特定群落间并无联系的限度(fidelity)为二级的种类.

infralittoral zone:远滨海带;远潮间带

下珥 infralateral tangent arcs | 远滨海带;远潮间带 infralittoral zone | 外浅海环境 infraneritic environment

infralittoral community:潮下带群落

informational macromolecule 信息大分子 | infralittoral community 潮下带群落 | infrared receptor 红外线感受器


亚线性的 sublinear | 近岸的,潮下的 sublittoral | 近岸带 sublittoral zone

sublittoral zone:亚潮间带

这些植物开始繁茂出现在年平均低潮线附近,至其生育下限的水深20-60来附近,称为潮下带(infralittoral zone)或亚潮间带(sublittoral zone). 这里距离大潮最低低潮线以上的部分称为潮间带下缘(infralittoral frin-ge),但也有把它作为潮间带一部分的.

sublittoral zone:潮下带

sublittoral region 亚潮带 | sublittoral zone 潮下带 | submarine coal field 海底煤田

sublittoral region:亚潮带

sublimation nuclei 升华核 | sublittoral region 亚潮带 | sublittoral zone 潮下带