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潜近 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与潜近相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results are presented and compared with the available results of other authors, which shows satisfying agreement. And a submerged body beneath the free surface in accelerated motion is considered; the numerical results of instant wave resistance and free surface elevation are presented and discussed.


They rely on their powerful limbs for close-in stalking and hunting.


Respecting this, zhang Guanxi's engineer takes goblet quaff, rely on on the chair to continue respecting: Baidu has 3 big competitors at present: It is Gu Ge, it is Tecent, it is the portal station; such as sina, Netease among them cereal song nip is giant capital and top technology actual strength, whole break down Yahoo after this is only dinosaurian, it is at the summit of one's power more, together with is familiar with Chinese to search a field gradually, hold concurrently with Adsense draw over the heart of the world stationmaster, discharge day is tall, except Baidu has powerful support in respect of governmental public relations, lose; of city lost territory already and Tecent, have the user group of nearly 200 million, the horse changes Teng Qian to reside Shenzhen, be covetous on searchs engine this cake is long already; another competitors namely each big door station, root deep tree is tall, more development searchs the criminal record of engine, all along also is to peep the; together with that search index props up this cup of a thick soup Baidu appears on the market now, capital drive technology, baidu now is must nod wildly, for discharge insanity, for silver insanity, you these careless root stationmaster are the act that understands Baidu very hard.


When rejected, this type of harasser may engage in stalking, or use bullying methods as a form of revenge.


The free-surface or interfacial waves due to a submerged body in an incompressible fluid are investigated by the methods of integral transform and asymptotic analysis.


Preliminary Identification of A Single Dominant Gene Conferring Resistance to Leafminer in Lycopersicon hirsutum Dunal;2. Biological characteristics of adult Opius caricivorae Fischer, a parasitoid of Liriomyza sativae Blandchard ;3. Opius caricivorae Fischer (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is an important endoparasitoid of the vegetable leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blandchard (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in China.

本文以检疫性害虫—美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza sativae Blandchard及其优势种天敌—黄腹潜蝇茧蜂opius caricivorae Fischer这一寄生体系为研究对象,对黄腹潜蝇茧蜂的毒液器官形态和超微结构、类病毒颗粒存在与否及其分布、毒液的蛋白组分及其对寄主的生理影响等进行了初步的研究,取得以下结果:(1)位于雌蜂腹部近背面的黄腹潜蝇茧蜂的毒液器官属于类型Ⅰ,由一个土黄色、锥状的毒囊、7个透明的椭圆形的毒腺和一个导管构成的,其中毒囊由发达的纵肌环绕。

All patients were performed open decompression operation on the legs with microincision.At the same time,the patients were given dehydration,diuresis drugs.The wounds were deferred the suturation time. Results:Among the 37 patients,33 patients were fully recovered.


Croce"s thoughts,and via the comparative research I wish I can open out the value of life aesthetics.Additionally,from the view of aesthetics history in Chinese modern times,I analyse the value of life aesthetics,point out Zhu Guangqian"s life aesthetics inherit the anthropologismus spirit in the western moderntime after western Revival of Learning time,and bring forth the unhomeliness gloss in China realism society and life region which coming from B.Croce enactment the anthropologismus thoughts in the spirit field.


In recent years, semi-submerged barge is frequently applied in engineering with the appearance of big prefabricated structures especially big caissons .


The nearsurface thicknesses, as seen by a P-wave and an S-wave, can be different. The watertable serves as a boundary for the P-wave near surface layer, but not necessarily so forS-wave which is unaffected by the pore fluid composition.


更多网络解释与潜近相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


潜水泵电缆,矿用橡套电缆,耐火电缆,控制电缆,船用电缆,电梯电缆和全塑力电缆,交联绝缘电缆等30余个系列,近几百规格. 产品执行国家标准(GB)机械工业部标准(JB)和钩稽电工委员会(IEC)标准,也可根据要求按BS,DIN等标准生产.


有人以塔可夫斯基>(Stalker)中的潜行者称呼他,似乎言重了. 美国总统大选结果尘埃落定,奥巴马成为首位黑人美国总统. 这当然令人想起当初贩卖黑奴,到马丁路德金带领黑人争取种族平等权利的辛酸史. 聚焦於近二十多年,

tala:潜近的狼 女性 美洲土著

Takiyah 虔诚的,正直的 女性 北非 | Tala 潜近的狼 女性 美洲土著 | Talasi 玉米穗花 女性 Hopi印第安人


葱斑潜蝇 L iriomyza chinensis(Kato)属双翅目 (Diptera)潜蝇科 (Agromyzidae) ,可危害葱、洋葱 ,是百合科蔬菜的主要害虫 [1]. 该虫主要以幼虫潜食叶片造成危害 ,另外成虫产卵器还可刺破叶片. 据作者 1 995~ 1 996年在沈阳近效调查 ,


对虾属(Penaeus)和其近缘属以及褐虾属(Crangon)常潜居于海底泥沙内;海蛄虾类的海蛄虾科(Thalassinidae)、蝼蛄虾科 (Upogebiidae)、美人虾科(Callianassidae)、螯虾类的海螯虾(Nephrops)等,


潜鸟目(Gaviiformes):小型鸟类,善于游泳,跗跖部侧扁,位于身体后方,步行时身体近于直立,足4趾,前3趾向前,趾间有蹼,后趾与他趾平置,雏鸟属早成鸟. 黄喙潜鸟(Gavia adamsii)鸊鷉目(Podicipediformes):小型鸟,善于游泳,跗跖部侧扁,


periscopic /潜望的/展望的/ | periscopical /潜望的/展望的/ | periselen /近月点/


有人直接注意盗贼时他无法开始潜近(表3-15盗贼(Rog)略,见SRD,略有不同)追踪(Track):斥候获得追踪(Track)作为额外专长定位物品(Locate Object)(类法术):第6级时斥候可以如同类法术能力施展定位物品(Locate Object)每天一次,

beepers beepern:能发出哔哔声音的仪器

socket n.窝, 穴, 孔, 插座, 牙糟v.给...配插座 | beepers beepern.能发出哔哔声音的仪器 | stalking stalking围捕 潜近

abstain i.v. 1:弃权,不投票 2.[正式]戒除;回避

menopause u.n. (妇女的)绝经期,更年期 | abstain i.v. 1.弃权,不投票 2.[正式]戒除;回避 | stalk v. (为捉拿或杀死某人或某物而)悄悄地跟踪;潜近