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漱 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
gargle  ·  rinse  ·  gargled  ·  gargles  ·  gargling  ·  rinsed  ·  rinses

更多网络例句与漱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since it was a long overnight flight, passengers were provided with little "kits" including a toothbrush and a tiny tube of toothpaste, slippers and so on.


Objective: To establish a method for the determination of Compound Chlorhexidine Acetate Gargle.


The article in recent years the research progress of disease of oral cavity of TP prevention and cure makes one overview. The compositive TP of the basic research 1.1 TP of 1 TP is the floorboard that phenolic apperception of a kind of many hydroxyl closes matter, 25% what hold tea dry weight about, its are main component includes to express gallnut of gallnut catechu element gallnut of element of catechu of gallnut of acerbity ester, watch, watch catechu element is acerbity element of catechu of ester, watch, express gallnut of gallnut catechu element among them acerbity ester content is highest, occupy the 80%[1] of catechu element about, fighting oxidation with its unique element structure, fight the position with fight the respect such as tumor to have choppy, significant. The 1.2 TP absorption in oral cavity and metabolization Lee [2] is measured normally inside a hour after healthy person is chewing green tea Xie Huo contains juice of gargle green tea, content of the TP in saliva is very high, after observing green tea passes salivary enzymatic hydrolyze, TP is slow release and in oral cavity;Yang of local play action [the salivary level after 3] checked 6 volunteers to drink tea, chroma of the TP in making clear the saliva after drinking tea as a result is serous TP pH indicator 2 times, and the salivary TP concentration that contains gargle tea solution a few minutes to be able to produce higher level, and TP can be absorbed through oral cavity mucous membrane.

本文就近年来TP防治口腔疾病的探究进展作一综述。1 TP的基础探究1.1 TP的组成TP是一类多羟基酚类化合物的总称,约占茶叶干重的25%,其主要成份包括表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯、表没食子儿茶素、表儿茶素没食子酸酯、表儿茶素等,其中表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯含量最高,约占儿茶素的80%[1],并以其独特的分子结构在抗氧化、抗突变、抗肿瘤等方面占有重要的地位。1.2 TP在口腔中的吸收和代谢Lee等[2]测得正常健康人在咀嚼绿茶叶或含绿茶液后的一个小时内,唾液中TP含量很高,并观察到绿茶通过唾液酶水解后,TP缓慢释放并在口腔局部发挥功能;Yang等[3]检查了6位志愿者饮茶后的唾液水平,结果表明饮茶后唾液中TP浓度是血浆TP浓度的2倍,而含茶溶液几分钟即可产生更高水平的唾液TP浓度,且TP可通过口腔黏膜吸收。

Spring water also features:观音洞within漱玉泉washing Xinquan, pure to be learned; Beidou days inside the cave and stone pulp slurry Stephen Stephen, clean micro-Gan, considerable tension; Xianyan inside the仙泉one meter in diameter石穴, the permanent UN human consumption inside the cave, no increase or decrease throughout the year; Coccinella inside a岩隙, give birth to spring a few liters a day; in addition to milk Stephen Gan, Long nose, Shek Funamizu and so on.


Methods 80 patients in need of palatoplasty were randomly divided into four groups: NO.1 Experiment Group, NO.2 Experiment Group, NO.3 Experirnent Group and the control group.

选择行腭裂修复术病人 80例,随机分为实验Ⅰ组、实验Ⅱ组、实验Ⅲ组和对照组,每组 2 0例,分别给予 3%双氧水及 0 。1%洗必泰溶液含;0 。1%洗必泰溶液含;生理盐水含;常规口腔护理。结果四种方法均能使口腔内细菌菌落数明显降低,且护理前后有显著差异(P 。0 0 1)。

Junhua gargle has used to treat late stage chronic hepatic disease patients complicated with stomatocace and gingival oozing of blood, and compared it with using Furacilin solution gargle.


Then, taking a good swig, he throws his head back and gargles his throat, and after he's gargled it good and proper he spits it out on the mirror.


I gargle the Beijing company's flagship product, it is adapted to the social development, vis-à-vis other Gargles it has many advantages, comparative advantage in favor of product promotion, product promotion, however, there are many doctor of dental products have a certain view, and all doctors have different views, for their dental development is also not the same attitude.


The earl then sprouted wings, flying upward, transformed into a pheasant; but the king was a golden eagle and struck like a great bird of prey; the Earl sped away as a stag, the king pursued as wolf.


In order to reuse gray water from student dormitories in campus, the coagulation/suspended sludge filtration process was used to treat the wastewater.


更多网络解释与漱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pharyngeal aspirate:咽漱液

熏蒸 Fumigation | 咽液 Pharyngeal aspirate | 样本 Specimens

The Cave Dweller:住在洞堛漱

91. The Mad Scientist 瘋狂的科學家 | 92. The Cave Dweller 住在洞堛H | 93. Imp Wars 小精靈之戰

get changed:洗漱梳妆

1.get up in early morning清晨起床 | 2.get changed洗梳妆 | 3.housework家务劳动


garget 咽喉肿胀 | gargle | gargoyle 滴水嘴

garg gargle:漱 口 液

gal gallon 加 仑 | garg gargle 口 液 | LA local application 局 部 涂 搽

ferric chloride gargle:氯化铁(含)漱液

ferric chloride 氯化铁 | ferric chloride gargle 氯化铁(含)液 | ferric chloride solution 氯化铁溶液

gargle of chlorine:氯含漱液

gardon asparagus 龙须菜 | gargle of chlorine 氯含液 | gargle of potassium chlorate and phenol 氯酸钾酚(含)

have a cough:咳漱

There is something wrong with my feet. 我的脚有毛病. | Have a cough 咳 | Take a bus 乘公共汽车

thymidine kinase:胸腺嘧啶核苷漱酶

thrombosis 血栓形成 | thymidine kinase 胸腺嘧啶核苷酶 | thyroid gland food poisoning 甲状腺食物中毒


单单一天刷两次牙远远不够--还要用牙线(floss)清洁牙齿,然后用口水(mouthwash)口至少30秒. 自从保养之后,牙龈的毛病就好多了!孕妇看牙是免费的,还有就是生完孩子之后一年都是免费,所以要好好把握这个机会. 不一定非得牙齿有毛病才能去看牙的,