英语人>词典>汉英 : 漠视 的英文翻译,例句
漠视 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disregard  ·  disregarded  ·  disregarding  ·  disregards

brush aside · laugh at · treat with indifference
更多网络例句与漠视相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cases of campus libel on Internet have becoming one of the new and developing criminal types recently. Because of the anonymousness on cyberspace, many students and instructors often ignore the serious consequences of defamation on Internet.


There are the ignorance on tradition and environment during architectural design in the historic site. Building renewal of our country is encountering predicament.


The schizoid's asexuality is a result of indifference - the schizotypal's and avoidant's, the outcome of social anxiety.


Therefore, Pure Land cultivators should strive to practice steadily and should not be indifferent to or contemptuous of Practice -- lest they fail to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land.


I know my neglect may be harmful to you


This will inevitably cause students to belittle their own lives and to be indifferent to others'.


They are brave and loyal and seem to be oblivious to their size - or definite lack thereof.


The baby may be oblivious to the Holiday but you cant let it pass by without buying wonderful things for your baby''s first Christmas.


Parts of the government continue to blatantly disregard property rights and contracts.


Self booty white bighead, the sovereign will of tension value of self-reflection, should the prize ignored or devalued, would be a self-neglect or derogatory.


更多网络解释与漠视相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brush aside:扫除,漠视

bring...home to 使...十分清楚 | brush aside 扫除,漠视 | brush off 刷去,脱落,丢弃



disregard noun:漠视,忽视

bad debt noun 呆帐(收不回的帐) | disregard noun 漠视,忽视 | face value noun 票面价值

redoubtable: disregard:敬畏的:漠视的

408.redolent: unscented芳香的:无香味的 | 409.redoubtable: disregard敬畏的:漠视的 | 411.relinquish: cling to 放弃:坚持

No more, emotionless passing me by:再也不要那样漠视我

It was time that you had me by the line, 那时我已处于理智的边缘 | No more, emotionless passing me by, 再也不要那样漠视我 | For you'll always be my fiery eyes. 因为你永远都是我那燃烧的双眸

tune someone out:漠视某人的意见

255. tune in 喜欢,欣赏 | 256. tune someone out 漠视某人的意见 | 257. tune out 调准收音机以避免杂音或者干扰

Walk through fear:漠视恐惧

Volunteer your time . 献出你的时间. | Walk through fear . 漠视恐惧. | Be zany . 做个有趣的人. [/COLOR]

Walk through fear:漠视恐怖

Volunteer your time. 献出你的时间. | Walk through fear. 漠视恐怖. | X-perience the moment. 体验当下.

Walk through fear:漠视恐惧. (走出恐惧)

Volunteer your time. 付出时间. | Walk through fear. 漠视恐惧. (走出恐惧) | X-perience the moment. 体验现在.


immoral 不道德的 | immoralism 漠视 | immorality 不道德