英语人>词典>汉英 : 演奏者 的英文翻译,例句
演奏者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
executant  ·  player  ·  performers  ·  players

更多网络例句与演奏者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dynamic contrast and tempo change, the great use of accelerando, retardando and tempo rubato, allows performer to express the passage more freely and colorful.


In life, everybody has their moments of glory although they may go unnoticed like the accompanist.


Not only is displays regarding the piano performance study in the performer plays a stringed musical instrument in skill adeptness,more importantly the understanding thus displays through its innermost feelings to the work in the music,here both has in physiological the phenomenon and to have in phychological the phenomenon.


In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is often not the case in africa. alban ayipaga, a kasena semiprofessional musician from northern ghana, says that when his fluteand drum ensembleis performing."anybody can take part".

(47)在大多数情况下,如果是在我们自己的文化中演奏音乐,就很容易区分观众与演奏者,但在非洲,情况通常并非如此。alban ayipage,一名来自加纳北部的喀萨纳半职业音乐家在他的长笛与鼓歌舞团表演时说道,"任何人都可以参加"。

The textual subject is from the psychology angle to set out, analyzing when the piano give musical performance to be subjected to easily where the influence of a few mental factors, how regulate these mental and unsteady motions which appear easily and think a way to overcome, make the performer understand and want to acquire to give musical performance goodly in addition to giving musical performance technique consummately, have to also have good mental character, the mental character of performer with give musical performance result to exist an inevitable relation therefore, should strengthen the mental character that the ego mental state of training the student regulates an ability and development student.


Because the piano, unlike the organ and the harpsichord, responds to "touch" we need not depend on extreme agogy or rhythmic freedom the way harpsichord players often do.


Nearly all of the music was piped in over the sound system by a prerecorded orchestra with Western instrumentation, the exceptions being live performances by a 13-year-old harpist performing a work by the 19th-century Belgian composer Félix Godefroid, three singers with Western operatic vocal technique, and an accompanist performing on a traditional Chinese Steinway 9' grand piano.


Firstly,I've introduced different kind of skill between two hand when you're playing urheen.

摘 要:本文将对二胡左右手技巧配合在演奏中的应用的一些问题进行分析,来发现学生在演奏作品时存在的一些问题,并提出解决的措施,对于加强演奏者的演奏能力很有帮助,有利于演奏者对演奏作品理解、技巧和表现能力的运用有进一步的提高。

Long-time performer and educator Rob Mullins helps players enter the jazz world by providing voicings that will help the player develop skills in the jazz genre and start sounding professional right away - without years of study!

职业的演奏家和教育专家Rob Mullins可以通过特别的语意,提供给演奏者进入爵士风格的大道,他帮助演奏者提高爵士技术,走向正确的专业通途,而不需要多年的学习!

Participating from Japan were Mizuyo Komiya, asou player and Yukihiko Mitsuka, a shakuhachi players who are top artists in their own fields as well.


更多网络解释与演奏者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


violinist 小提琴手 | accordionist 手风琴演奏者 | orchestra 管弦乐队

ad libitum:(缩写为ad lib.)随意地(演奏者可任意改变一段音乐的表演色调和速度)

Prestissimo 最急板;最快速度 | Ad libitum (缩写为ad lib.)随意地(演奏者可任意改变一段音乐的表演色调和速度) | Rubato 节奏自由

bassist:低音歌手, 低音乐器的演奏者

bassing | 钓鲈鱼 | bassist | 低音歌手, 低音乐器的演奏者 | basso | 低音部, 低音歌手

bassist:低音歌手; 低音乐器演奏者 (名)

bassinet 摇篮, 摇篮车 (名) | bassist 低音歌手; 低音乐器演奏者 (名) | basso 低音部; 男低音歌手 (名)

de bassist:低音歌唱家, 低音提琴演奏者

de basis 基础 | de bassist 低音歌唱家, 低音提琴演奏者 | bedenken 考虑,思考

bassoonist:大管演奏者, 巴松管手 (名)

bassoon 低音管, 巴松管 (名) | bassoonist 大管演奏者, 巴松管手 (名) | basswood 椴木 (名)


concertina /类似风琴的六角形的乐器/ | concertmaster /首席演奏者/ | concertmeister /首席演奏者/


concertmaster /首席演奏者/ | concertmeister /首席演奏者/ | concerto /协奏曲/


violinist 小提琴家 | violist 中提琴演奏者 | violoncellist 大提琴演奏者


violist 中提琴演奏者 | violoncellist 大提琴演奏者 | violoncello 大提琴