英语人>词典>汉英 : 漓江 的英文翻译,例句
漓江 的英文翻译、例句


the Lijiang River · Lijiang River
更多网络例句与漓江相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bian Buchu is that this one was as of this Green Lotus Peak blooming beauty of Lijiang rhyme, or is it the Green Lotus Peak of Emptiness Lijiang alive.


We shall utilize comprehensively the theories and practices of hydrometry, ecology, environmental science and systematic engineering to divide the upper reaches of Li River into five sub-systems such as headwater forests, riverbed, changing volume in wet and/or dry seasons, faculties for retaining water and controlling flood, and the bearing capacity of the water resources so as to construct a systemic analysis framework for the research of this area.


Folk on the Lijiang River is not to say that camels would like is that the horse Lijiang River and the emotion-laden camels because of the bar.


Based on the survey of the ecological environment protection in Lijiang River, the contradictions and problems to be solved are analyzed. The establishment and perfection of compensation mechanism of ecological protection in Lijiang River are discussed.


This is because the United States unspeakable Lijiang River, and even the camels on the Lijiang River is also an ineffable beauty.


Therefore, able to swim the Lijiang River mountains and water, can be a sense of the situation and the Lijiang River scenery, has become their life's expectations.


Lijiang River's natural beauty, the legend of the beauty of Lijiang and more the beauty of the culture of Lijiang River, the United States with every one of the tourists to Lijiang.


Cheung Pei Shan is located in the southeast of Guilin Li River in the West Bank, Cheung Pei Shan Yamagata like a stand by the riverside stretch Ganquan lijiang nose toper named as the giant.


Using the thickly galvanized stonemesh filled with the Lijiang overbank pebbles for bank revetment solved the problems that traditional grouting rubbles for bank revetment influences the Lijiang natural landscape, the ordinary stonemesh is corroded and destroyed easily and the hard plastics stonemesh stiffness can t meet demand.


Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River.


更多网络解释与漓江相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Conducting a Sightseeing Tour in Hangzhou:杭州观光

10. Banquet Service 宴会服务 | 11. A Conducting a Sightseeing Tour in Hangzhou 杭州观光 | 12. Li River漓江解说

Camel Hill:骆驼山

七星山 Seven Star Hill | 骆驼山 Camel Hill | 漓江 Li River

Camel Hill:漓江 Li River 骆驼山

七星岩 Seven-star Park | 漓江 Li River 骆驼山 Camel Hill | 花桥 Flower Bridge

in the south of China:在中国的南部

22.step by step 一步一步地 | 23.in the south of China 在中国的南部 | 24.lie on the two sides of Li River 座落在漓江两岸


再后来,我拿了一本美国畅销小说>(LACE)问他能不能收在他主编的"漓江外国文学通俗文库". 他过两天来找我说,有一些色情描写恐怕不易通过. 我真的佩服他的英文阅读速度. 听我后来的同事倪峰说,施先生有背诵英文字典的硬工夫.

be open to the public:向公众开放

28.take a boat trip along Li River 乘船沿漓江游览 | 29.be open to the public 向公众开放 | 30.at sunrise 在日出时刻


猫儿山森林公园:30元 (难得的高山地貌,户外运动(Sports)的好场所;漓江,资江,浔江的源头)江苏:南京市钟山风景名胜区-中山陵园风景区,中央电视台无锡影视基地三国水(Water)浒景区,苏州市拙政园,苏州市周庄古镇景区.

the Lijiang River:漓江

the libyan desert 利比亚沙漠(非洲) | the Lijiang River 漓江 | the lincoln 林肯一家

ht;hti.lt.;htlhtr;h-trap;htrp:几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真) 漓江

hsize;hsz 行幅 | ht;hti.lt.;htlhtr;h-trap;htrp 几何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失真) 漓江 | htr;h-trap;htrp 几.何失真;水平倾斜失真(梯形失.真).

Li River Volkslied:漓江谣

06说句心里话 Say a Word in Heart | 07漓江谣 Li River Volkslied | 08小河淌水 Source of Love