英语人>词典>汉英 : 溢流的 的英文翻译,例句
溢流的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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With import pressure relief valves, pilot vavel disc role in the fluid pressure Fx attendant increase, when more than equal to Fx Pt2, pilot valves valves mouth opened, the pressure relief valves to import oil by damping hole, Pilot valves valves mouth overflow relief valves to export, and then back to the fuel tank.


With import pressure relief valves, pilot vavel disc role in the fluid pressure Fx attendant increase, when more than equal to Fx Pt2, pilot valvesvalves mouth opened, the pressure relief valves to import oil by damping hole, Pilot valves valves mouth overflow relief valves to export, and then back to the fuel tank.


In this design, we use the way of the electrolyte flow in through the bottom of reactor and overfall at the top of reactor to discharge the deposition at the process of reaction. Thus, we successfully solve the problem of the flocculation and deposition of Al3 in the reactor.


But when the traffic is inconvenient, the cofferdam only constructed by manpower and needs overfall, traditional styles of cofferdam are unuseful.


Experiment: respectively measures the reaeration ability of the smooth overflow surface and roughened overflow surface(hemispheroidal surface and stepped surface), and analyses contrastively the effect and reason of reaeration improving after roughened modification.


Dependent on the palladium role of hydrogenation and hydrogen spillover, the olefins effused from the zeolite capsule catalyst were hydrogenated effectively, mostly converted to isoparaffin.


With thermophilic alcohol active dry yeast as fermenting microorganism, continuous fermentation experiment was carried out.


Balance the increase in the distance the size of the piston according to the amount of overflow to automatically adjust the size of the increase in the distance decided on the balance of the piston, the next two cavities formed by pressure.


Firstly,the anlysis of the floor slab of chute acted by multifarious powers are systermatically concluded.


high pressure water jet ; pressure-regulating overflow valve ; electric device


更多网络解释与溢流的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

half tide cofferdam:(较低的挡水并能溢流的建筑物)半潮围堰

half-tide basin 半潮船坞 | half-tide cofferdam (较低的挡水并能溢流的建筑物)半潮围堰 | half-tide level 半潮面

overflow nipple:(蒸馏塔塔盘的)溢流短管

sinking fund 偿债基金 | overflow nipple (蒸馏塔塔盘的)溢流短管 | elastic circular sandwich beam 弹性圆形夹合梁


最右边一个数字的小数点则是用来表示错误的发生和溢流(overflow)的. 一个发光二极体在它的两个端点加上电压时就会发出光来,而所加电压在阴极要比阳极高的. 那麼,这些扫瞄线是如何来控制那72个具有8线段输出的发光二极体?


overripebread发酵过度的面包 | overrunning溢流的 | overs筛除物;筛渣

relief valve:溢流阀

3.(O) 一般油压系统中主溢流阀(Relief Valve)是额定压力设定的阀件,做为系统最高压力限制之用. 4.(X) 一般油压系统中主溢流阀(Relief Valve)是额定压力设定的阀件,做为系统低压力限制之用.

pressure relief valve:溢流阀

节流阀和单向节流阀是简易的流量控制阀,在定量泵(Fixed Displacement Pump)液压系统中,节流阀和溢流阀(Pressure Relief Valve)配合,可组成三种节流调速系统,即进油路节流调速系统、回油路节流调速系统和旁路节流调速系统.

spill over:溢流

影响共亲职行为的因素,常和夫妻情感形成互为因果或彼此溢流(spill over)的效应. Belsky在一项针对家有幼儿的夫妻关系研究指出,有一些夫妻是属於原本婚姻关系本来十分良好,但后来却转坏的类型. 对於这一类的夫妻而言,



spout hole:喷水孔,溢流孔

spout guide 出口导槽 | spout hole 喷水孔,溢流孔 | spout mist sprayer 带软管的弥雾机

interlacustrine overflow stream:湖间溢流河

interlacing 隔行;隔行扫描;交错(操作) | interlacustrine overflow stream 湖间溢流河 | interlaid 互层的;夹层的