英语人>词典>汉英 : 温雅 的英文翻译,例句
温雅 的英文翻译、例句


gentle and cultivated
更多网络例句与温雅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The development of the amenities of speech and ''.


Her faded blue eyes, benignant and kindly,surveyed her nephew and her nephew's guests with gentle pleasure.


Gentle lady, when I did first impart my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had ran in my veins – I was a gentleman and then I told you true. And yet, dear lady, rating myself at nothing, you shall see how much I was a braggart.


Its sensational performances always enrapture the audience and leave the best impression of Georgian art.


In the more concrete details of our life, there is, or there can be, ease and gracefulness and


In the more concrete details of our life, there is, or there can be, ease and gracefulness and competence, too.


"I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane, not half so good humored as Lydia."


The first meetings went off with a certain humiliating clumsiness. Neither Winifred not her instructress had any social grace


The style of Ma Jun's article seems to be as mild and placid as his characteristics.


Such is the case with Richard Marx's "Right Here Waiting" and, to some extent, the Cars'"Drive"; instead of sounding like lite-FM retreads, they become heated extensions of his Julio-ness.


更多网络解释与温雅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after:骄傲走在前,羞耻跟在后

43.Pride goes before destruction. 骄者必败. | 44.Pride goeth before,and shame cometh after. 骄傲走在前,羞耻跟在后. | 45.Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 傲慢和温雅,永难住一处.

Pride goeth before, and shame cometh after:骄傲走在前,羞耻跟在后. 英文谚语大全谚语

45.Pride and grace dwelt never in one place. 傲慢和温雅,永难住... | 44.Pride goeth before,and shame cometh after. 骄傲走在前,羞耻跟在后. 英文谚语大全谚语 | 43.Pride goes before destruction. 骄者必败. ...

heartful:友善的 随和的 真诚的

handsome 帅气的 温雅的 英俊的 | heartful 友善的 随和的 真诚的 | honourable 可敬的

collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas:一边收集水气, 一边扑向北方的喜玛拉雅山脉

Winds blowing across the Indian Ocean|风掠过... | collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas.|一边收集水气, 一边扑向北方的喜玛拉雅山脉 | As the air rises, so it cools.|随着气流的上升,温...


感叹一句,小日本资源不足却知道多动脑筋,除却膳食,在众多领域都是值得我们学习的. 因萧萧温雅淑女,不沾酒品,未提及清酒. 其实吃日本菜,清酒(saki)也是大值一试的. 其色类白酒透明,其味略异. 大家试过便知.


例如 "黑客"(Hacker)、"奔腾"(Pentium)、"伊妹儿"(E-mail)、"雅虎"(yahoo)等等. 但往往还有一些词,并不十分规矩,而是选一些有意思的,搞笑的字词来翻译这些外来词,凸现其另类特色. 如稻康亩(Dot com),温都死(Windows)等. 从根本上说,


debonair /殷勤的/高兴的/ | debonaire /快活的/温雅的/清爽的/ | debonder /剥离器/


debonder /剥离器/ | debonnaire /快活的/温雅的/清爽的/ | deboost /阻尼/制动/



Sweet knaves:温文而雅的恶人

Discord dulcet 悦耳的嘈音 | Sweet knaves 温文而雅的恶人. | Sweet pangs 甜密的痛苦.