英语人>词典>汉英 : 温柔的体贴 的英文翻译,例句
温柔的体贴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与温柔的体贴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am accustomed to good , sweet and conciliatory women; they are the ones I love


I am accustomed to good,sweet and conciliatory women;they are the ones I love.


I am a ccustomed to good, sweet and conciliatory women; they are the ones I love


I am accustom ed to good, sweet and conciliatory women; they are the ones I love


You are so considerate and femininity that I couldn't help to running into your arms immediately.


You are so considerate and femininity that I couldn't help to run into your arms immediately.


You are so considerate and femininity that I couldn't help wishing to run into your arms immediately.


But that innocency, that freshness, that quality of tenderness and gentleness, does not produce love; it is not the quality of beauty or silence.


And does your man give you enough TLC?


Thank you, yaya!!You are so considerate and gentle that I couldn't help wishing to run into your arms immediately.


更多网络解释与温柔的体贴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Treat your pet considerately:对待你的宠物要体贴

5 Don't neglect your pet. 不要对你的宠物放任不管. | 6 Treat your pet considerately. 对待你的宠物要体贴. | 7 Be gently with your pet. 对待你的宠物要温柔.

Darlene:达莲娜......温柔可爱 体贴地爱

Daphne 黛芙妮......月桂树 桂冠 阿波罗的最爱 | Darlene 达莲娜......温柔可爱 体贴地爱 | Dawn 潼恩......黎明 唤醒 振作

Darlene:英国 温柔可爱;体贴地爱

Daphne 希腊神话 月桂树;桂冠 (阿波罗的最爱) | Darlene 英国 温柔可爱;体贴地爱 | Dawn 英国 黎明,唤醒,振作

because of your frankness:因为你的坦白率真

5 因为你的温柔体贴because of your gentleness and considerate | 6 因为你的坦白率真because of your frankness | 7 因为你那可爱的笑容because of your lovely smile

I incompatible:矛盾 看似坚强,其实脆弱,看似冷漠,其实内心温柔体贴

h however无奈 无法摆脱这命运的阴霾,怎不无奈 | i incompatible矛盾 看似坚强,其实脆弱,看似冷漠,其实内心温柔体贴 | j josh玩笑 这个......大家看过许多了吧 ,不用多说了

great investment banker:他是个温柔、体贴 英俊的投资银行家

His name was Arthur.|他叫做亚瑟 | He was a nice, sweet, handsome, great investment banker|他是个温柔、体贴 英俊的投资银行家 | who lived between Madison and Fifth.|住在麦迪逊大道和第五街之间


"温柔"(tender)来自拉丁语的字根;而tendre代表"伸长,广延,或延伸,扩展". 字的本身定义为"表达或表现爱、怜悯、亲切、仁慈、深情的感受,例如体贴、细心、谨慎. "

And tenderly:温柔体贴地

She gives me everything她给了我所有一切 | And tenderly温柔躰贴地 | The kiss my lover brings那一记我的薆亻带给我的吻


(4)温柔(tenderness) 相互之间温柔相处. (5)体贴(thoughtfulness) 要能理解,要在思想和行动上体现出关怀. 5、还有"Y"--"是的"(yes) 把你们生活、思想和爱情中一切消极的影响扫除掉吧!要确信,"是的",你们俩都关心你们间的关系;"是的",


canterellare(意)轻声吟唱. | caressant(法)温柔体贴的,爱抚的. | carezzando(意)温柔体贴地,爱抚地.