英语人>词典>汉英 : 温文尔雅 的英文翻译,例句
温文尔雅 的英文翻译、例句


be gentle and quiet of disposition · cultured in manners · gentle and cultivated
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I had to work hard to master the arcane rules of Admiralty Law, which I took only because I wanted to have a course taught by Charles Black, an eloquent, courtly Texan who was well liked and respected by the students and who was especially fond of Hillary.


He could live in a civilized village , with men like Emerson, Hawthorne, and Alcott to talk to


Respected for his wisdom and great power, Anon rules the sphere of Life with gentle patience.


When he shows us the debonair angle at which he can wear a hat, he's much more like Garland than anyone else; when he splays his hands and bends his knees in jazz effects, he recalls the chic archness of Hepburn in "Funny Face," and toward the end those feet of his go right up onto point.


Who put their trust in bullocks and beeves.


How much more elegant is it to slay your foe, with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabor him with the bludgeon of invective


How much more elegant is it to slay your foe, with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the bludgeon of invective.


Mickey's blandness has almost made his character dumb .


The author's insights into the mind and milieu of Chopin reveal an unstable, shy and sickly individual, whose unfailing politeness, modesty and effervescent humour were as common as his petulance and bossiness.


The powerful combination of and brashness she acknowledges comes her way by genetics .


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ANgelic Smile:温文尔雅主题曲

04 肖邦小夜曲 Nocturne, Chopin | 05 温文尔雅主题曲 ANgelic Smile | 06 爱的罗曼史 Romance de Amor


"我只想给那小伙子(chap)一个教训,让他知道照看好别人的东西. "她十分珍爱(prefer)我父亲的一幅温文尔雅的画像. 她经常讲一个故事,说的是父亲穿着他喜爱的行头--牛仔裤和绘着一头豹子的旧针织衫--去领取优秀大学生荣誉学会的钥匙的时候,

We can't spell "Debonair:(温文尔雅的)

We can't spell "Elegance"(高贵的) without "é". | We can't spell "Debonair"(温文尔雅的) without "D". | We can't spell "Invulnerable"(无懈可击的) without "I".

rhetoric and declamation:擅长辞令夸夸其谈

polite and fashionable 温文尔雅循规蹈矩 | rhetoric and declamation擅长辞令夸夸其谈 | loud and strong笑声爽朗嗓音浑厚


中线 情人 女人的特点:精致(delicate) 外表特征:身体娇小,温文尔雅,淡妆素裹 代表女性:花样年华里面的张曼玉 要点:知性/善解人意 故事发生的地方:一次偶然的在旅途中的邂逅 故事:这样的女人是一件精美的玉器,需要慢慢的欣赏.

epitome: n.1:梗概,节录 2.典型,象征,缩影

urbanity: n.1.彬彬有礼,温文尔雅 2.城市性,居住在城市 | epitome: n.1.梗概,节录 2.典型,象征,缩影 | bizarre: a.奇形怪状的,异乎寻常的,怪诞的

fit sb like a glove:完全适合

fight with the gloves on 温文尔雅地争辩 | fit sb. like a glove 完全适合 | an iron hand in a velent glove 外柔内刚,笑里藏刀

suavely:温文尔雅地; 讨好地 (副)

suave 柔和的, 娴雅的, 温和的 (形) | suavely 温文尔雅地; 讨好地 (副) | suaveness 温和, 平和; 文雅, 和蔼 (名)


unpredictable 不可预知的 | urbane 温文尔雅的 | urbanization 城市化

urbanity: n.1:彬彬有礼,温文尔雅 2.城市性,居住在城市

implementation: n.贯彻,执行 | urbanity: n.1.彬彬有礼,温文尔雅 2.城市性,居住在城市 | epitome: n.1.梗概,节录 2.典型,象征,缩影