英语人>词典>汉英 : 温室植物 的英文翻译,例句
温室植物 的英文翻译、例句


stove plant · greenhouse plant · hothouse plant
更多网络例句与温室植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have the intelligent experiment greenhouse of 10000 ㎡ and plant sugar-free tissue culture laboratory of 120 ㎡, and facilities such as artificial climate box, automatic meteorological observation station, full-automatic greenhouse environmental data acquisition system, soil temperature and humidity tester, actinography, photosynthetic speed tester, CO2 monitoring instrument, crop water potential determinator, crop physiological and biochemical tester, etc.


In order to maintain a good greenhouse plants illumination conditions, the annual Botanical Garden to clean glass work.


In order to carrying on the intelligent disease prevention and cure for glasshouse plants, this paper researched two kinds of familiar cucumber diseases in the method of picture processing.


With much of the country given over to market gardening and the intensive cultivation of flowers, planners have also come up with designs for floating greenhouses designed so that the water beneath them irrigates the plants and controls the temperature inside.


For whatever plants that you have in your greenhouse, commercial potting soil works fine.


Earlier this year researchers in New Zealand began investigating a psyllid infection in glasshouses growing tomatoes and peppers plants closely related to potatoes .


Copper contaminated soil was selected, Brassica juncea and Elsholtzia splendens plants were used, then simulation experiment, hydroponic culture, column leaching experiment and pot experiment were conducted to study (1) effects of organic chelants on the Cu specition in soil solution and soil soild phase;(2)Effect and mechanism of organic chelants on plant growth and Cu uptake by plant;(3) nutrient addition on plant growth and Cu accumulation;(4) limitation of chelant in soil;(5) Desolving on nutrient and heavy metals in soil and their environmental risk by chelant application and (6) effects of degradable organic chelant and microbial materials on plant growth and phytoremediation efficiency of Cu contaminated soil.


The main environment factors which affect the growth of plants are temperature, humidity, and sunshine etc, but it iswarm at most part of China East area in our country, the warming time is not long in winter, the greenhouse temperature is high in summer and the highest room temperature is often upper than 40℃, so 2/3 of the year we can not plant in greenhouse, which dilapidates the greenhouse over long time.


The greenhouse gas emission were measured from different sources: landfill in northern Taiwan; paddy field, uplands with young soy beans, peanut, chinese cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, green onion, lettuce, onion and watermelon plants in Chang-hua. A wetland was also studied in the perspective of greenhouse gas emission.


Greenhouses not only became plant protectors, cultivators and all-season enclaves for growing plant forms, but also a refuge for weary souls, and clean entertainment for amateur and expert horticulturists bored by the outside world.


更多网络解释与温室植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




大温室(Conservatory)是最有看头的地方了. 这里四季温暖如春,汇集着成千上万种的植物花卉,在这里,真是有点眼"花"缭乱了. 照片就不一一介绍了,那些花儿只知道漂亮,名字没有记住.

Greenhouse gases:温室气体

真菌及细菌是最主要的分解者,它们可以分解动植物残骸,并进行生物化学转换,提供植物生长的养份循环. 经由微生物的作用,加上土壤的孔隙,可以涵养多种气体,包括二氧化碳、甲烷、一氧化氮等,可以调节大气中温室气体(Greenhouse Gases)的浓度.


温室大棚(greenhouse) 又称暖房. 能透光、保温(或加温),用来栽培植物的设施. 在不适宜植物生长的季节,能提供生育期和增加产量,多用于低温季节喜温蔬菜、花卉、林木等植物栽培或育苗等. 温室的种类多,依不同的屋架材料、采光材料、外形及加温条件等又可分为很多种类,

host plant:寄植物

host 宿主 | host plant 寄植物 | hot house effect 温室效应


hothouse 温室 | houseplant 家庭盆栽植物 | Humanities 人文

stove plant:温室植物

stoutness 坚固 | stove plant 温室植物 | stove 炉

Kingdom PLANTAE:植物界

大陈帝国是人类(Homo sapiens)的乐土, 动物界(Kingdom Animalia)的天堂, 植物界(Kingdom Plantae) 的温室;是众多地球生物梦寐以求希望居住的地方,是无数外星异形朝思暮想渴求繁衍的空间.

palm house:热带植物温室

palm hammock ==> 棕榈小丘 | palm house ==> 热带植物温室 | palm kernel ==> 棕仁


palmhammock 棕榈小丘 | palmhouse 热带植物温室 | palmic 心悸的 心跳的