英语人>词典>汉英 : 渗入者 的英文翻译,例句
渗入者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
infiltrator  ·  infiltrators

更多网络例句与渗入者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pride may enter a poor man's heart; avarice may reign in a cottager's bosom; uncleanness may venture into the quietest home; and anger, and envy, and malice may insinuate themselves into the most rural abode.


After cleaning skin with face cream, dorp proper essence on cotton bud with burette, then coating on acne cyst with the cotton swab, and gently press 1 to 2 minuts, making effective ingredients permeate into the skin.

洁面后,用滴管往棉签上滴适量的精华液,用棉签涂于痘痘及痘印处,并轻压1-2分钟,使有效成分渗入皮下,轻微者每天1 - 2次,严重者每天3 - 4次。

Yet ,even as the numble of new infection has dropped , the numble of people living with HIV is increasing , better treatments are exstending lives and more people are getting the drugs.


One wounded roach burrows to regenerate hitpoints while the remaining roach scurries into the main base, where it''s quickly dispatched by a marauder.


He took considerable interest in Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator when it was discovered on Naboo.

当达斯·摩尔(Darth Maul')的西斯渗入者号飞船在纳布星被发现时,塞斯·汀对之表现出了浓厚的兴趣。

Here, instead of finding the freedom he sought, he has spent a year in prison under an Israeli law that jails infiltrators from enemy countries.


更多网络解释与渗入者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Haydonite Dreadnought:海顿无畏者级战舰

Haydonite Cruiser 海顿巡洋舰 | Haydonite Dreadnought 海顿无畏者级战舰 | Haydonite Infiltrator 海顿渗入者

infighter:善短击的拳击手; 暗斗者 (名)

infighter 善短击的拳击手; 暗斗者 (名) | infighting 近击; 乱打; 混战 (名) | infiltrate 使透过, 渗入; 使渗透; 透入, 渗透 (动)


inlay 镶嵌 | inlayer 镶嵌者 | inleakage 渗入


inlayer 镶嵌者 | inleakage 渗入 | inlet 进口

infiltrator; intruder:渗入者;侵入者

infiltration;渗透;渗入; ; | infiltrator; intruder;渗入者;侵入者; ; | informal consultations;非正式磋商[安理会];非正式协商; ;

Unemployment compensation:失业补助金

2、失业补助金(Unemployment Compensation)只要是遭辞退失业的,不管有无积蓄都可申请. 一般补助期是6至9个月,按各州不同情况可能会有所延长. 3、公共援助金(public assistance)专为低收渗入渗出或无收渗透的失明者、老人、残障者及无收渗入渗出的家庭而设.

informal consultations:非正式磋商[安理会];非正式协商

infiltrator; intruder;渗入者;侵入者; ; | informal consultations;非正式磋商[安理会];非正式协商; ; | informal informal consultations; informal informals;非正式的非正式磋商; ;


infiltration 渗透物 | infiltrator 渗入者 | infimum 最大下界

infiltrator:渗透者; 渗入者 (名)

infiltration 渗透; 浸润物; 渗透物; 渗透活动 (名) | infiltrator 渗透者; 渗入者 (名) | infinite 无穷的, 极大的, 无限的 (形)