英语人>词典>汉英 : 混时间 的英文翻译,例句
混时间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
doodle  ·  doodled  ·  doodles

更多网络例句与混时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The numerical results indicated that the mixing time decreases about linearly with increasing current intensity. The mixing time decreases first then increases with increasing current frequency and comes up to its minimum value at 30Hz. Applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake or downtake when the exciting current intensity is 200 A at 10 Hz, the mixing time can be shortened by 9%~17%. With the operating conditions kept unchanged, shorter mixing time is available if applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake instead of downtake, and the time can be shortened by 18%~26% if applying the magnetic field to both the uptake and downtake. Moreover, the mixing time decreases with increasing argon blowing flowrate, and the time comes down to its minimum value if the argon blowing flowrate is 1 600 NL/min. After the moment, the mixing time increases with argon blowing flowrate.

计算结果表明:混匀时间随电流强度的增大而减小,并且近似成线性关系;混匀时间随电流频率的增加先减小后增大,并且在30Hz 时达到极小值;在励磁电流强度为200A ,频率为10Hz 的条件下,在上升管或下降管施加行波磁场混匀时间可缩短9%~17%;在相同操作条件下,在上升管处施加行波磁场混匀时间小于在下降管施加行波磁场的混匀时间;同时在上升管和下降管施加行波磁场,混匀时间可缩短18%~26%;混匀时间随吹氩量的增大而减小,在吹氩量为1600NL/min 时混匀时间达到极小值,吹氩量继续增大时,混匀时间反而增大。

The pugging process experiment of silica brick pug was made in Φ1 600×450 wet pan mill to study the change rule of main component mixing homogeneity and molding performance of the pug. The results showed that the pervasion and mixing concurred when diversified materials acceded to the wet pan mill, prolonging time in dry-mixed and wet-mixed periods had no action for increasing mixing homogeneity with pugging time prolonging, the molding performance was improved and the porosity of silica brick adobe had downtrend, but prolonging time after pugging 14 min the effect was not remarkable.

通过对Φ1 600×450湿碾机混练硅砖泥料过程中泥料主要成分的混合均匀度、泥料成型性能的变化规律研究,发现在各种物料加入湿碾机时,同时存在着扩散混合作用,延长干混、湿混阶段的时间,对于提高混合均匀度实际上没有意义;随捏练时间延长,泥料成型性能改善,砖坯气孔率呈下降趋势,但捏练14 min以后继续延长捏练时间,采用正常压制制度时,砖坯气孔率降低值已经很小。

The blending method, blending time, the level of waste rubber powder and WRP modified by resorcin and hexamethylenamine were investigated to find their influence on the mechanical properties of NR blends.


The requirements of improving the frequency characteristic of reverberation time are analysed here in the light of the function and the architectural feature of the semi-scene-painting hall.


We were just dossing about in lessons today.


He whiled away the hours on the train by talking to other passengers.


The results summarized as follows:(1)The main pharmacokinetic parameters Tmax was about 2h, Cmax was 8.365, 7.519, 1.871, 6.485, 4.060μg/mL in blood, gill, kidney, liver, and muscle respectively, after oral administration at a dose of 30 mg/kg; while t1/2 were 8.180~23.249h. These showed that the NFLX absorption was rapid after oral administration of NFLX in Scophthalmus maximus, but the residence time in the fish was long.(2) T1/2 were 74.88~200.45h after oral administration at dose of 30 mg/kg for five consecutive days, which showed that the attenuation of NFLX in the fish body was slow and the residue concentration in the kidney was the highest.

另外,本文测定了大菱鲆成鱼体内NFLX的药物浓度,用MCP-KP药动学程序对所得的药物浓度-时间数据进行分析,结果表明:1单次混饲口灌(30 mg/kg体重日)NFLX,药物在大菱鲆体内的达峰时间为2h,血液、腮、肾脏、肝脏、肌肉达峰浓度分别为:8.365、7.519、1.871、6.485、4.060μg/mL,消除半衰期为8.180~23.249h,说明NFLX在大菱鲆体内吸收较迅速,但滞留时间较长。2连续五天混饲口灌(30 mg/kg体重日)NFLX,消除半衰期为74.88~200.45h,说明混饲口灌NFLX在大菱鲆体内消除缓慢,其中以肾脏中残留最显著。

When it was too low, then the kaoline was not mixed homogenously with SBS, giving rise to need more time and decreasing process efficiency.


Moreover, the SALS images were digitally analyzed by means of Debye-Bueche and Mie scattering theory to obtain corresponding structure parameters describing the morphology, e.g., correlation distance ac, integral constant Q and fractal dimension Dc as well as the relationship between these parameters with blend composition, blending time and content of the compatibilizer.


Firms want to believe that workers are there because they love it, she adds.'So if you want to grease the wheels in your favor, you can't be a clock watcher or just be in it for the money.


更多网络解释与混时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


doodad 便宜货 | doodle 混时间 | doodlebug 狮蚁

Tunnel reverb:隧道混响 Reverb 混响时间

7 Live Room 房间混响 Reverb 混响时间 | 8 Tunnel Reverb 隧道混响 Reverb 混响时间 | 9 Sap Reverb 拍击混响 Reverb 混响时间

Deep reverb:深度混响 Reverb 混响时间

3 Cathedral 教堂混响 Reverb 混响时间 | 4 Deep Reverb 深度混响 Reverb 混响时间 | 5 Solo Room 独奏混响 Reverb 混响时间


六、效果及参数 (1) 混响时间(Reverb Time) 混响时间是声源停止发音后,室内声压级衰减60dB所需要的时间. 它代表了房间体积的大小,混响时间太短,声音会发干;混响时间太长,声音会混浊. 只有合适的混响时间,才能达到对声音进行美化和修饰的作用.

reverberation time:混响时间

REV 混响、交混回响 | reverberation time 混响时间 | reverberator 混响器


*混响(reverberation) 指在声学空间中的一种密集声反射,其幅度越来超低而在时间上则越来越靠近. 在音源停止发声后于室内听到的声音便是混响. *混响时间(reverberation time) 指当室内的声音的幅度减少60dB时所需的时间,用RT60表示.

clock watcher:混时间的人;老是看钟等下班的人

position buoy 指示浮标 | clock-watcher 混时间的人;老是看钟等下班的人 | South America 南美洲

while away:混时间;浪费时间

what's what 具体情况;直相 | while away 混时间;浪费时间 | with open arms 热烈地、亲切地(表示欢迎)

Reverb Predelay:混响反射时间控制

Reverb Enable 混响开关 | Reverb Predelay 混响反射时间控制 | Reverb Decay 混响时间控制

8.I'll fire that clock watcher:8.我要把那个混时间 的职员辞掉

[06:31.63]7.Get up on your feet. ;7.不要瘫在那儿, 打起精神来.... | [06:33.89]8.I'll fire that clock watcher. ;8.我要把那个混时间 的职员辞掉. | [06:36.67]9.He's just taking up space. ;9.你只是滥竽充数....