英语人>词典>汉英 : 混合语言的一种 的英文翻译,例句
混合语言的一种 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与混合语言的一种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By using the relations between the elements in the linguistic evaluation scale and their indexes, and the additive weighted mean operator and the hybrid aggregation operator, a method based on the term indices for group decision making p...


Firstly, a new two-tuples hybrid weighted averaging operator based on uncertain information processing is proposed. Properties of the operator are also analyzed. A method for group decision making with linguistic information based on T-HWA operator is presented.


Then a new way was defined to prove that the unique set of sequences equivalent to context-free languages can be obtained by mixed self-assembly of mole-cules with 1-,2-,3- sticky ends,which is a supplement for Winfree's theory that the self-assem-bly of dendrimer nanostructures is equivalent to context-free language.


She tells about Victoria's experience living in the building. Here, she explains the language of Sephardic Jews, called Ladino, and sings part of a sad Ladino song: Oh, it's a very mixed up language. It's like a little bit Spanish...we call it Judeo Espagnol...and it's a little bit Turkish, a little bit Hebrew...a lot of languages mixed up all together.


The globalization of the English language has produced a unique linguistic phenomenon in China, that is, Pidgin English.


First, Alice's story as a virtual text, demonstrates the Dream by the special language—in particular Carroll's answerless riddles, the portmanteau words with meaning-implosion, and the homophones which show the displacement of sense—to attack the representation of thought, allowing us to see the impotence of designation in language.


She tells about Victoria's experience living in the building. Here, she explains the language of Sephardic Jews, called Ladino, and sings part of a sad Ladino song: Oh, it's a very mixed up language. It's like a little bit Spanish...we call it Judeo Espagnol...and it's a little bit Turkish, a little bit Hebrew...a lot of languages mixed up all together.


I don't think the project is solely a sort of discourse or exchange on a linguistic level. It touches on myriad experiences that entwines the Chinese language with corresponding information emerging from Chinese society. This so-called artistic experience involves elements of knowledge, but can certainly also be attributed to the current interest in China as being "hot" or "hip". If people had absolutely no interest whatsoever with Chinese society today, then the workshop would never had happened.


The globalization of the English language has produced a unique linguistic phenomenon in China, that is, Pidgin English.

论坛 摘要:同样的语言,在不同的国家或地区,会因自然文化及环境的不同而造成差异,这种情况并非始于今日英语的全球化,在中国造成了一种独特的语言现象——洋泾滨它指那种不讲语法,把汉语逐词用英语表达的一种混合语,在过去的上海和广东地区十分流行今天的中国,又出现了一种新洋泾滨英语本文着重探讨新洋泾滨英语的形成与发展,新洋泾滨英语的特点使用范围及使用人群

The distinction is, however, less clear cut than this suggests, since pidgins and Creoles characteristically operate on a 'post Creole continuum', which itself may be seen as a linguistic expression_r_r of the flux of HYBRID CONTACTS.


更多网络解释与混合语言的一种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

海参, (=beach-la-mar)混合语言的一种:beche-de-mer

beche | 打捞母锥 气动锤 取杆器 | beche-de-mer | 海参, (=beach-la-mar)混合语言的一种 | Becher | 比彻


比克顿曾指出,儿童能从他们移民的父母所说的洋泾浜原始语中创造出新的语言--克里奥尔混合语(Creole). 洋泾浜语是不会一种真正语言的商贩、旅游者、"客座工作者"(以及旧时的奴隶)用于交流的. 由于所有这些麻烦,通常得做许多手势,


英语现在已经发展成为一种全球性语言,还有一些英语和弱势语言的混合语"洋泾滨语"(Pidgin)和"克里奥尔语"(Creole)61. 目前,以英语为母语的人,对英语表现出强烈的认同和热爱,并引以为荣.


"伟大的东西从来都很难说得清楚",隐晦的密斯曾经窃窃地引用过斯宾诺萨(Spinoza)的这句名言. 将"结构"一词中这两种不同的意思,放到同一栋建筑中去,将它们不花气力地混合在一起,就像在纸上的语言上将它们不花气力地混合在一起那样.



海参, (=beach-la-mar)混合语言的一种:beche-de-mer

beche || 打捞母锥 气动锤 取杆器 | beche-de-mer || 海参, (=beach-la-mar)混合语言的一种 | Becher || 比彻