英语人>词典>汉英 : 深蓝的 的英文翻译,例句
深蓝的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与深蓝的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The best decolorization conditions for 50 mL dye wastewater by modified corncob are determined as follows: pH value 2, adsorption time 30 min and 60 min to direct deep blue and acid red, initial concentration 50 mgL^(-1), and adsorbent dosage 1.0 g.

改性玉米芯对50 mL印染废水脱色的最佳处理条件为:pH值2、对酸性大红和直接深蓝的吸附时间分别为60 min和30 min、初始浓度50 mgL^(-1)、吸附剂用量1.0 g。

I would like to have a new suit,made with something in a dark blue wool.


Outside the moon is high with a dark-blue sky behind it and with mountains, plains and forests of silver lying below.


Deep blue water, dwarfing the patches of land we call Earth.


In the months before Kasparov lost to Deep Blue


In May 1997, an updated version of Deep Blue defeated Kasparov 3.5-2.5 in a return match.


In 1996 and 1997, World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov played a pair of matches against an IBM computer named "Deep Blue."


I think I like that other shirt that had a little bit more navy blue in it.


Xu introduced the whole process of researching Deep Blue. In 1985, as the rudiment of Deep Blue, Chips Test came to exist. No less than its name, Chips Test was not a full machine but just built up by chips and circuitries. Then in 1988, Dr. Xu upgraded Chips Test to be a veriest computer and named it Deep Thought. There were two Deep Thought, Deep Thought I and Deep Thought II.

在之后的长达近两个小时的演讲中,许峰雄博士介绍了深蓝研发的整个过程,讲述了从研制 test chips ,到 Deep Thought,再到 Deep blue遇到的种种困难、软件和硬件的结合问题和一些鲜为人知的趣事。1985年, Chips Test 诞生,作为深蓝的雏形,正如它的名字所标识的那样, Chips Test 仅是由芯片和电路板搭建而成,实际并不能算作是一完整的机器。1988年,许峰雄博士将 Chips Test 进一步升级成为真正的电脑,取名为"深思"。

I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.


更多网络解释与深蓝的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait:潜向那片深蓝,潜向那些等待着我的银色的鱼

I'm going deeper past the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed 我要潜向海... | toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait. 潜向那片深蓝,潜向那些等待着我的银色的鱼 | As I swim through the wate...

toward a deep blueness where a school of silver fish wait:潜向那片深蓝|潜向那些等着我的银色的鱼

I'm going deeper past|the wrinkled rocks and dark seaweed|我要潜向海的... | toward a deep blueness|where a school of silver fish wait.|潜向那片深蓝|潜向那些等着我的银色的鱼 | As I swim through the water...

Azul oscuro, casi negro:深蓝即是黑

艺校的秘密 Art School Confidential (2006) | 深蓝即是黑 Azul oscuro, casi negro (2006) | 亚瑟 Arthur and the Minimoys (2006)

dark blue:深蓝

由于双方队员所穿的制服颜色有别,牛津队一般称为"深蓝"(dark blue)队,而剑桥队则称为"浅蓝" (light blue)队. 每队(crew)有8个划浆人(oarsmen)和一个舵手(cox).

Like towering peaks of dark-blue clouds:像巍峨绝顶的层层深蓝云峰

岩石山脉带给我喜帨. Those rocky mountains give me delight. | 像巍峨绝顶的层层深蓝云峰, Like towering peaks of dark-blue clouds, | 像高壮山形顶盖的幢幢楼宇, Like lofty houses with gabled roofs,

Royale Embedded:气魄(深蓝)

├─ Royale 深奥黑(很酷的黑) | ├─ Royale embedded 气魄(深蓝) | ├─ Tango Earth 地球(泥土神)

navy blue:深蓝

Hazleton 也是短款 插肩 双排扣 颜色 深蓝(navy blue) 浅乳白色 卡其色 尺码 6号 8号 10号 这款因为是插肩 所以肩部是比1更窄些的 但这个款式有收腰 适合瘦小的人穿 具体尺寸看下面衣服介绍处涂抹式霜15ml 产于英国威尔士南部海

of beautied waters deep and blue:有着美丽的深蓝海洋

of threaures rich and rare 遍布着稀世珍宝 | of beautied waters deep and blue 有着美丽的深蓝海洋 | of mounts beyond compare 无与伦比的高山

Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying:在广阔的天空下 宝贝儿 我正在尝试

Across the water across the deep blue ocean 穿过过深蓝的海水 | Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying 在广阔的天空下,宝贝儿,我正在尝试 | Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在梦里听见你的声音啦

I'd love far more my Antrim shore, its dark blue hills and rain:我将更加热爱安特里姆海滨, 及它深蓝的山丘与雨

If God should spare me my greying hair a... | I'd love far more my Antrim shore, its dark blue hills and rain 我将更加热爱安特里姆海滨, 及它深蓝的山丘与雨 | Around the fires, my heart's desires, heaven...