英语人>词典>汉英 : 深红色的 的英文翻译,例句
深红色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cardinal  ·  carmine  ·  crimson  ·  incarnadine  ·  incarnate  ·  ruby  ·  scarlet  ·  cramoisy  ·  laky  ·  crimsoned  ·  crimsoning  ·  crimsons  ·  incarnadined  ·  incarnadines  ·  incarnadining  ·  incarnated  ·  incarnates  ·  incarnating  ·  lakier  ·  lakiest  ·  rubies

更多网络例句与深红色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No, you 清楚 it's a crimson rose.


No, you knowinging it's a crimson rose.


I'm trying to start a music column for The Crimson.


It may be supposed, then, Franz did not wait for a repetition of this permission, but took off the handkerchief, and found himself in the presence of a man from thirty-eight to forty years of age, dressed in a Tunisian costume--that is to say, a red cap with a long blue silk tassel, a vest of black cloth embroidered with gold, pantaloons of deep red, large and full gaiters of the same color, embroidered with gold like the vest, and yellow slippers; he had a splendid cashmere round his waist, and a small sharp and crooked cangiar was passed through his girdle.


He was only to happy to help out with the display shoes and shipped over a boxed pair of original metallic Jordan I's along with original Fire Red V's, original Carmine VI's, original Powder Blue IX's and original Chicago X's.


L Drapable dimension in cotton/silk blends棉与真丝混纺悬垂织物l Subtle tonalities in stripes条纹织物的优雅色调l Knit ottoman with a compact appearance紧凑外观的棱纹织物 Home家纺系列 An Unrehearsed balance combines greys with a whitened aqua and strident fuchsia.


The jovial mood was ruined as one of the men fell over screaming, a large carmine gash running across his back, revealing a tall Argonian warrior standing behind him, garbed in black armor, a now bloody halberd in hand, fiery red eyes staring back at them with burning fury.


Within was a comely boy ,tanned and brown with sturdy outdoor sports and exercises ,whose clothing was all of lovely silks and satins, shining with jewels ;at his hip a little jeweled sword and dagger;dainty buskins on his feet with red heels;and on his head a jaunty crimson cap,with drooping plumes fastened with a great sparkling gem.


Grapefruit can be grouped into white, pink, red and deep red varieties according to flesh color.


But it's the brilliant reds and scarlets that depend upon a set of weather conditions as precise and balanced as a Bach fugue.


更多网络解释与深红色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


blooded | 有(某种之)血的, 血统优良的, 有战斗经验的 | bloodfin | 血鳍鱼(一种银色南美小鱼,鳍呈深红色) | bloodguilty | 杀人的


纵览NBA 2009-2010赛季期间,得分后卫鲍比布朗(Bobby Brown)屡屡向我们展示了不少教人叹为观止的传世战鞋,包括"深红色"(Carmine)Air Jordan 6和黑/红色Air Jordan 11等.


cramming | 塞满, 填鸭式的用功 | cramoisy | 深红色的 | cramp bar | 支承杆 (轧机牌坊的)横梁 夹紧杆

in derelict sidings the poppies entwine:深红色的罌粟花缠绕在废弃的铁轨旁

of their possible future to take care 他们不久可能发... | in derelict sidings the poppies entwine 深红色的罌粟花缠绕在废弃的铁轨旁 | with cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time 与牛棚车一道等待着...


但此次所发现的郤几无杂质,且其中含有 4" x 8" 大的深红色 (garnet) 的结晶体. 钻石常在火山管路 (volcanic pipe) 中被发现,该处名为 Kimberlite 层 (译者注:Kimberlite 为南非地名,亦指含钻石之绿蓝色岩层),常存留在极深地层内的岩浆里.


oriental red 大红 | oxblood 无光泽的深红色 | oyster grey 米灰色


window type current transformer 贯通式电流互感器 | wine colored 深红色的 | wing 轮叶


laissez-passer 通行证,护照 | laky 深红色的 | Laman spectrophotometer 拉曼分光光度计


lakesalt 池盐 | laky 深红色颜料的 | laloplegia 言语功能障碍


lakh /十万/十万卢比/多数/ | laky /深红色颜料的/深红色的/湖泊的/ | lalopathy /言语障碍/