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涉及古代的 的英文翻译、例句


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Little was known concerning the religion and customs of ancient Persia before the Avesta was brought to Europe in the eighteenth century.


In a word, from the above analying, we can distinctly see the highspot of social status,living fashion, thinking idea and so on of the Chinese ancient feminality. Furthermore thenanlysis can proffer some theoretical and factual things for the other researches..


The ancient Chinese grass roots autonomous public affairs are main content in the research of public management .


In the society of ancient China,juan,the kind of personality trend,often interwove with crazy,leisurely,clean,the upright and so on in the same place.This article has analyzed four types:juan slender,juan crazy,juan hidden,incorruptible,which could reflect the personality characteristic of juan in the most;chosed Qu Yuan,Ruan Ji,Tao Yuanming,Jiangkui as typical examples and involved the poem,the article, the Ci,the Fu to...bestow on four kinds of literary styles.


The Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong, which you HAs only signed on behalf of our two governments, is a earthmark in the light of the territory, in the course of Anglo-Chinese relations, and in the history of international diplomacy.


The website is established " contemporary art "" art history is written down now " Chinese art memorabilia """ archaic art " wait for a column, the artist that records Chinese art group to have representative, technicality, authority and exploration mind produces condition and work plan collection; Archaic art part is involved first the Qin Dynasty fluctuates to Yuan Mingqing the brushwork during 3000, grotto, grave is artistic, the communication that provides rich, full and accurate for broad artist and lover learns interactive platform.


According to a great number of archaeological objects unearthed and the description relating to shape, colour, luster, cleavage, fracture, taste and some chemical properties of minerals in ancient literatures , we conclude tentatively that some 13 species of main copper-bearing minerals in ancient China have been recognized.


The main materials include historic records of ritual regulations, documents, concerned books, poems, notes, local gazetteers, archaeological reports, geomantic principles and investigations and so on.


In the ancient Near Eastern religions, magic was a common practice, involving the use of a god's name, which was believed to control the god's power, in certain kinds of activity designed to harness divine power for human purposes.


His essay treated of the history of ancient China.


更多网络解释与涉及古代的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


生物辨识系统(biometrics)所涉及的社会需要,既古老又简单:告诉别人你是谁,以及让别人确认你的确是某某. 这种身份辨识的需要古今中外皆然. 在古代的中国,一个自称是钦差大臣的人必须出示"代天巡狩"金牌和尚方宝剑,才不会被人当成疯子;


在科学史的研究中,同样涉及到如何定义"科学"的问题,对于科学史研究来说,什么样的"科学"定义才是恰当的,而"精确"(exact)的科学史应该研究什么?到底什么样的研究内容才属于科学史的真正研究范围?著名学者戴维.平格里(David Pingree)曾经对古代美索不达米亚,


从神话和传说至少保存了史实的核心这一前提出发,巴霍芬论辨道,女性在许多古代社会占据着统治地位.他的研究所依据的是对古 代史料来源中的参考材料进行的综合考虑,而这些参考材料则涉及到亚马孙和其他带有母系(matrilineal)习俗的社会--在这些社会内,