英语人>词典>汉英 : 消极因素 的英文翻译,例句
消极因素 的英文翻译、例句


negative value
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It's mostly individual and can be either one negative factor or the group of negative factors that contribute to it.


The relations between children and the people who are related to them influence the children directly or indirectly, obviously or latently, among which are negative factors and positive factors.


However, the criminal conscionousness can be changed malignantly and positively during the process of teenager's committing crimes, which are decided by their satisfaction degrees and social factors.


Transform negative factors into positive factors, remold the criminals into people who are good for the society.


Russia economy progress has a series of positive factors and negative factor, its economy revitalizes the task will be long-term and arduous.


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician's position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician's position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physician's social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased. It became a very negative factor to the development of medicine.


In the Xizhou dynasty to Xihan dynasty ,the physician"s position was inferior than that of witch physician though they already had high social position. From the mid of Xihan dynasty to Tang dynasty, the physician"s position is markedly went down and caused the negative influence to the development of medicine as Confucianism became the orthodox ideology of the feudal society. From Song dynasty to Yuan dynasty ,the dynasts paid high attention to medicine ,so the physicians social position was greatly upgraded ,which promoted the development of medicine . The position of physician in the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty were unprecedentedly debased.


In the course of research the author finds that the mostly factors that counteracts students" individuality development, including conception is getting behind, curriculum content is various, teaching mode is monotonic, teachers" level: is not high, manage is rigidified; and that factors promote students individuality development, including teaching factors, science manage, sustaining of person with ability.


However,some problems as low market concentration of industries, small-scaled enterprises,few famous brands and brand promiscuity,have restricted the further development of China′s green food industries and enterprises,which have not the clear competitive advantage of the industries .


Since then, his successors have filled thousands of books with theories about what makes people take their own lives: the negative factors which remove the desire to live, and the positive ones that can make self-killing an attractive or even "fashionable" option.


更多网络解释与消极因素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Affective strategy:情感策略

F.情感策略(affective strategy):语言学习与学习动机、学习态度、自信心、情感、个性、同理心(empathy)、焦虑、紧张这类可变情感因素(affective variable)相关,要适时调整心态、情绪,抑制其消极作用.


4 "原型父母"的形象由于孩提时对双亲的感受而产生,类似于个人对异性感受的潜在意象;"男性潜倾"( animus )指女子集体无意识中的男性体现;"女性潜倾"( anima )指男子集体无意识中的女性体现;"阴影"( Schatten )原型指个人心中被压抑的消极或阴暗因素.


4 "原型父母"的形象由于孩提时对双亲的感受而产生,类似于个人对异性感受的潜在意象;"男性潜倾"( animus )指女子集体无意识中的男性体现;"女性潜倾"( anima )指男子集体无意识中的女性体现;"阴影"( Schatten )原型指个人心中被压抑的消极或阴暗因素.

global negatives:全球性消极因素

Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights,明尼苏达人权宣传会,, | global negatives,全球性消极因素,, | Special Representative on Information and Communication Technologies,负责信息和通信技术的特别代表,,


在对看待人类苦难的消极方式的拒绝中(如果是这样的话,我们或许能够做些事情来缓解这些苦难),也许有一种歇斯底里(hysterical)的因素. 但是,尽管对我来说,你写下那篇文章这个行为本身很明显就是不知何故(somehow)受其激励,但你并不愿意承认这个现实.


在对看待人类苦难的消极方式的拒绝中(如果是这样的话,我们或许能够做些事情来缓解这些苦难),也许有一种歇斯底里(hysterical)的因素. 但是,尽管对我来说,你写下那篇文章这个行为本身很明显就是不知何故(somehow)受其激励,但你并不愿意承认这个现实.

take a holiday:度假

休闲与度假(take a holiday)是两个不同的概念. 休闲是人们对闲暇时间的利用方式. 休即休憩,闲即闲暇时间. 度假是一种相对于消极休闲方式--日常生理休息的一种积极休闲方式. 积极的休闲方式是推动休闲产业发展的重要因素.