英语人>词典>汉英 : 涂鸦 的英文翻译,例句
涂鸦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
doodle  ·  graffiti  ·  doodled  ·  doodles

poor handwriting · chicken tracks
更多网络例句与涂鸦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because the subway not far Jie propaganda effect, tens of thousands of passengers have become the audience, its effect exceeds the television or other media far, and is free. These actions cause New York subway to encounter dauber's heavy damage, no matter inside and outside the compartment, the station, a blank has not been let off. The doodle also therefore becomes New York subway history a part.


Light Graffiti Artists and Photographers (and Creative Urban Light Graffiti and More Light Art ): Not all graffiti requires paint - or the defacement of buildings for that matter.


Anti-graffiti - A citywide coalition led by City Councilmember Angela Hunt is set to "counterattack on defacement of public and private buildings" with a day of graffiti wipe out on Saturday, May 20, from 9 a.m.


We think graffiti is an important and powerful artform, and this document is dedicated to all the graf writers out there, past, present, and future.


This is the Chinese and British graffiti art exhibition of graffiti art...


A lot of people always try to intellectualize what is graffiti or not. I think it's all about love and energy that writers put into it. Taipei writers are living the best moments of their graffiti life and I can say I'm a bit jealous!


The Six Keyz collective recently built a skateable art gallery with an indoor mini-ramp art installation that is the first of its kind in Hong Kong.

2006年12月7日。六匙诚意带给你&BURN&、一个在香港的涂鸦艺术展。纽约涂鸦艺术家,Pen1和 Drift 队伍在香港合作创作他们的涂鸦艺术展,地点正是六匙美术馆。

Early in the creation of graffiti, those words of graffiti call themselves rather than, and is usually painter, their popularity with the anonymous street number to pseudonyms, such as TAKI 183, JULIO 204, FRANK 207, their painting graffiti territory means very strong.

早期的涂鸦创作以文字为主,那些涂鸦画的创作者称自己为而非,而且通常是匿名的,他们流行用街道号码去假名,比如TAKI 183、JULIO 204、FRANK 207,他们的涂鸦画地盘的意味十分的浓厚。

Traveling on the subways in 2003, there is virtually no graffiti to be seen on the outside of trains, and only dim scratchings here and there on the insides.


Graf writers would gather at what they called "writer's benches" at subway stations to look at each other's sketchbooks, to plan "bombing" runs, and to watch as trains passed by so they could discuss the latest pieces they or other writers had recently produced.

涂鸦人们会聚集在他们称为&writer's benches&的地铁车站,来交流自己的草稿本的作品,计划bombin的路线和观察列车上其他涂鸦人所作的涂鸦作品。

更多网络解释与涂鸦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I will not be fearful of graffiti:我不会因为一些涂鸦而就感到不安

My dear girl,I have enough to worry about.|亲爱的侄女,我已经... | I will not be fearful of graffiti.|我不会因为一些涂鸦而就感到不安 | I'm telling you,the scribblers are not wrong.|我要告诉你,那些涂鸦里...

Color of fonts for tool information:涂鸦使用工具文字颜色(在按属性查看的时候显示)

Font type for replying titles 评论标题文字字体 | Color of fonts for tool information 涂鸦使用工具文字颜色(在按属性查看的时候显示) | Size of fonts for tool information 涂鸦使用工具文字大小

DISS, CUSS:不 尊敬或者羞辱其他涂鸦作者

CROSS OUT, DOG OUT, LINE OUT:在其他涂鸦作者名字或者签名上涂线的行为 | DISS, CUSS:不 尊敬或者羞辱其他涂鸦作者 | DROP:进行涂鸦创作时所用的动词


Daub:涂鸦 | Daubster:涂鸦者 | Truculent:凶残的、残暴的





Going oner:当一个涂鸦者将自己的图象覆盖在了另一个人作品的时候

Gangsta : 非常棒. | Going oner : 当一个涂鸦者将自己的图象覆盖在了另一个人作品的时候. | Graffiti : 涂鸦.

scribbling stage:涂鸦期

scribble 涂鸦 | scribbling stage 涂鸦期 | scribomania 涂写癖


PIECE BOOK,BLACK BOOK:草图 | sgraffiti:另一种涂鸦手法. | style wars:henry chalfant and tony silver所拍摄的hip-pop纪录片的名称,也可以用来形容涂鸦者彼此竞赛、一争高下的状况.


PIECE BOOK,BLACK BOOK:草图 | sgraffiti:另一种涂鸦伎俩. | style wars:henry chalfant and tony silver所拍摄的hip-pop纪录片的名称,也可以用来形容涂鸦者彼此比赛、一争高低的状态.