英语人>词典>汉英 : 浸的人 的英文翻译,例句
浸的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It was in this costume, and bringing back to Jacopo the shirt and trousers he had lent him, that Edmond reappeared before the captain of the lugger, who had made him tell his story over and over again before he could believe him, or recognize in the neat and trim sailor the man with thick and matted beard, hair tangled with seaweed, and body soaking in seabrine, whom he had picked up naked and nearly drowned.


Thus Sabbatarianism made many recruits among the Mennonite Anabaptists in Holland and among the English Baptists who, much as they differ on other points of doctrine, agree in the rejection of paedo-baptism.

因此sabbatarianism提出了许多新兵当中,门诺anabaptists在荷兰,其中英语浸信会的人,虽然有不同意见,其他各点的学说,同意在拒绝paedo -洗礼。

Double-walled to keep water warm longer the 35-inch-deep soaker features a built-in bench seat.

两个出水口能使水的热度保持得更久一些, 35英寸胖的人也能完全浸在里面。

In the forties, it becomes a steel strongbox door which weighs over a thousand jin. Even the wind couldn't get through, let alone fire or water. Only those who both know the password and have the key or the extremely skillful thieves could open it.


Three replications of 100 seeds were placed in presoaked germination paper and were then placed in a seed germinator at 251C for 7 days.


The line separating investment and speculation, which is never bright and clear, becomes blurred still further when most market participants have recently enjoyed triumphs. Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless money. After a heady experience of that kind, normally sensible people drift into behavior akin to that of Cinderella at the ball. They know that overstaying the festivities - that is, continuing to speculate in companies that have gigantic valuations relative to the cash they are likely to generate in the future - will eventually bring on pumpkins and mice. But they nevertheless hate to miss a single minute of what is one helluva party. Therefore, the giddy participants all plan to leave just seconds before midnight.


In Kazimiya hospital on Wednesday, survivors lay on blood-drenched floors, screaming in agony -- there were so many people wounded that doctors couldn't get to them all.


"We had previously shown that ultraviolet light has an effect on mood that tanners value," said Mandeep Kaur of the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center."Now, in this small study, we've shown that some tanners actually experience withdrawal symptoms when the 'feel-good' chemicals are blocked."


Lighting Hill 3-5 by the village culture of the mountain building in layers of light wooden stand down from the hundreds of lamps will be put on children and the letter of lace patterns, the light oil-soaked Erigeron twist insert children, one by one filled with oil.


The other Chest I found had some Cloaths in it, but of little Value; but by the Circumstances it must have belong'd to the Gunner's Mate; though there was no Powder in it; but about two Pound of fine glaz'd Powder, in three small Flasks, kept, I suppose, for charging their Fowling-Pieces on occasion: Upon the whole, I got very little by this Voyage, that was of any use to me; for as to the Money, I had no manner of occasion for it:'Twas to me as the Dirt under my Feet; and I would have given it all for three or four pair of English Shoes and Stockings, which were Things I greatly wanted, but had not had on my Feet now for many Years: I had indeed gotten two pair of Shoes now, which I took off of the Feet of the two drown'd Men, who I saw in the Wreck; and I found two pair more in one of the Chests, which were very welcome to me; but they were not like our English Shoes, either for Ease, or Service; being rather what we call Pumps, than Shoes: I found in this Seaman's Chest, about fifty Pieces of Eight in Ryals, but no Gold; I suppose this belong'd to a poorer Man than the other, which seem'd to belong to some Officer.


更多网络解释与浸的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Congregational Church:(公理会)

同时有一部分的人名叫独立派(Independents),提倡教会应该完全自治,主教不得参加,这教派是公理会(Congregational Church)的根基. 从各派中间也传出浸礼会 (Baptist Church),浸礼会很讲究信徒先要得自由,有成人的信心,才可以领洗.


从1856年法国人迪斯(Diss)发明了溶剂浸出的方法之后,在1870年前后,德国人在莱茵河工业带相继建立了罐组式油脂浸出工厂. 这项技术,日本也从当时的南满铁路引入到亚洲,先后在中国大连(1915)、日本横滨等地建厂. 然而,因连绵不断的战争,

dip, immerse, submerge:都有"浸,浸入"的意思

A loud noise diverted everyone's attention from their work.一声巨响转移了每个人的工作... | 64、dip, immerse, submerge都有"浸,浸入"的意思. | dip v.浸,浸染,蘸. 多指短时地将某物部分地浸到液体中,有小心翼翼的...

dip, immerse, submerge:浸,浸入

A loud noise diverted everyone's attention from their work.一声巨响转移了每个人的工作注意力.... | 4.dip, immerse, submerge"浸,浸入" | dip v.浸,浸染,蘸. 多指短时地将某物部分地浸到液体中,有小心翼翼的意思...


soaker 浸漬者,酒量大的人 | muckraker探听丑闻的人 | taker 接受者,收受者


resuscitative 使复生的 | resuscitator 使复活的人 | ret 浸水使柔软


softwood /软木材/针叶树/ | softy /笨货/傻子/笨人/多愁善感的人/ | soggy /浸水的/沉闷的/

Particular Baptists:(特别浸礼派)

这一派后来被称为"特别浸礼派"(particular Baptists). 贵格(Quakers)这个名字的由来并不确定. 可能是导源于有一次弗克斯叫一位英国长官要"因主的话而战栗". 有些人则说是因为早期弗克斯的门徒非常热诚,在聚会中,尤其是祷告时,因情绪激动而战栗,

Particular Baptists:特殊浸信会

英国的浸信会后来分成"普遍浸信会"(General Baptists)和"特殊浸信会"(Particular Baptists)两派. 前者接受"普遍救赎"的教义,意即基督为全人类而死,不止是为少数人死而已;后者则接受"局部救赎"的教义,意即基督只为被拣选的人受死.

:Lemon grass:柠檬草

有一种浴盬令水全部变成蓝色,饿水的人浸在蓝色的水中,当然极水. 要金的人可用牛奶属金. 要木的选择更多,可用熏衣草,柠檬草(Lemon Grass)等. 要火的话,可以用梨、橙、玫瑰花等红色浴盬,浸在浴缸内,水全部变成火一般血红色,好火呀!