英语人>词典>汉英 : 海鳗 的英文翻译,例句
海鳗 的英文翻译、例句


conger eel · sea eel · Muraenesox cinereus · long-jawed conger eels · conger pike
更多网络例句与海鳗相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effects of trehalose on actomyosin of salted pike eel muscle were first investigated.


From the looks point of view, this Frankenfish should be an eel, conger eel gills is very small, so they can only be through the Great mouth will water "pumped" into the body and the body.


Huge viewports are filled with flashing shoals of grouper, wrasse, amberjack, conger eel and, finally, a huge ray cruising the turquoise depths imperiously.


I shouldn't think the conger could care one way or another.


"We decided that it really wasn't worth upsetting anybody by going ahead with using a dead conger," Kaye said.


Concept artist Terryl Whitlatch wanted the colo claw fish to have an invertebrate look, so her early designs were based on an earwig. Later refinements incorporated crocodile and moray eel features into the design.

概念画家Terryl Whitlatch想要让寇罗爪鱼看起来有无脊椎动物的样子,所以她早期的设计是以有钳的地蜈蚣为基础,在后来的修改中加入了鳄鱼及海鳗的设计。

Get up close to morays and wobbegong shark from Kirra Beach and guitarfish, trevally and turtles of the Gold Coast seaway. Or explore the artificial reef just off Narrow Neck.


Have you ever been bitten by a moray eel?


Imagine the vivid stripes of the zebra moray, the polka-dotted body of the whitemouth moray, and the black-spotted moray—its skin like a mosaic of tiny tiles, artfully arranged.


On January 21, 2007, staff at Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, southwest of Tokyo, were alerted by fishermen to a 'strange eel-like fish with razor sharp teeth'.


更多网络解释与海鳗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

conger eel:海鳗

congenitally 天生地 | conger eel 海鳗 | congeries 聚集体

conger eel:海鳗(清蒸,xo酱炒)

Russafish清衣(清蒸, 焗鱼球) | Conger eel海鳗(清蒸,xo酱炒) | Mango snail芒果螺(清蒸,蒜蓉蒸,姜葱炒)

conger eel; conger ; anago:海鳗

striped mullet; grey mullet 乌鱼,才鱼,黑鱼,生鱼 | conger eel; conger ; anago 海鳗 | freshwater eel; unagi 蟮鱼,黄鳝

Conger Eel and Chicken Soup:海鳗鸡骨汤(日本)

鲑鱼生鱼片沙拉 Salmon Salad | 海鳗鸡骨汤(日本) Conger Eel and Chicken Soup | 海鲜小火锅 Seafood Chaffy Dish

Conger Eel and Chicken Soup:海鳗鸡骨汤

红烧猪手 Braised Trotter in Red Sauce | 海鳗鸡骨汤 Conger Eel and Chicken Soup | 兰度鸽脯 Braised Pigeon Breast on Broccoli


Crayfish -- 小龙虾 | Conger -- 海鳗 | Eel -- 河鳗


congenitally /先天地/ | conger /海鳗之类/ | congereel /海鳗之类/

conger pike:海鳗

conger eel | 海鳗 | conger pike | 海鳗 | conger | 康吉鳗科(尤指欧洲)康吉鳗

conger pike:冻海鳗

confection making machine 制冷冻糖食机 | conger pike 冻海鳗 | crab meat 冻蟹肉

pike; sea eel:海鳗

pike eel; silver piko-eel 灰海鳗 | pike; sea eel 海鳗 | pilot whale 逆戟鲸