英语人>词典>汉英 : 海芋属 的英文翻译,例句
海芋属 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Alocasia Schott.
更多网络例句与海芋属相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any plant of the genus Alocasia having large showy basal leaves and boat-shaped spathe and reddish berries.


The viral disease is one of the limiting factors for growing calla lilies and 16 viruses have been reported. Among these viruses, Dasheen mosaic virus, a member of the genus Potyvirus, is an important and widely spread virus which can infect at least 16 genera of aroid plants.

病毒性病害为目前海芋栽培上的主要限制因子之一,国内外曾有16种病毒被报导可感染海芋,其中芋头嵌纹病毒(Dasheen mosaic virus, DsMV)可危害16属以上的天南星科植物,其分布遍及世界各地,具有经济重要性。

Any of various perennial herb s in the arum family,including houseplants such as the anthurium,dieffenbachia,and philodendron and having tiny flowers crowded in a spadix that is subtended by a spathe.


Any of various perennial herbs in the arum family, including houseplants such as the anthurium, dieffenbachia, and philodendron and having tiny flowers crowded in a spadix that is subtended by a spathe.


Calla lilies (Zantedeschia spp.), belonging to the family Araceae, are perennial bulbous flowers. Because calla lilies are very popular among consumers and the cultivation areas continuously increase, they become important flower crops worldwide.


Tuberous herbaceous perennials : dragon arum .


更多网络解释与海芋属相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


入冬前搬入室内. 海芋对土壤要求不高,但在排水良好,含有机质的沙质壤土或腐殖质壤土中生长最好,一般盆土多采用2∶2∶1的腐叶土、泥炭土、粗沙的混合土. 生长季...该植物为天南星科(Araceae)海芋属(Alocasia)--海芋(Alocasia


观音莲属(海芋属)(Alocasia)植物有70余种,原生于亚洲热带. 株高从数十厘米至2米. 叶形依品种而异,有心形、盾形、卵形、戟形、箭形等,具短茎或有肥大的根茎,状似芋头,冬季呈休眠状态. 成株开花为肉质佛焰苞,肉穗花序. 叶片浓绿光泽明亮,

Arum lily:白星海芋 猫狗

17.Arum 海芋属植物 猫狗马 | 18.Arum Lily 白星海芋 猫狗 | 19.Asian Lily 亚洲百合 猫

Zantedeschia aethiopica Spr.;common calla lily of the Nile:番海芋;非洲海芋(于)

角果藻属(眼子菜科) Zannichellia | 番海芋;非洲海芋(于) Zantedeschia aethiopica Spr.;common calla lily of the Nile | 紫海芋 Zantedeschia rehmannii Engl.;red calla;rose calls;pink calla

Aquilaria sinensis:土沉香

rdii).土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)等.表明古代山丘台地是热带季风雨林植被分布区.在山谷还见有海芋(Alocasia macrorrhiza).野芭蕉(Musa balbisiana)群丛分布.林下灌木.藤本.草本植物亦以热带种属为主.每成优势群落.今天广泛分布的榕.木棉.鱼尾葵.凤凰木亦为热带树种.珠江口红树林中.有秋茄(Kandelia candel).木榄(Bruguiera


坚果凤尾蕉科(裸) Zamiaceae | 角果藻属(眼子菜科) Zannichellia | 番海芋;非洲海芋(于) Zantedeschia aethiopica Spr.;common calla lily of the Nile


斑叶海芋 Zantedeschia tropicalis Hort.;spotted-leaved golden arum | 番海芋属(天南星科) Zantedeschia;calla | 黄花海芋 Zanteeeschia eliottiana Engl.;golden calla

Zantedeschia tropicalis Hort.;spotted-leaved golden arum:斑叶海芋

紫海芋 Zantedeschia rehmannii Engl.;red calla;rose calls;pink calla | 斑叶海芋 Zantedeschia tropicalis Hort.;spotted-leaved golden arum | 番海芋属(天南星科) Zantedeschia;calla