英语人>词典>汉英 : 浮沉 的英文翻译,例句
浮沉 的英文翻译、例句


be unstable or uncertain · Sink or Swim
更多网络例句与浮沉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ups and Downs Series , by putting a series of Chinese classical buildings on a rough sea, raises our unspeakable concern about the destiny of the cultural heritage and the survival of our civilization.


In the sixth image we see a Gulliver -sized Boney in his boat being blown toward a Brobdingnagian King George.


The chain between air valve operational rule and bed stratification is set up, which supplies the reliability for control decision-making of expert system. Expert control strategy is put forward based on the characteristic of jigging process in this article. Knowledge acquisition, knowledge expression, search method and reasoning mechanism are studied in the expert system. The rule-base is set up based on bed stratification status, bed mobility status, feed velocity, recording data on site, artificial float and sink test result.


Through these vicissitudes, a "debt of honor" fund was kept sacred, and the pennies and dimes put into it slowly added up.


A piece of dancing driftwood caught his attention and his eyes followed it down the current.


The triboelectrostatic beneficiation experiments have been done based on the research of floatability, dielectric constant and mineral components.


The grebe is also called a water gourd because with its short, round body, it floats on the water just like a gourd.


Analysing the reasons of floating for objects in the reference system of non-inertia, the paper discusses the relationship between the depth and time, as well as the floating object and its acceleration, these relationships will provide convinient to explain some questions of the hydrostatics.


Secret Susurrus and Up and Downs express a kind of reflective thinking of urban culture and history in the postmodern context.


In addition, total wheel/rail contact calculation with divided rail outline method are raised. Under the condition of considering the displacement, bouncing, yaw, roll of wheelsets and displacement, bouncing, roll of rails, minimum gap between rail and wheel were calculated by the trochoid method and divided rail outline method, we can easily judge totally real contact states of the wheel/rail such as normal one-point contact, nonnormal one-point contact, two-point contact and wheel complete lift. Wheel/rail normal forces in the two contact point are respectively calculated by nonlinear Hertz contact theory, and then, result of simulation more close to reality on actual track.


更多网络解释与浮沉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




bobsled大雪橇 | bobber浮沉材 | bobbin点火线圈 线圈 绕线管 筒管 架圈 胶卷轴


bobwire铅垂准线 | bobsled大雪橇 | bobber浮沉


一天彩色鹿和好朋友乌鸦(corbie)到河边喝水. 忽然看见河中有个人正随波上下浮沉,眼看就要溺死. 乌鸦劝彩色鹿别多管闲事. 彩色鹿不顾乌鸦的劝阻,很快的把人救上岸,还用自己的身体去温暖这个快冻死的人. 这个人非常感谢鹿救命之恩,

The rise and fall:人生浮沉

it"s what they call就要忍受所谓的 | the rise and fall人生浮沉 | i always said that i was gonna make it,我总是告诉自己我可以做到

Floating, Sinking:浮沉

03 巴奈流浪记 Wandering | 04 浮沉 Floating, Sinking | 05 捆绑 Tied up in knots

libriform fiber:韌型纖維 韧型纤维

library search (資料)庫搜索 库检索 | libriform fiber 韌型纖維 韧型纤维 | lifting, lowering;floating and sinking 升降浮沉 升降浮沉

phugoid oscillation:浮沉振荡

phugoid mode of metion 长周期运动 | phugoid oscillation 浮沉振荡 | phycological cytology 海藻细胞学


porous 能渗透的 | porpoising 浮沉运动 | Port a little! 左舵一点点

