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浮想联翩 的英文翻译、例句


Thoughts thronged one's mind. · fall into a reverie · indulge in a train of thoughts · many ideas coming to the fore continuously
更多网络例句与浮想联翩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A number of small portraits, more evocative than important, depict among others Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, a pirate who became admiral of the sultan's fleet.


Their tombs, packed into every last niche and alcove, range in grandeur from the most regal of mausoleums—that of Queen Elizabeth I, whose canopied sarcophagus inhabits its own private, apsidal chapel—down to the most modest etched floor tiles whose inscriptions have worn away with centuries of foot traffic, leaving it to one's imagination whose relics might lie below the tile in the undercroft.


A beautiful and dulcet name makes person full of images.


We can look at the cards we receive and try to extrapolate, but this only goes so far.


Both numbers 216 and 50 are relevant numbers in Freemasonry it would be too much for me to go into.

两个数字 216 和 50都是跟共济会相关的,它人浮想联翩

At 2 o'clock, compare actually simple, a she is the first measure outspread, I put forward her to tell alone so, because a lot of authors are composed,be when, or holiday big sky, flicker person, flat perhaps photograph of a MM is pasted in forum, next accessary a link, more beauty pursues, enter please, the course of action of this kind of treat sb with the way he has devised against others, not only rebarbative, more let a netizen generate suspicion to your website skill, it is deadly; to the development of the website having a kind of case again is, flexible language is written first-rately, good after be being read to the reader, meet only together of thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind, to accessary link, to the key word of the article, dull insipidity.


Forsythe, eyes closed, inhaled the somehow exotic scent of her, and thought wistful thoughts that broke service regs, rationalizing it on the basis of the fact that she would be gone soon.


Mental cacique, earthly person knows Sohu has a Zhang Chaoyang, give you that individual of satori namely as cacique, standard of and rather than lulu of your behavior in an attempt to.


Stalactites often composed of a variety of different forms, creating artistic conception is imagination and the vivid pictographic stones, while the high ornamental value.


Yet the sulphur hung in my mind, and set up a train of thinking.


更多网络解释与浮想联翩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back seat:后座

既有完全颠覆了上个世纪80年代长发金属中大男子主义的活力四射的颂歌>(Take It Off),也有那种老套的关于撬走你的男人的故事的>(Too Bad About Your Girl),还有像>(Back Seat)这种令你浮想联翩

Concerning Flight:乘风翱翔

Random Thoughts浮想联翩 | Concerning Flight乘风翱翔 | Mortal Coil迷途森林

disseminate knowledge:传播知识

the frontier of discovery: 探索的前沿 | disseminate knowledge: 传播知识 | fanciful visionary: 浮想联翩的思想家


她喜欢在品酒中浮想联翩:想酒的一生,比如,葡萄种植的一年里都发生(go on)了什么,是阳光普照,或是阴雨连绵;比如,做成的酒是如何不断演变(evolve)、风味逐渐醇厚的(gain complexity),又是如何在达到巅峰状态(peak v.达到最高点)之后慢慢变味的.

fanciful visionary:浮想联翩的思想家

disseminate knowledge: 传播知识 | fanciful visionary: 浮想联翩的思想家 | revolutionary explorer: 富有革命精神的探索家

Live for the moment:活在當下

海报上男女主角Derek(帕特里克.德姆西饰)和Meredith(艾伦.旁派饰)亲密相拥,温馨甜蜜,并有宣传词"活在当下"(Live for the moment),令人对这对情侣的发展浮想联翩.

go on:发生

她喜欢在品酒中浮想联翩:想酒的一生,比如,葡萄种植的一年里都发生(go on)了什么,是阳光普照,或是阴雨连绵;比如,做成的酒是如何不断演变(evolve)、风味逐渐醇厚的(gain complexity),又是如何在达到巅峰状态(peak v.达到最高点)之后慢慢变味的.

The Graduate:电影《毕业生>

Mike Nichols电影>(The Graduate)中的Benjamin(达斯廷.霍夫曼),20岁的愣头青,过于年轻而对漫长未来惶然无措,荷尔蒙分泌旺盛而易于对成年异性浮想联翩.

Random Thoughts:浮想联翩

Year of Hell, Part II黑暗时代(下) | Random Thoughts浮想联翩 | Concerning Flight乘风翱翔

thoughts thronging one's mind:浮想联翩

浮现脑海--arise in one's mind; recur to one's mind | 浮想联翩--thoughts thronging one's mind | 浮云朝露--floating clouds and morning dew; life is like an empty dream