英语人>词典>汉英 : 浩浩荡荡 的英文翻译,例句
浩浩荡荡 的英文翻译、例句


go forward with great strength and vigour · exceedingly great · in formidable array
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Sometimes it comes to a vast plain, rushing down and covering hundreds of miles of land.


Maybe, it's the perseverance like this that drives ants to march towards a permanent future, and it's this unstoppable and well-disciplined ant army that will certainly reach the aim one day.


He was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mother's heels, equipped in a pair of his father's cast-off galligaskins, which he had much ado to hold up with one hand, as a fine lady does her train in bad weather.


The ticket is 5:57 in the afternoon, Cicely said time will be slipping by if we chat and eat some snacks on the way,but to our big superied,the bus was too crowded to standing,not to mention have a seat to sit down anf enjoy our snacks .I think the conductor even want to hang several peoples on the top of the bus! Cicely jocked to Karin :"So .doyou know why our chinese people always very thin!"

票是买的下午5:57的, Cicely 说我们在车上比较悠闲,大家可以吃点零食,聊聊天很快时间就过去了,于是我和 RENA 就"浩浩荡荡"的到超市扫了一大包的零食,可是没想到上了车之后几乎是人贴人,人挤人,乘车员巴不得把顶上都挂几个人, CICELT 打趣的和 KARIN 说,知道为什么中国人都这么瘦了吧。

These parties, in all likelihood, originated as follows: During St. Paul's circular tour from Ephesus to Jerusalem, Antioch, Galatia, Phrygia, and back to Ephesus, a certain Jew, named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus, one mighty in the scriptures, and being fervent in spirit, spoke, and taught diligently the things that are of Jesus, knowing only the baptism of John.

"这些政党,在所有的可能性,源于如下:在圣保禄的通知旅行团从以弗所到耶路撒冷,安提阿,加拉太, phrygia ,并回到以弗所,"某一个犹太人,命名为阿波罗,出生于亚历山大,一个雄辩滔滔的男子,来到到以弗所,一个浩浩荡荡的在圣经,被热情的精神,以,和教导,认真的事情,是耶稣,知道只有约翰的洗礼。

Enjolras bore within him the plenitude of the revolution; he was incomplete, however, so far as the absolute can be so; he had too much of Saint-Just about him, and not enough of Anacharsis Cloots; still, his mind, in the society of the Friends of the A B C, had ended by undergoing a certain polarization from Combeferre's ideas; for some time past, he had been gradually emerging from the narrow form of dogma, and had allowed himself to incline to the broadening influence of progress, and he had come to accept, as a definitive and magnificent evolution, the transformation of the great French Republic, into the immense human republic.


It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and Maria's heels into a confectioner's in quest if the biggest candy- cane ever made, that he encountered Ruth and her mother.


So great is His glory that He uses the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.


Aragon takes is accepting the Cyr saint sword to go to valley of the death, awakens there by the god of death imprisonment death soldiers, caused them to become the new human soldiers, this time, his good good friend demon Ligo Russ and dwarf Kinley has also caught up with, with with led the enormous and powerful army to arrive has made up accepts the department castle, with Gan Daofu they collected in together.


He is a Duke, Great, Mighty, and Strong; and appeareth in the Form of a Mighty Dromedary at the first, but after a while at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape, and speaketh the Egyptian Tongue, but not perfectly.21 His Office is to procure the Love of Woman, and to tell Things Past, Present, and to Come.

他是一个公爵,伟大的,强大的,强大的; appeareth在形式浩浩荡荡dromedary在第一时间,但经过一阵子的指挥驱魔人,他putteth对人体形状,并出来埃及舌头,但不完美。21其办公采购的爱女人,并告诉事情过去,现在和未来。

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And Yudhisthira, Kunti's blameless son:并育滴提拉, kunti的清白儿子

Wolf - bellied Bhima - blew a long reed - conch;狼来了-腹b hima-引爆一... | And Yudhisthira, Kunti's blameless son,并育滴提拉, kunti的清白儿子 | Winded a mighty shell, "Victory's Voice;"气浩浩荡荡的弹壳...

Gruff Dwarf gruff:矮

The add-on contains the following voices:加载就包含以下的声音: | Gruff Dwarf gruff矮 | Mighty Giant浩浩荡荡的巨人

Dorani Homestay:杜拉尼直乐园民宿

这一天,一群来自新加坡华侨中学的37名初中学生在老师的带领下,浩浩荡荡的来到雪兰莪州大港(Sungai Besar)的"杜拉尼直乐园民宿"(Dorani Homestay),实实在在的度过了三天两夜难忘的乡村生活.

Humpback whales:座头鲸

鳐鱼(Manta rays)及海豚(dolhins)在珊瑚海(Coral Sea)嬉戏作乐,偶尔从冲击海底石砾的波涛中冲出水面来;海龟(turtles)不时浮出水面,为的是吸一口新鲜空气;由六月中旬至十月下旬期间,更可见到大队的座头鲸(humpback whales)在旁边浩浩荡荡地徐徐游过;

strode mightily:浩浩荡荡大步

once roamed Chingkang Mountain,一度横跨井冈山, | strode mightily浩浩荡荡大步 | over the Great Snowy Mountain...在伟大的雪山...

Legendary snow leopard:传奇雪豹

Legendary snow leopard传奇雪豹 | once roamed Chingkang Mountain,一度横跨井冈山, | strode mightily浩浩荡荡大步


我们把车子在百年纪念公园(Centennal Park) 附近挺好,便打算向着栈桥的方向走去. 凑巧地,突然发现一列火车浩浩荡荡地沿着海边驶了过来,便赶紧把它抓入镜头. 仔细一看,像是个日规(sundial)的作用. 不知它准吗?


由兰德掠袭者装甲运兵车、猎食者坦克、犀牛装甲运兵车、复仇者(Vindicator)自行火炮和旋风自行火炮组成的装甲纵队,在兰德突击艇(译注:Land Speeder,一种双人驾驶的告诉悬浮飞艇)的掩护下,浩浩荡荡地前进.

And Nakula blew shrill upon his conch:和nakula引爆尖叫后,他的海螺

Winded a mighty shell, "Victory's Voice;"气浩浩荡荡的弹壳, "胜... | And Nakula blew shrill upon his conch和nakula引爆尖叫后,他的海螺 | Named the "Sweet sounding," Sahadev on his命名为"甜冠冕堂皇, " sah...

和nakula引爆尖叫后,他的海螺:And Nakula blew shrill upon his conch

Winded a mighty shell, "Victory's Voice;"气浩浩荡荡的弹壳, "胜... | And Nakula blew shrill upon his conch和nakula引爆尖叫后,他的海螺 | Named the "Sweet sounding," Sahadev on his命名为"甜冠冕堂皇, " sah...