英语人>词典>汉英 : 浓艳 的英文翻译,例句
浓艳 的英文翻译、例句


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But lo!the sun recalls his fervid ray


Compared to the bright, beautiful, and heavy coloring of Earth, this sight resembled a simple and pure nymph.


Royal : REJECTED change recipes to improve Metamerism , do more darker , do less blueish


The monarch butterfly has rich orange-gold wings outlined in black and decorated with small dots of white.


The Missing Monarchs The monarch butterfly has rich orange-gold wings outlined in black and decorated with small dots of white.


However the native of Hangzhou tours Xihu, actually only when to 5 pm between; Actually the lake light Paris green beauty, wonder the mountain mist color, all is a court official at the beginning of Japan to rise, setting sun not under when is only then richest.


The entire proletariat prosperous Si area has the differentcommon charm - weather because of the extremely rich change cloudyclear not to decide, warm wind genial, cold wind wild, topographyunconstrained fluctuation, plain broad, mountain ridges precipitous,lonely canyon, the desolate old castle, winds the sierra and is livelycan - all deduct ten thousand kind of characters and styles in on thisFrance's earth. During 7-8 month aspic blooms against the wind,浓艳the color decoration Paris green mountain valley, slightly the pungentfragrance mixes is being exposed to the sun the burnt green grass tobe fragrant, interweaves south France most the unforgettable breath.


The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold.


Qianlong period, the value of glass painting is even higher, because at this time not only because of oil as early as age and have a higher value, but also because it works fine oil painting portrait , wholesale oil painting with the most submanifold, and added color or silver color, the most to a few well-known painter of Guangdong Huang Dasheng, his rich and oil painting than the old Italian.


The peacock and the mandorla are painted with various opaque colors including green, blue, vermilion, and gold.


更多网络解释与浓艳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


small size:小号尺码 | gaudy:浓艳 | soft collar:软领


大岩桐(Gloxinia)又名落雪泥,属苦苣苔科球根花卉,原产南美巴西. 每梗一花,一株之上着花几朵至十几朵,有白粉、红、紫、堇青色等,花朵大,花色浓艳多彩,花期长;此外大岩桐植物小巧玲珑,花期夏季,具有很高的观赏价值,堪称室内佳品,


中国画以水墨为主,成为一种"单色画"(monochrome). 中国画家反对色彩的浓艳,而主张色与墨的调和,所谓"色不碍墨,墨不碍色"[244],颜色不过是用以取气,点染精神,至多是画中的一种陪衬与烘托而已. 中国画之所谓"淡",其所以成为中国画特征之一的原因,

Jigoku bana:地狱花

另外也有"幽灵花"(yuurei bana)、"地狱花"(jigoku bana)、"天盖花"(tengai bana)、"剃刀花"ri bana)、"舍子花"(sutego bana)等众多别名. 盛开在阴历七月下,大片大片,鲜红如血,绽放出妖异浓艳得近于红黑色的花朵,整片的彼岸花看上去便是触目惊心的赤红,

Thus mellowed to that tender light:融成一片恬淡的清光

Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 交会于她的容颜和眼波, | Thus mellowed to that tender light 融成一片恬淡的清光-- | Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 浓艳的白天得不到的恩泽.

Thus mellowed to that tender light:凝聚成一片柔雅情调

Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 在她的玉容秋波里交汇, | Thus mellowed to that tender light 凝聚成一片柔雅情调, | Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 浓艳的白昼也无法从上苍得到.