英语人>词典>汉英 : 流浪汉 的英文翻译,例句
流浪汉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beachcomber  ·  canter  ·  gangrel  ·  hobo  ·  sundowner  ·  swagman  ·  vagabond  ·  vagrant  ·  waff  ·  picaro  ·  vag  ·  dino  ·  cantered  ·  cantering  ·  canters  ·  hoboed  ·  hoboes  ·  hoboing  ·  picaros  ·  vagabonded  ·  vagabonding  ·  vagabonds  ·  gipsies

bindle stiff · lay about · knight of the road · a knight of the road
更多网络例句与流浪汉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No doubt many tramps would drink if they got the chance, but in the nature of things they cannot get the chance. At this moment a pale watery stuff called beer is sevenpence a pint in England. To be drunk on it would cost at least half a crown, and a man who can command half a crown at all often is not a tramp.


Horta because there are homeless live in the studio is known for (her study of homeless needs of the environment, to find and explore the concept of individual buildings to become civil), she had been using some of the concept of items and put them into the daily lives of deconstruction example, can become a tent inflatable jacket.


The section titled 'Trainspotting at Leith Central Station' takes the characters to a derelict, train-less station, where one of them attacks a derelict human being who is, in fact, his father, doling out a goodly quantity of what Anthony Burgess's hoodlum Alex, in A Clockwork Orange, would call 'the old ultraviolence'.


The conclusion part points out that picaresque novel is a narrative and artistic writing style with the development of era through the tendency of its evolution and development.


Thus it can be known that the influential range of picaresque novel is extended gradually and its artistic vitality never weakens with the appearance of so many literature styles.


Lasting a period of time from seventeen century to twenty century , many new texts were acceded to picaresque novel, and as a result, many new picaresque novels were set up.


Chapter 4 ----the theory of literature influence, exclusively discusses about the influence picaresque novel has on the European literature in 17th and 18th century, and the influence picaresque novel has on the American-European literature in 19th and 20th century.


Chapter 3 ---- the theory of characters, exclusively discusses about the two types of characters in the picaresque novel in the narrow sense and in the wide sense ---the character of men tramps and women tramps.


Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.


Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero,often with satiric or humorous effects.


更多网络解释与流浪汉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bindle stiff:流浪汉

binding energy 结合能 | bindle stiff 流浪汉 | Binet class 比内班


流浪汉beachcombercanterhobosundownerswaggieswagmanvag | 流浪汉的铺盖卷bindle | 流浪生活hoboism

bindle:流浪汉的铺盖卷, 包

bindiny mechanism | 连接机构 | bindle | 流浪汉的铺盖卷, 包 | bindlestiff | 流浪者

happy dosser:身无分文的流浪汉

best seller 畅销商品 | happy dosser 身无分文的流浪汉 | old womanish 婆婆妈妈的

the vagrant fuddle air:流浪汉把空气灌醉

我的嘴角挂着笑 心里装着悲 my mouth is with smile , my heart is full of sadness | 流浪汉把空气灌醉the vagrant fuddle air | 然后 睡在露水地 and then sleeps on the grass with dew


investment outlays 投资支出 | gangrel 流浪汉,瘦长的人 | octahedral site 八面体座, 八面体位置


gangplow 复合犁 | gangrel 流浪汉 | gangrene 坏疽

given to tramps:施舍给流浪汉支出

made from street races街头赛车收入 | given to tramps施舍给流浪汉支出 | spent on vendors(买车支出?)


这里的霓地铁(subway walls)常是流浪汉(hobo)的归宿,而廉价出租公寓(tenement)顶多是比贫民窟(ghetto)好些. 霓虹灯与之对照,形成强烈的对比,它代表资本主义的文明也代表其糜烂的物质享受. 在第二段时,

The Tramp:流浪汉

回来的路上心情复杂,这对流浪汉父子不免让我想起一位已故默片时代喜剧大师,以塑造了经典的"流浪汉"(The Tramp)形象而闻名于世的查理.卓别林(Charles Chaplin).