英语人>词典>汉英 : 流泻 的英文翻译,例句
流泻 的英文翻译、例句


discharge in a jet
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Today the yellow arches of McDonald's shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism tules instead of socialist virtue.


D 使泻出, Today the yellow arches of McDonald's shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism tules instead of socialist virtue.


Indomitable, never resting, fighting for seconds and minutes all week, circumventing delays and crushing down obstacles, a fount of resistless energy, a high-driven human motor, a demon for work, now that he had accomplished the week's task he was in a state of collapse.


Torero" smolders,"Sailing Away drifts peacefully, and 'Sangria' is light and bubbly.


The flood of vituperation rushed on for what seemed an interminable period, while the Queen blushed scarlet, the Princess burst into tears


He exuded no ego only a wealth of knowledge which he humbly shared with us all.


And then, with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed, while the rain still beat against the windows and pattered down from the low Dutch eaves.


Today the yellow arches of McDonald's shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism tules instead of socialist virtue.

Chapter2 简易词动词 26 如今红场上流泻着麦当劳黄色的拱形标志所散发出的虚幻光芒,统领一切的不再是社会主义美德,而是逞凶斗狠的帮派行径。

Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they fDh!

思绪流泻而出,像信箱中不羁的风, N={?

As "thin-hipped as a cheetah", her skin so black that "like a piece of split coal it seems almost silver where it catches the light."


更多网络解释与流泻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frederic Chopin:蕭邦

史当然,萧邦(Frederic Chopin)和乔治桑(George Sand)的到访更使修道院成为另一种朝圣地,增添了文艺气息. 萧邦的「雨滴前奏曲」(Prelude,Op28)就是在雨夜的修道院中,藉著聆听让音符从指间自然流泻而出;乔治桑也以岛上人民及风光为本,

future tense:未來式

研究者尝试将读者剧场应用於教学上,在教导未来式 (future tense)时,教了学生一首英文老歌-Whatever will be will be,欲藉由歌词在音韵中的流泻使学生对未来式的用法更加熟悉,而且发现这首歌的歌词有许多的角色,


紧接在猛烈的"阿列柯动机"上阿列柯登场,借默剧(pantomime)表达出自己和吉普赛人共同生活的奇特感情. 音乐跃入高潮后,在竖琴伴奏下,弦乐奏出优雅的"森菲拉动机",而且和阿列柯的动机重叠起来,往下流泻. 公主洁娜乌拉一边在镜前化妆,