英语人>词典>汉英 : 流动资产 的英文翻译,例句
流动资产 的英文翻译、例句


current asset · current assets · immediate assets · fluid assets · circulating assets · circulating real capital · floating assets
更多网络例句与流动资产相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

COMPOSITE CORPORATION Balance Sheet 20X1- 20X2 (in $ millions) Assets Current assets: Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Inventories Other Total current assets 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Notes payable Accrued expenses Total current liabilities 20X2 20X1 Fixed assets: Property, plant, and equipment $1,423 $1,274 -550 -460 Less accumulated depreciation Net property, plant, and equipment 873 814 Intangible assets and other 245 221 Total fixed assets $1,118 $1,035 $213 $197 The assets are listed in order 50 53 by the length of time it223 205 normally would take a$486 $455 firm Long-term liabilities: with ongoing operations to $104 Deferred taxes $117 Long-term debt 458 convert them into cash.471 $562 Total long-term liabilities $588 Stockholder's equity: Preferred stock $39 $39 Common stock ($1 per value) 55 32 Capital surplus 347 327 Accumulated retained earnings 390 347 Less treasury stock -26 -20 Total equity $805 $725 Total liabilities and stockholder's equity $1,879 $1,742 Clearly, cash is much more liquid than property, plant and equipment.

Total assets $1,879 $1,742 美国联合公司的资产负债表美国联合公司资产负债表 20X2 和20X1 (单位:百万单位:单位百万)资产流动资产:现金及现金等价物应收帐款存货其它流动资产合计固定资产:财产,厂房和设备减:累计折旧财产,厂房及设备净值无形资产及其它资产固定资产合计 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 债务负债债务和股东权益债务流动负债: 20X2 20X1 资产排列的顺序是根据在通$213 $197 应付帐款 50 53 应付票据常情况下企业持续经营将资205 223 应计费用$486 $455 流动负债合计产转化为现金所需要的时间长期负债:长度。长度。显然,现金比财产,厂房,显然,现金比财产,厂房,设备等的流动性要强得多。设备等的流动性要强得多。

The most common ratio using current asset and current -liability data is the current ratio, which is


The most common ratio using current asset and current-liability data is the current ratio, which is current assets divided by current liabilities.


Specifically, it is the ratio of current asset to long-term asset, the ratios of the various components among current asset and the ratios of the various components among long-term asset.


Current assets viability analysis: an indicator reflecting the current assets turnover mainly accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, asset turnover and mobility.


Article 12 The assets and liabilities shall be presented as current and non-current assets and liabilities, respectively.


For example, an important index of the financial state of business, derivable from the classified balance sheet, is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities.

可以从分类资产负债表得出反映一个公司经济状况的重要指数—流动资产与流动负债的比率。一般来说,这种比率应该是 2:1,也就是说,流动资产应该是流动负债的两倍。

Other definitions include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


Other s include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


S include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


更多网络解释与流动资产相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

current asset ratio:流动资产比率

current asset流动资产 | current asset ratio流动资产比率 | current asset turnover流动资产周转率

current assets:流动资产

11-12 流动资产(Current assets) 流动资产包括现金、短期投资、应收款项、存货、预付款项及其他流动资产等. 凡在正常经营过程中,於一年可变为现金,或在不影响业务之原则下,随时可变为现金或减少现金支出而具有流动性质之资产皆属之.

current asset:流动资产

资产分为流动资产(Current Asset)和长期资产(long-termassets). 流动资产,流动资产是指企业可以在一个营业周期内变现或者运用的资产,是企业资产中必不可少的组成部分. 流动资产包括现金及现金等价物、短期投资、应收帐款、应收票据、其他应收款、库存、预付款及其他资产;

Other current assets:其他流动资产

1262 其他流动资产(Other current assets) 凡不属於上列各项之流动资产皆属之. 发生之数,记入借方;转销之数,记入贷方. 其借方馀额,表示现有其他流动资产之总额. 13 长期投资(Long-term investments) 凡各类特种基金及基於营业或控制目的所为之长期性投资皆属之.

adjusted current assets:经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产

adjudication of insolvency 裁定无力偿还债务 | adjusted current assets 经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产 | adjusted figure 经调整的数字;调整后的数额

liquid assets:流动资产;速动资产

liquefiable assets 流动资产;可兑现资产 | liquid assets 流动资产;速动资产 | liquid balance 现金结余;流动资产结余

raw material inventory:原材料库存 原材料库存 流动资产 资产负债表

1400 Supplies Inventory 用品库存 用品库存 流动资产 资产负... | 1420 Raw Material Inventory 原材料库存 原材料库存 流动资产 资产负债表 | 1440 Work in Progress Inventory 在制品盘存 在制品盘存 流动资产 资产...

work-in-progress inventory:在制品盘存 在制品盘存 流动资产 资产负债表

1420 Raw Material Inventory 原材料库存 原材料库存 流动资产 ... | 1440 Work in Progress Inventory 在制品盘存 在制品盘存 流动资产 资产负债表 | 1460 Finished Goods Inventory 制成品盘存 制成品盘存 流动资产...

liquefiable assets:流动资产;可兑现资产

linked long-term business 相连长期业务 | liquefiable assets 流动资产;可兑现资产 | liquid assets 流动资产;速动资产

liquefiable assets:流动资产;可兑现资产zEB中国学习动力网

linked long-term business 相连长期业务zEB中国学习动力网 | liquefiable assets 流动资产;可兑现资产zEB中国学习动力网 | liquid assets 流动资产;速动资产zEB中国学习动力网