英语人>词典>汉英 : 流传下来 的英文翻译,例句
流传下来 的英文翻译、例句


come down
更多网络例句与流传下来相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This has been circulated since the ancient times, and is the most effective method that recognized.


The "delicious Aragonese bread", the wine, the fruit and vegetables, the cured ham or the typical lamb from Aragon, the oil and the sweets are all still part of today's life thanks to the good doing of their producers, who have passed down a rich yet ancestral wisdom from generation to generation .


And the numerous stories about Asoka were assumed to be the same.


This is an old story which has been handed down by the word of mouth.


He speaks to us , through his letters and hoaxes and autobiography , not with orotund rhetoric but with a chattiness and clever irony that is very contemporary , sometimes unnervingly so .


Of all ages, can circulate come down, it is carrier with stone.


This story was come down from generation to generation.


The name has come down from the last century.


Island east, south, 3 free hill are folded on the west emerald green, 85 divisions a variety of 2700 protophyte are lush and green, not only have lofty and forceful tree, also have the bush that hangs down in clusters thriftily, among them not only have the Suo Luo that from dinosaur times shedding hands down such bizarre flowers and trees, still growing up to now the keep on the earth comes down the oldest plant, so-called " earthly plant old longlived person " Long Xieshu, the everywhere of tropical vegetation landscape such as parasitism, bowstring is visible.


Only the fragrance of drink residues, in the glass of the dark speaking out flirting words as soft as cheese In her mouth, a crow holds a slice of cheese, on a tree A fox is flattering, below the tree The crow smiles happily, the cheese falls into fox's mouth The story spreads out and come down to us It is the story about you and me For a beautiful word we walk up to cliff, and dash ahead regardless of our life until our black hair is burned up by the fire of time we turn around and look at the fox and the crow the man and the woman those similar loving words and eye's expression La Fontaine we are here listening to ancient chime in the dark to whispering sound of guitar to flicker of well water in moonlight to flower boldly blooming arms to moist footstep of night traveler Perhaps the sunshine is burning far But we are growing up in the dark We grown up in Plato's allegory of the cave


更多网络解释与流传下来相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


之所以三大人种的划分一直流传下来,是因为它们得到了19世纪人体测量学(anthropometry)的支持. 因为当时的人类学家在测量人类颅骨时,发现可以把人的颅骨归纳为三种类型:即所谓"长头型"、"中头型"、"圆头型". 而这三种类型似乎又可以分别和白、黄、黑三大种族联系起来.


欧洲西部有许多与弯刃刀很相似的武器,包括:梅瑟刀(Messer)、弯刀(hanger/cutlass)和单刃刀(backsword). 晚期的一些弯刃刀十分华丽,仅由贵族使用. 有一柄1560年左右流传下来的镀金弯刃刀,上面雕刻了精美的花纹,


When in Rome, do as the Romans do , 入乡随俗 | beijinger 哪个国人哪个地区人都叫 er | tradition: 沿袭或流传下来的,大到国家,小到一个家庭.

come down to:下垂到, 达到; 流传下来, 可归结为; 屈尊; 被迫

come down hard upon 向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对 | come down to 下垂到, 达到; 流传下来, 可归结为; 屈尊; 被迫 | come down with [口]出钱; 得(病), 付款

come down in:下来;降下;败落,没落

come at袭击......;达到、得到...... | come down in下来;降下;败落,没落 | come down to流传到......

hand down:流传下来,传给,往下传

go with伴随,与......协调 | hand down流传下来,传给,往下传 | hand in交上,递交

H hand down:流传下来,往下传

go over 检查,审查;复习 | H hand down 流传下来,往下传 | hand in 上交,递交

hand in:交上,递交

hand down流传下来,传给,往下传 | hand in交上,递交 | hand on传下来,依次传递

eg: The rain came down in bucketfuls:大雨倾盆

4. come down 下来, 倒塌, 没落, 病倒, 捐钱, 流传下来, 垂下 | eg: The rain came down in bucketfuls. 大雨倾盆. | My rich uncle comes down generously. 我那有钱的叔叔出手很大方.

Some of the oral tradition that had been passed along:一些传统通过口头的方式 流传下来

embedded in the grammar of this language:|黑魔法... | Some of the oral tradition that had been passed along:::|一些传统通过口头的方式 流传下来... | Hence, in this stupid trend of academia,|因此,学术界中...