英语人>词典>汉英 : 津液 的英文翻译,例句
津液 的英文翻译、例句


body fluid
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In AIRT,if the thin fur becomes thicker,it suggests a severe internal invasion of the pathogenic factor,deep location of the disease and patients' severe condition.


Body fluid bears two physiological functions: moistening and nourishing:body fluid distributed to the body surface moistens and nourishes the muscles and skin with hairs; body fluid permeated through the body orifices moistens and protects the eyes, nose,mouth and other openings; body fluid infiltrated into the blood vessels nourishes and smooths them and is also the basic component of blood; body fluid poured into the internal organs nourishes and moistens them, and body fluid in the bone nourishes and moistens the bone marrow, spinal cord and brain marrow.


In the process of traditional Chinese medicinediagnosis and treatment,doctors obtain patients\' information by TCM observation,smell,inquisition,Pulse-feeling and Palpation,on the basis of the internal relationship of syndrome,then analyze and compare to search the origin and essence of disease,using various syndrome differentiation methods, such as eight class(Yin-Yang,exterior and interior,cold and heat,asthenia and sthenia ) and six meridians.At last,doctors image modeling through an analysis of representation,carring through syndrome differentiation and treatment,under the guidance of TCM theory.


Observation of the sublingual venae is an important basis to analyze the movement of qi and blood.


Haemorrhagic patients, and the methods of breaking blood or pricking


We can only find it through X-ray pictures or laboratory check-ups. Observation of the sublingual venae is an important basis to analyze the movement of qi and blood.


The relationship between qi and body fluid is rather similar to that between qi and blood.


Fourth,body fluid is a carrier of qi.


The material conditions of the life activities of the human body are qi, blood and body fluid.


Blood, leading to the exhaustion of both blood and body fluid.


更多网络解释与津液相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sallow complexion:面色萎黄

面色萎黄 sallow complexion | 头针疗法 scalp-acupuncture therapy | 津液生化匮乏 scanty production of the body fluid

frequent micturition:小便频数

Fluid deficiency 津液不足 | Frequent micturition 小便频数 | Frequent vomiting 反胃

Syndrome Patterns of the Qi, Blood and Body Fluid, Hidrosis Syndrome:(气血津液病证,汗证)

Syndrome Patterns of the Qi, Blood and Body Fluid, Leukop... | Syndrome Patterns of the Qi, Blood and Body Fluid, Hidrosis Syndrome (气血津液病证,汗证) | Syndrome Patterns of the Qi, Blood and Body Flu...


在中医术语英译时,能找到与西医学无矛盾的、可以通用的词汇,当然可以尽量采用,哪怕大体类似亦可,如血(blood),痰(phlegm)及津液(fluid)等. 有些中医术语西方没有类似的词汇,或概念明显不同的可以意译或音译,

damage shouldering:害肩

耗伤气血 damage qi4 and the blood | 害肩 damage shouldering | 耗伤津液 damage the fluids

unpalpable abdominal pain:腹痛拒按

津液的生成、输布和排泄 production, distribution, and excretion of the body fluid | 腹痛拒按 unpalpable abdominal pain | 脾的"散精"功能 the function of the spleen to "dissipate essence"

intermittent engendering of liquid and humor:时时津液微生

时时 intermittent | 时时津液微生 intermittent engendering of liquid and humor | 时时鸭溏 frequent duck's slop

body fluid:津液

虚里heart apex | 津液body fluid | 第四章 经络meridians and collaterals

body fluid:津液,体液

468. body flange ==> 法兰模板,凸缘体 | 469. body fluid ==> 津液,体液 | 470. body hold down bracket ==> 车身托架

body fluid asthenia:津液不足

气血两虚asthenia of qi and blood | 津液不足body fluid asthenia | 伤津body fluid impairment