英语人>词典>汉英 : 洞悉 的英文翻译,例句
洞悉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pierce  ·  pierces  ·  insights

know clearly
更多网络例句与洞悉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Afflatus help enterprises insight into market opportunities, develop the brand competitiveness, achievement customer value, and create a brand for the Chinese market, the design spread of theoretical system.


From Man and Superman to Androcles and the Lion, Shaw 5skewered the sensibilities of the time with a 6penetrating view of social inequalities and a finely honed satiric eye.


In the light ofthe theories of the post-colonialist theorists like Said"s "culture and imperialism", Faucault"s "power discourse", Gramsci"s "consent, this thesis investigates into and analyzes how we come to realize the juxtaposition of racism and anti-imperialism.


APHORISM Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.


We have all appetence for success, and we know that people who fail because they keep giving up.


The partnership that regards operation as business is companionate, balefire network is early the development trend that understood thoroughly IP network video, begin to begin to pay close attention to the development of technology of IP network video.


You know that I am CLAIRVOYANT and a Medium, and I see things precisely.


25 Cleave therefore unto the Lord, and thou shalt understand and perceive all things.

46:25 cleave因此祂耶和华,你理解并能洞悉一切事物。

In a years long searching effort of reflection the promising insight surfaced, that it is not a question of chosing this or that paradigm, but rather to consider the two paradigms as complementary approaches to reality as such, known by the human mind due to its inner capacity for insight, and by divine revelation accepted in faith.


It might be, on this one day, that there was an expression unseen before, nor, indeed, vivid enough to be detected now; unless some preternaturally gifted observer should have first read the heart, and have afterwards sought a corresponding development in the countenance and mien.


更多网络解释与洞悉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


然而,最近5年来的遗传学和考古学发现改变了这幅图景,催生出一系列新视角,洞悉家猫的世系(ancestry)以及家猫与人类关系的演化. silvestris)这个单一种的后代,但他们无法证实这一点. 此外,这个种的分布范围并不局限于地球上的某个小区域.

apple core:苹果核

大多数的创作都是巨大的生活中的物件转变而成的雕塑作品,对於户外艺术而言以一种荒诞、有趣的方式来洞悉所要表达的问题是更能够深入人心. 博物馆曾经一度因为苹果核(Apple Core)作品严重的湿气所影响的潮湿问题,而关闭许久.

Patrick Dixon:迪克松

图书名称:洞悉先机: 全球化的六个方面/(英)帕特里克迪克松(Patrick Dixon)著 ; 孙雪晶译(货号:ISBN9787300064031)书籍作者:(英)帕特里克迪克松(Patrick Dixon)著 ; 孙雪晶译

they totally passed this far-out knowledge down through the ages:他们洞悉了这宇宙能量的奥妙

But a bunch of dudes, right,... | they totally passed this far-out knowledge down through the ages.|他们洞悉了这宇宙能量的奥妙 | GRAND CURATOR: Some with this knowledge were called prophets, some, frui...

Fortuneteller what do you see:睿智的預言家洞悉了神秘的未來

Under a Violet Moon 在紫罗兰色的月光下 | Fortuneteller what do you see 睿智的預言家洞悉了神秘的未來, | Future in a card 可否讓我共享你的秘密

gain an insight into:洞悉

in the context of current events 在时事情境中 | gain an insight into 洞悉 | common sense 常识

Consumer Insight:六、心理洞悉

五、引导方向 Direction | 六、心理洞悉 Consumer Insight | PART 2-策略 Strategies

loving-kindness - insight into reality:慈悲、洞悉實相等三者

- communication - 溝通、 | - loving-kindness - insight into reality - 慈悲、洞悉實相等三者, | form an interdependent 構成一個 相互依存的三角形:


8. Self-confidence (自信) | 9. Perceptiveness (洞悉感知力) | 10. Communication (溝通能力)

gain an insight into = have an insight into:对...的洞悉和了解,看破

insight 洞察力,见识 | gain an insight into = have an insight into 对...的洞悉和了解,看破... | I gain an insight into this event. 我对这个事件有所了解.