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洋红 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fuchsin  ·  fuchsine  ·  kermes  ·  magenta

更多网络例句与洋红相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some natural dyes are very strong and small amounts of cochineal, brazilwood and logwood dye a large amount of fibre.


Some natural dyesare very strong and small amounts of cochineal, brazilwood and logwood dye a large amount of fibre.


In printing inks, the primary colours are magenta , cyan and yellow and blue.


These 16 colors are generally fixed as dark and light versions of red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, two shades of gray, black, and white.

这 16 种颜色通常被固定为暗的和亮的红,绿,蓝,青,洋红,黄,二灰度梯度的灰,黑和白色。

The new Hard Mix blending mode produces a posterized image consisting of up to eight colors: red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black and white. The blend color is a product of the base color and the luminosity of the blend layer.


A: The human eye is more sensitive to differences in some specific colors. For instance neutral grays, skin tones, chlorophyll greens and sky blues, so we choose these colors first. Then we choose saturated red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow. After that we tried to fill the remaining big cavities in the color space.


Echo #color message -- echos a message above your character's head in the specified color (white, green, red, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta).

echo #color message --在你的人物头顶以特定颜色(白、绿、红、蓝、青、黄、洋红)显示一条信息,默认颜色为白色。

The opti mumreagent,which was selected out through comparing the staining effects of 4 staining reagents(I-IK coloration solution,improved phenol fuchsin,safranine staining solution and aceto carmine),was i mproved phenol fuchsin.


Four testing methods to detect the pollen viability of cucumber were being compared. The results indicated that I-KI staining method and acetic red dyeing were not suitable to judge the pollen viability of cucumber. Tetrazolium method can be used but the error is oversize. By and large, the Germination in vitro method was an efficient, stable and simple way to judge the pollen viability of cucumber. The component of culture medium is 10% sucrose+ 100mg/L H_3BO_3. If inoculated intraday, collect pollen of fresh abloom flower at 6:00 and if inoculated at the second day, collect before dark.


If the absorbance of the three process colors were correctly matched to the spectral response of the eye,printing cyan,magenta,and yellow on top of each other would absorb all of the additive primariesto produce black.In practice,overprinting these three colors creates a dark brown,so to enable a wider range of densities to be printed a black ink must also be used.The black also enhances the edges of an image and reduces the amount of expensive colored inks that need to be used.The four colors cyan,magenta,yellow,and black are often abbreviated as CMYK,with the last letter of the word black used instead of the first to avoid confusion with blue.Many people in the praphic arts industry refer to cyan and magenta as"process blue"and"process red"(or,confusingly,as just blue and red).As well as any pigment that may be present,substrates have other properties that affect color appearance.

如果吸收的三色过程中,正确匹配的光谱响应的眼睛,印刷青色,洋红,黄色加上对方将吸收所有的添加剂初选出示black.in实践,overprinting这三种颜色创造了暗褐色,为了使更广泛的密度须印黑色油墨,还必须 used.the黑色也提升了可贵的图像,并减少了昂贵的彩色墨水的需要状四色青色,品红,黄色和黑色往往简称为cmyk,最后信件的文字用黑色代替对第一,为了避免引起混乱与blue.many人民在praphic艺术产业是指青色,洋红&进程蓝&和&过程红&(或笼统,只是蓝色和红色)。

更多网络解释与洋红相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2、洋红(Carmine)洋红又叫胭脂红或卡红. 一种热带产的雌性胭脂虫干燥后,磨成粉末,提取出胭脂红,再用明矾处理,除去其中杂质,就制成洋红. 单纯的洋红不能染色,要经酸性或碱性溶液溶解后才能染色. 常用的酸性溶液有冰醋酸或苦味酸,

carmine; magenta:洋红

茜红 alizarin red; madder red | 洋红 carmine; magenta | 品红 pinkish red; magenta

Carmine red:洋红

- 3 Scarlet Lake 鲜红 | - 6 Carmine Red 洋红 | - 7 Magenta 红紫

Carmine red:洋红 tTa工业设计.中国

- 3 Scarlet Lake 鲜红 tTa工业设计.中国 | - 6 Carmine Red 洋红 tTa工业设计.中国 | - 7 Magenta 红紫 tTa工业设计.中国


fryer 彩色摄影照明器 | fuchsin 品红,洋红 | fuel 燃料

fuchsine:品红; 洋红 (名)

fuchsin 品红; 深红色染料; 洋红 (名) | fuchsine 品红; 洋红 (名) | fuck 欺骗; 诅咒; 利用; 性交 (动)

Sampling method of the jute and kenaf fibres:黄、洋(红)麻纤维试验取样方法

纺织品 变形长丝纱 术语 Textiles - Textured filament ... | 黄、洋(红)麻纤维试验取样方法 Sampling method of the jute and kenaf fibres | 黄、洋(红)麻束纤维断裂强力试验方法 Test method for breaking strength ...

printing magenta:打印洋红中 指示色带中洋红部分打印中 <无>

14、Printing Yellow打印黄色中 指示色带中黄色部分打印中 | 15、Printing Magenta打印洋红中 指示色带中洋红部分打印中 | 16、Printing Cyan打印青色中 指示色带中青色部分打印中

magenta; fuchsin; rosaniline hydrochloride:品红;洋红;玫瑰苯胺

品红;洋红;玫瑰苯胺 magenta; fuchsin; rosaniline hydrochloride | 乙酰丙酮镁 magnesium acetylacetonate | 柠檬酸镁 magnesium citrate

carminophil cell:嗜胭脂红性细胞,嗜洋红性细胞

\\"胭脂红,洋红\\",\\"carminei carmin,carminum\\" | \\"嗜胭脂红性细胞,嗜洋红性细胞\\",\\"carminophil cell\\" | \\"割截齿,裂齿\\",\\"carnassial tooth\\"