英语人>词典>汉英 : 注视的 的英文翻译,例句
注视的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与注视的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fix sth on sb 注视,吸引 With his eyes fixed on me, I felt nervous.


Would you most want to let your gaze rest upon?


What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon ?


He was standing like a demented peeping tom looking in a room but staring upward, staring out, directly at them.


What would you most want to letyour gaze rest upon?


The different stimulation module represents a number of possible selections,and then the testee fixate on one object on the screen,which can be distinguished by the analysis of the VEPs.


Under Windows,Several flickering blocks are adopted to represent a number of possible selections,and then the testee fixate on one object on the screen,which can be distinguished by the analysis of the VEPs .


The results revealed an asymmetric perceptual span that extended 1 or 2 characters to the left of the fixated character and 3 or 4 characters to its right. The size of right-directed sac?鄄cades extended about 3 characters in normal reading, suggesting that the perceptual spans of successive fixations overlapped slightly and some linguistic information was integrated across fixations.


Based on the above concept, we develop the fixation-chunk concept when reading Chinese and define it as related Chinese chunk in the scope of every fixation point.


His gaze, once it had begun to hover about her body, would not return to its anchor—which would normally be the tip of one's nose, as enjoined by his guru and the yoga shastras.


更多网络解释与注视的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eyeing boy:(穿比基尼游泳的姑娘注视着男孩,她发现男孩注视着正在游泳的姑娘所穿的比基尼. )

You can cage a swallow,can't ... | Girl,bathing on Bikini,eyeing boy,finds boy eyeing Bikini on bathing girl.(穿比基尼游泳的姑娘注视着男孩,她发现男孩注视着正在游泳的姑娘所穿的比基尼. ) | She went to Pa...


gomeral 傻瓜,愚人 | eyer 注视的人 | absolute calibration source 绝对校准源


1.注视(fixation) 注视是将眼睛的中央窝对准对象的某一点. 但是,这种对准对象的活动并不十分精确,因为当眼睛注视外界一个点的时候,眼睛并不是完全不动的,而是在不断地进行微弱的运动. 由于眼球的颤动非常细微,


我们发现在海派颓废作品中,作者或作品主人公的""观看""或""注视""(gaze)是至关重要的. 章克标的小说充斥着对于女性人体""注视""的描写. 小说的主人公公然宣称,""舞场里去看看女人的肉体吧. 我们看不见人的灵魂,就看看女人的肉体吧.

look at:注视

"看见"( see )和人眼的生理功能有关,"注视"( look at ) 和人的思维活动有关,"注视"是大脑选择的结果. 另一方面,银幕上的光影和声音运动很像观众生活中的视听感知经验,这种连续的光波和声波的刺激和生活中一样强烈地吸引着观众的注意力.


最经常地表露注视(regard)的东西,就是两个眼球凝聚在我的身上. 但是,它也完全可以因树枝的沙沙声,寂静中的脚步声,百叶窗的微缝,窗帘的轻微幌动而表现出来. 军事袭击时,在灌树丛匍葡前进的人们所要逃避的注视,不是双眼,


注视watchattentivelyagazefixate | 注视的regardant | 注水affusion

I could be, the candle end on spring night at which you stare:我是你春夜注视的那段蜡烛

我是你初次流泪时手边的书 I could be, the book page that ... | 我是你春夜注视的那段蜡烛 I could be, the candle end on spring night at which you stare | 我是你秋天穿上的楚楚衣服 I could be, the neat dres...

I could be, the candle end in spring at which you stare:我是你春夜注视的那段蜡烛

我是你初次流泪时手边的书 I could be, the book page drippe... | 我是你春夜注视的那段蜡烛 I could be, the candle end in spring at which you stare | 我是你秋天穿上的楚楚衣服 I could be, the neat dress in ...

Konya wa kaesanai:让我们结束仅仅彼此注视的日子吧

Kokoro tokasu kotoba o Mitsuke dashitai我好想大声说我喜欢你 | Kimi ga suki da to sakebitai今天我不回家 | Konya wa kaesanai让我们结束仅仅彼此注视的日子吧